5:00 PM
Which systems (except main circuits) should be commissioned/tested for 7TeV operation before the long shutdown?
Mirko Pojer
5:25 PM
What are the consequences of delaying the shutdown from 2012 to 2013 for Radiation Protection?
Stefan Roesler
5:40 PM
Splice Consolidation. What will we do?
Paolo Fessia
6:05 PM
Work organization for splice consolidation
Francesco Bertinelli
6:40 PM
Vacuum - Much Ado about Nothing
Vincent Baglin
7:05 PM
Installing collimators in the next long shut-down: plans, status and challenges
Vittorio Parma
7:30 PM
Cryogenic systems : which consolidations shall be done in 2012/13 ?
Olivier Pirotte
7:55 PM
Cryomagnets, Interconnections, Superconducting Circuits: What to do in 2012/13 if you are not consolidating splices ?
Jean-Philippe Tock