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25–29 Oct 2021
University of Jammu
Asia/Kolkata timezone

Charging up effect in triple GEM detector

25 Oct 2021, 10:50
Online (University of Jammu)


University of Jammu

Talk Micro-Pattern Gas Detectors in Particle Physics Oral presentations


Mr Sayak Chatterjee (Bose Institute)


Micro Pattern Gaseous Detectors (MPGD) are being used in High Energy Nuclear Physics experiments as a tracking device due to its high rate handling capability and good spatial resolution. Gas Electron Multiplier (GEM) detector is one of the advanced members of the MPGD group which is capable of handling high particle rate (∼ 1 MHz/mm2 ) and has excellent position resolution (∼ 100 µm). The standard GEM foil is made up of a thin Kapton of thickness 50 µm with 5 µm copper cladding on both sides of the foil. The presence of di-electric (Kapton) changes the electric field strength of the electric field inside the GEM holes under the influence of external radiation and this phenomenon is referred to as the charging up effect. As a result of the charging up effect, the gain of the chamber increases initially and then asymptotically reaches a constant value.

The charging up effect is investigated for a Single Mask triple GEM detector prototype with Argon-CO2 gas mixture under continuous irradiation from an X-ray source. The method of measurements and the test results will be presented.

What is your experiment? R&D


Mr Sayak Chatterjee (Bose Institute)


Mr Arindam Sen (Bose Institute) Prof. Supriya Das (Bose Institute) Prof. Sanjay Kumar Ghosh (Bose Institute) Dr Saikat Biswas (Bose Institute)

Presentation materials