The general U$(1)_𝑋$ extension of the Standard Model (SM) is a well motivated scenario which has a plenty of new physics options. Such a model is anomaly free which requires to add three generations of the SM singlet right-handed neutrinos (RHNs) which naturally generates the light neutrino masses by the seesaw mechanism.This offers interesting phenomenological aspects in the model. In addition to that the model is equipped with a beyond the SM (BSM) neutral gauge boson, $𝑍^\prime$ which interacts with the SM and BSM particles showing a variety of new physics driven signatures. After the anomaly cancellation the U$(1)_𝑋$ charge of the particles are expressed in terms of the SM Higgs doublet and the SM Higgs singlet which allows us to study the interaction of the fermions with the $𝑍^\prime$.In this paper we investigate the pair production mechanism of the different charged through the photon, $𝑍$ and $Z^\prime$ boson exchange processes at the electron-positron $(𝑒^-𝑒^+)$. The angular distributions, forward-backward $(\mathcal{A}_{𝐹𝐵})$, left-right $(\mathcal{A}_{𝐿𝑅})$ and left-right forward-backward $(\mathcal{A}_{LR, FB})$ asymmetries of the different charged fermion pair productions show substantial deviation from the SM results
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