The MONOLITH H2020 ERC Advanced project aims at the development of fully monolithic highly granular pixel sensors with picosecond time stamping capabilities. To reach a picosecond precise sensor response, a thin gain layer has been implemented deep inside a high-resistivity epitaxial layer. By moving the gain layer away from the pixel implantation, the pixel size can be reduced down to 50 µm, allowing to simultaneously reach a high spatial precision. Making use of a SiGe BiCMOS 130 nm process technology, a fast and low noise frontend has been realized. First prototypes with different doping levels and different complexity of in-pixel circuitry have been produced in this technology to investigate and optimize their performance in terms of e.g. sensor gain and time-stamping capability. Laboratory and test-beam measurements have been made, with a focus on sensor gain, detection efficiency, and time resolution. This talk will introduce the MONOLITH project and summarise the main measurement results.