Nov 1 – 10, 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

For Physicists

* Here is an article specifically on systematic errors for particle physics:

A glossary of statistical terminology is in an Appendix at the end of this article.

* Another such glossary is:

H. Prosper, J. Linnemann and W. Rolke, “A glossary of selected statistical terms”, Advanced Statistical Techniques in Particle Physics, IPPP Durham (2002) 


* Slides from a 2021 lecture on 'Handling Systematic Errors' by Roger Barlow are at 


* Slides and videos of 3 nice lectures by Kyle Cranmer at the 2015 CERN-Fermilab HCP Summer School describe several features of Systematics. See:




Below is a list of books and articles, provided as useful reading material on general statistical issues for particle physics analyses, before an earlier PHYSTAT Workshop. Participants were not expected to read them all.

Below are some suggested books about statistical methods in experimental physics:

  • Glen Cowan, "Statistical Data Analysis" 
  • L. Lyons, "Statistics for Nuclear and Particle Physicists", (Cambridge
    University Press, New York, 1986).
  • F. James, "Statistical Methods in Experimental Physics", 2nd ed., (World Scientific, Singapore, 2007)
  • O. Behnke, K. Kroeninger, G. Schott and T. Schoerner-Sadenius, "A Practical Guide to Statistical Methods" (Wiley-VCH 2013)