Investigating saturation effects in leading neutron spectra with the color dipole model

3 May 2022, 15:00
Parallel talk WG2: Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons WG2: Small-x, Diffraction and Vector Mesons


Mr Arjun Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)


We investigate the Feynman-$x$ spectra of the neutrons produced in the very forward direction in $ep$ collisions using the impact-parameter dependent color dipole model with and without saturation. Our analysis demonstrates that the W and $Q^2$ dependence of the cross-section are independent of the presence of a forward neutron, as predicted by Feynman-scaling. The models prediction are compared with the available HERA data for leading neutrons in $6

Submitted on behalf of a Collaboration? No


Mr Arjun Kumar (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)


Dr Tobias Toll (Indian Institute of Technology Delhi)

Presentation materials