- Giuseppe Lo Presti (CERN)
Engineering: Engineering
- There are no conveners in this block
Cernbox use in Alice MFT project
SY-EPC-LPC is in charge of designing, producing and operating low power converters. Usually a design is obtained through a rather small team of 2-6 people, working together and exchanging daily informations about the on going design, from office files up to large CAD ones. Section being used to focus on final EDMS document storage, some way of integrating CERNBox was put in place in our...
The TE-VSC section leases two Windows Terminal servers that users can offload long simulation tasks to. This short talk would show how we delegate computation tasks and synchronize results back to our local PCs, among the issues we encountered.
How CERN box is used to store drone imagery
EN-MME manages a large amount (10s TB) of diverse data. This data comes from sources such as the large laboratory characterization files, computer simulations, fabrication process and the automated seismic systems of the LHC. The physical limits of DFS servers have led to data being stored in many, unconnected folders in DFS. In the early days of EOS and CERNBox, EN-MME approached IT for a...