Rohin Thampilali Narayan
(Southern Methodist University (US))
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is a “top quark factory”. It allows for precise measurements of several top quark properties. In addition to this, for the first time ever it is now possible to measure rare processes involving top quarks. Associated production of top and anti-top quarks along with the Higgs boson or with electro-weak gauge bosons like W or Z has been observed at the LHC. Precise measurements of these processes have implications on the Standard Model of particle physics and even in cosmology. Recent results from measurements of these rare top quarks processes involving multileptonic final states, at the ATLAS experiment in 𝑝𝑝 collisions at $\sqrt(s)=13$ TeV with 80 fb−1 of data will be discussed.
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Rohin Thampilali Narayan
(Southern Methodist University (US))