Lecture in French with slides in English
La vulgarisation mathématique n’est pas un sujet nouveau puisqu’on cite parfois l’Arénaire, ouvrage écrit par Archimède au IIIe siècle avant J.-C., comme premier exemple d’un texte mathématique destiné à un public non-mathématicien. Pour autant la question est légitime : pourquoi dédions-nous du temps à la vulgarisation mathématique ? Dans cet exposé,...
Informal learning activities can be a powerful tool to give meaning to what we learn, not only in a context like an exhibition, where we expect to find them, but also in the context of a classroom. Special care should be taken in the transition from an informal level to a more systematic one: else we risk to waste all the advantages given by an informal way of learning. Some examples will be...
This talk will be about a project aiming to illustrate geometry using a new family of reconfiguration puzzles inspired by topological and geometric constructions of surfaces. The puzzles inhabit a virtual, rather than physical, world and their "spaces” of possible configurations can be explored through visualization. So far the main outputs are a science centre installation, called Exploratis,...