From Detector Simulation to Data Analysis in High Energy Physics Experiments

27 Oct 2021, 15:40
Online (University of Jammu)


University of Jammu

Talk Simulation Young Scientist Talks


Shyam Kumar (Universita e INFN, Bari (IT))


In Nuclear and Particle Physics Experiments, the combination of more detectors
is used to reconstruct the particle trajectories, measure their momentum, and identifying
particle species. To optimize the apparatus and understand its performance, indispensable
ingredients are Monte-Carlo (MC) Simulations. This talk will give an overview of MC
simulation in High Energy Physics (HEP) experiments. There are some general steps of
MC simulation namely, generation of particles, their transport in the materials, simulation
of the detector response, digitization, hit reconstruction, tracking, and physics analysis. I
will illustrate my experience on detector MC simulation (using FAIRROOT and GEANT4)
within large HEP experiments.

Presentation materials