20–24 Jun 2022
Lecce, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

The 10th edition of the Beam Telescopes and Test Beams Workshop will be held in Lecce, Italy. It was originally announced for the week of 31/1 - 4/2 2022 and, due to the evolutions of the pandemic, moved to 20/6 - 24/6 2022.



We will organise the 10th edition as a hybrid (online + on-site) event. Hence, you will be able to follow the scientific part of the event from home or your workplace. Speakers are encouraged to join us in Lecce in person, while exceptions to the recommendation will be possible.

This workshop will cover a wide range of topics related to test beams for detector studies in tracking detectors, calorimetry and beyond. It aims at bringing together both experts and newcomers from various fields. There will be a combination of presentations by experienced users, results from recent test beam studies and tutorials to teach the software required to analyze the results. Please have a look at the last events to get a more detailed impression of the workshop's content: BTTB9 in Lecce (online)BTTB8 in TbilisiBTTB7 at CERN, BTTB6 in Zurich, BTTB5 in Barcelona in 2017, BTTB4 in Orsay in 2016 or BTTB3 in Hamburg in 2015.

In order not to miss any announcements, please subscribe to the e-group 'BeamTelescopesandTestBeams-Announcements' at https://e-groups.cern.ch.
In case you experience any problem during subscription, please contact bttb-ws@desy.de.

If you find yourself left with any questions on the upcoming workshop, please do not hesistate to contact us via bttb-ws@desy.de.

We are very much looking forward to an interesting workshop.


The Organizers



The call for abstracts  and the registration to the workshop is open again!
Call for abstract deadline:    22 April 2022
Registration deadline:           20 May 2022

If you already have an accepted contribution and you are already registered to the workshop, please read the guidelines below.

We will keep all accepted contributions for the workshop in summer. In case you would like to make any changes to your contribution or withdraw it, please contact us before the call of abstracts deadline at bttb-ws@desy.de

If you are already registered to the workshop, please update your registration form. Namely you must fill in the attendance field again, labelled as “Attendance(Summer)” before the registration deadline. You can do this by following this link
This will help us plan the workshop in the best way possible for you.

People who don’t want/need a refund can export their already-paid fee to June.
For those who are not able to participate to the workshop anymore, refunds of the fees are possible upon requesting it by email: bttb-ws@desy.de

Lecce, Italy

For general questions about the workshop and for questions about your abstract, please use bttb-ws@desy.de

For questions to the local organizing committee (travel, accomodation, fee, visa, and so on), please use bttb10@unisalento.it

There are 3 open surveys.