Radiation Modeling and Shielding Design for the Mu2e Branching Ratio Normalization Detectors

13 Jul 2021, 17:15
Track C (Zoom)

Track C


talk Particle Detectors Particle Detectors


Haichuan Cao (Purdue University)


The Mu2e experiment will search for Beyond-the-Standard-Model, Charged Lepton Flavor Violation (CLFV) in the neutrinoless muon-to-electron conversion process $\mu^- + \text{Al}\rightarrow e^- + \text{Al}$. The number of muons stopped and captured by the aluminum Stopping Target is measured by the Stopping Target Monitor (STM) using muon atomic capture x-rays and muon nuclear capture $\gamma$-rays. An HPGe detector with $\sim$ 0.8 keV Gaussian resolution at 662 keV, and with an estimated photon rate capability of $\sim$ 100 kcps along with a LaBr$_3$ detector with Gaussian energy resolution of 7 keV at 662 keV, with an estimated photon rate capability $\sim$ 800 kcps are used to report the muon capture rate. In one beam-on second, $2.3 \times 10^{13}$ protons hit the Production Target, $3.7 \times 10^{10}$ muons are stopped in the Stopping Target and together, generate an energy flux of $3.2 \times 10^8$ TeV cm$^{-2}$ sec$^{-1}$ consisting of muons, electrons, neutrons, x-rays, and $\gamma$-rays, with mean particle energy $\sim$ 10 MeV. In order to measure the number of stopped muons in the experiment, the energy flux must be reduced by a factor of $5 \times $10$^8$ for the LaBr$_3$ detector and $3 \times$10$^{9}$ for the HPGe detector. In order to accomplish this reduction, a detector shielding house is placed 35 m from the target, downstream of a beam line consisting of poly absorbers and a sweeping magnet, and containing a tungsten collimator with 0.5 cm$^2$ apertures. A combination of lead, tungsten, copper and aluminum are layered to achieve the shielding goals. Borated polyethylene is used to absorb neutrons. Separate protection plans are made for the HPGe detector and the LaBr$_3$ detector because of their different rate and radiation sensitivities. Rate and energy flux requirement for the detectors are shown to be satisfied using Geant4 simulations.

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Haichuan Cao (Purdue University)


Mr Shihua Huang (Purdue University) Ms Jijun Chen (Purdue University) Mr James Miller (Boston University) Mr Andrew Edmonds (Boston University) Mr George Ginther (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Mr John Quirk (Boston University) Mr Kevin Lynch (City University of New York) Mr Aniket Bhirangi (Purdue University) Mr Vinay Kenny (Purdue University) Nam Tran (Bosten University) Ms Helenka Casler (City University of New York) Ms Jana Barker (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Mr Jim Popp (City University of New York) Mr David Koltick (Purdue University) Ms Laura Brennan (University Liverpool) Mr Stefan Muller (Helmholtz-Zentrum, Dresden-Rossendorf) Mr Erdem Motuk (University College London) Mr Rebecca Chislett (University College London) Mr Marco Gersabeck (University of Manchester) Ms Anna Ferrari (Helmholtz-Zentrum, Dresden-Rossendorf) Mr Hank Glass (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory) Mr Dan Judon (University Liverpool) Oliver Knodel (Helmholtz-Zentrum, Dresden-Rossendorf) Mr Mark Lancaster (University of Manchester)

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