HeRALD: Dark Matter Direct Detection with Superfluid 4He

12 Jul 2021, 15:30
Track K (Zoom)

Track K


talk Dark Matter Dark Matter


Pratyush Patel (University of Massachusetts Amherst)


HeRALD, the Helium Roton Apparatus for Light Dark Matter, will use a superfluid 4He target to probe the sub-GeV dark matter parameter space. The HeRALD design is sensitive to all signal channels produced by nuclear recoils in superfluid helium: singlet and triplet excimers, as well as phonon-like excitations of the superfluid medium. Excimers are detected via calorimetry with Transition-Edge-Sensor readout in and around the superfluid helium. Phonon-like vibrational excitations eject helium atoms from the superfluid-vacuum interface which are detected by adsorption onto calorimetry suspended above the interface. I will discuss the design, sensitivity projections, and ongoing R&D for the HeRALD experiment. In particular, I will present an initial light yield measurement of superfluid helium down to order 50 keV.

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Pratyush Patel (University of Massachusetts Amherst)

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