
The proceedings of the RAPID2021 workshop will be published as a special book in Springer Proceedings in Physics by Springer Nature publisher.

The page limit of the manuscripts are eight pages for the Invited Lectures and Young Scientist Talks and six pages for Contributed Talks.

The deadline for submission is March 24, 2022 23:59 (IST)[final extended].


When preparing your contribution please keep in mind the following points:

  • The manuscript must be prepared on Springer contributed books LaTeX template,
  • By definition, a scientific paper is expected to include some novel and original material,
  • Please mention clearly in your paper what this novel and original material,
  • Please take your time to proofread the manuscript before submission and get all co-authors to review your manuscript before submission,
  • The papers will be peer-reviewed. The Organising Committee will oversee the refereeing process,
  • Papers not meeting the scientific and editorial standards of the international journal will be rejected,
  • Papers will be checked with anti-plagiarism software. Papers with high overlapping/similarity index of the content with already published material will be rejected.

When your contribution is ready for submission, please follow the instructions below:

  • Go to the link and register,
  • Select the "Submit Now" and follow the steps for submission,
  • Your paper must be uploaded in PDF format and make sure that the authors' names and any identity are removed from the paper for 'Double Blind' review.

For any further information and assistance, do not hesitate to contact at