Pion Production Optimization for Mu2e

13 Jul 2021, 16:15
Track H (Zoom)

Track H



Helenka Casler (City University of New York / York College campus)


The Mu2e experiment, currently under construction at Fermilab, will search for charged lepton flavor violation (CLFV) in the form of coherent neutrinoless conversion of muons to electrons in the presence of an atomic nucleus. In order to reach its projected single-event sensitivity of $3 \times 10 ^{−17}$, Mu2e will need to create the most intense muon beam ever developed, with $10^{10}$ muons per second stopping in the stopping target. These muons will be produced from pions originating from the production target. Optimizing pion production is therefore a vital component of the Mu2e design. This talk will discuss how the design of the production target, solenoid, and instrumentation is optimized for pion production.

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Helenka Casler (City University of New York / York College campus)

Presentation materials