A big share of daily documents are model, universally structured files: agreements, briefs, contracts, budget plans, etc. Every process that involves such repetition has a room for automation — with this understanding in mind, ONLYOFFICE has been working on smart forms aimed at optimization of file creation and sharing in organizational document flow.
ONLYOFFICE presents new formats, DOCXF and OFORM, built on the basis of DOCX with the purpose of creating standardized document templates and working with them through specifically designed UI segment of ONLYOFFICE Docs.
This presentation will cover:
· First prototype: creating forms using Content Controls;
· Differences between smart forms and Contend Control-based forms;
· How smart forms work in ONLYOFFICE Document Editor;
· Mechanics of form sharing;
· Data protection;
· Creating and filling PDF files in ONLYOFFICE Docs;
· Roadmap for smart form development.