Phenomenology of diphoton photoproduction at next to leading order

3 May 2022, 16:00
Parallel talk WG5: Spin and 3D Structure WG5: Spin and 3D Structure


Oskar Grocholski


Authors: Oskar Grocholski, Bernard Pire, Pawel Sznajder, Lech Szymanowski, Jakub Wagner

Extraction of generalized parton distributions (GPDs) from experimental data requires us to consider various exclusive processes on hadrons. The most popular ones - such as DVCS, TCS, DVMP - have been already well studied at higher QCD order. In our recent works, we developed the NLO description (in strong coupling) of photoproduction of photon pairs with a large invariant mass on a nucleon target, which has some interesting features useful in possible experimental studies. Owing to the charge symmetry, the discussed process is sensitive to $\mathcal{C}$-odd combination of GPDs only. Moreover, the relevant partonic subprocess is $2\rightarrow 3$ reaction (unlike previous examples, which are $2\rightarrow 2$), which results in much richer kinematics.
In this talk, I will discuss the results of one-loop QCD computation at the leading twist, and describe the results of our recent phenomenological studies of photoproduction of photon pairs, performed using the PARTONS platform for the experimental conditions accessible to the JLab experiments. I will present numerical predictions for both proton and neutron targets obtained using various GPD models.

Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? No


Oskar Grocholski Bernard Pire (CPHT école polytechnique) Jakub Wagner (National Centre for Nuclear Research) Paweł Sznajder (National Centre for Nuclear Research) Lech Szymanowski (National Centre for Nuclear Research)

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