11:00 AM
Future LHC program
Constantinos Loizides
11:30 AM
Flash talk 1: Extracting initial conditions from hydrodynamics from transport approach
Zuzana Paulinyova
(Pavol Jozef Safarik University)
11:40 AM
Flash talk 2: Simulating heavy quarks and jets in the Glasma
Dana Avramescu
(University of Jyväskylä)
11:50 AM
Flash talk 3: Investigating high energy proton-proton collisions with a multi-phase transport model coupled with PYTHIA8 initial conditions
Qiye Shou
(Fudan University (CN))
12:00 PM
Flash talk 4: A Forward Hadronic Calorimeter for ALICE at the LHC
Laura Marie Dufke
(University of Copenhagen (DK))
12:10 PM
Flash talk 5: Probing nucleon structure with fixed-target collisions at LHCb
Camilla De Angelis
(Universita e INFN, Cagliari (IT))
12:20 PM
Flash talk 6: Probing initial state using higher order correlations: Vn-[pT] and Higher-order [pT] correlations in ATLAS
Somadutta Bhatta
(Stony Brook University (US))
12:30 PM
Next Initial Stages: IS2025 Taipei
Chia-Ming Kuo
(National Central University (TW))