30 May 2022 to 3 June 2022
Campus des Cordeliers - Sorbonne Université
Europe/Zurich timezone

Recall of the quantitative socio-economic analysis model for FCC

31 May 2022, 09:25
Room 109 (CICSU)

Room 109


Oral presention (by invitation only) Socio Economic Impact FCCIS WP4


Ms Sirtori Emanuela (CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies)


Building on international practice and previous experience in evaluating the socio-economic impacts of Big Science projects, a model to estimate the future impacts of FCC-ee has been developed. This presentation will recall the definitions of the impact pathways considered and the fundamental assumptions used to perform the analysis.

Primary author

Ms Sirtori Emanuela (CSIL Centre for Industrial Studies)

Presentation materials