Workshop on high energy physics and related topics at Sonora, Mexico

Universidad de Sonora

Universidad de Sonora

Javier Alberto Murillo Quijada (Universidad de Sonora (MX)), Alfredo Castaneda (Universidad de Sonora (MX)), Cristina Oropeza Barrera (Universidad Iberoamericana (MX)), Javier Cobos-Martínez (Cinvestav-IPN), Jose Feliciano Benitez (Universidad de Sonora (MX)), Lizardo Valencia Palomo (Universidad de Sonora (MX)), Christophe Royon (The University of Kansas (US))

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The first edition of this workshop is aimed to discuss the multidisciplinary potential that is behind the collaboration of Universidad de Sonora and the CMS-CERN experiment that just started in 2018. Also México has strong collaborations with other laboratories such as Fermilab and KEK. The aim is to enhance the internal collaborations within the institution considering theoretical and experimental projects and the applications in medical, radiation, material physics and use of computer science, electronics and other related areas. It is between the priorities of the event the enhancement of collaborations with other national and foreign institutions. The workshop is also an opportunity for bachelor and postgraduate level students to get a general view of the main interests within research in modern high energy physics and related areas.

This time we'll have the honor to have the participation of Dr. Christophe Royon, Foundation Distinguished Professor at the University of Kansas who will be offering a special talk on the very recent discovery of the odderon particle.

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Zoom Meeting ID
Javier Alberto Murillo Quijada
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Special sessions:

  • Please check the timetable

  • Prof. Sally Seidel (University of New Mexico), "A New State of Beauty and Charm" (Wednesday, 12:15)

  • Dr. Pablo Roig Garcés (Centro de investigación y estudios avanzados, Cinvestav), "Some recent highlights in lepton physics"

  • Dr. Eduard de la Cruz Burelo (Centro de investigación y estudios avanzados, Cinvestav), "Tau physics prospects at Belle-II experiment"

  • Dr. Lukas Nellen Filla (Instituto de Ciencias Nucleares, UNAM), (Friday, 10:00), "Retos y soluciones en cómputo de alto rendimiento para física de partículas"

  • Special talks on medical physics, machine learning and use of fast electronics.

  • Panel discussion: “High energy physics as an interdisciplinary area” (Wednesday 18 at 12:15)


Zoom Meeting ID
Javier Alberto Murillo Quijada
Useful links
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Zoom URL
Registration form for Workshop on high energy physics and related topics at Sonora, Mexico
  • Alan Ignacio Hernández Juárez
  • Alejandro De Yta Hernandez
  • Alexander Novikov
  • Alexis Ureña
  • Alfredo Castaneda
  • Aman Mukesh Desai
  • Amy Gabriela González Valenzuela
  • Anabel Romero
  • Andreina Navas
  • Andres Guillermo Delannoy Sotomayor
  • Angela Morales Zamudio
  • Angelica Torres Padilla
  • Antonio Cota Rodríguez
  • Antonio Paredes Sotelo
  • Barishan Das
  • Bilgai Almeida Zamora
  • Burhani Taher Saifuddin
  • Byron Encinas
  • Celeste Mendez
  • Cristian Baldenegro Barrera
  • Cristina Oropeza Barrera
  • César Omar Ramírez Álvarez
  • Dionne Fonseca Sicairos
  • Elizabeth Torres Torrecillas
  • Fernando Mendoza
  • Georgios Krintiras
  • Hector Moreno
  • Hedwin Aaron Acosta Encinas
  • Javier Alberto Murillo Quijada
  • Jayesh Jain
  • Jesus Carlos Valenzuela Fonseca
  • Jesus Javier Cobos Martinez
  • Jesus Villalba
  • Jorge Gaspar Armenta
  • Jose Feliciano Benitez
  • Jose Luis Carrasco Huillca
  • Juan Pedro Barajas Ibarria
  • Julio Cesar Saucedo Morales
  • Leny García Moraga
  • Luis Duarte
  • Luis Fernando Alcerro
  • Marcelino Barboza-Flores
  • María Fernanda Hernández
  • Melany Fernanda Ponce Figueroa
  • Moises David Leon Coello
  • Moises Zeleny
  • Omar Acuna
  • Pablo Roig
  • Ricardo Vaca
  • Rodrigo Meléndrez
  • Sally Seidel
  • Thomas Chen
  • Tommaso Isidori
  • Valery Chernov