Opening day
Submission deadline
There will be parallel sessions on all six pillars of the FCC PED study with no distinction between colliders (ee, hh, eh). Please specify one or several pillars relevant to your proposed contribution:
- MDI (Machine Detector Interface)
- EPOL (E_c.m. calibration and polarization, monochromatization)
- Software
- Physics Programme (Higgs, Electroweak, QCD, Flavour, top, BSM)
- Physics Performance (Higgs, Electroweak, QCD, Flavour, top, BSM)
- Detector Concepts
The number of slots for parallel session presentations talks is quite limited and, all things being equal, preference will be given to speakers attending in person. While this is an important meeting, there will be other opportunities for contributions to the study!
For the poster session the physical presence of one of the authors is essential.