25–29 Oct 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

High-throughput EOS instance for ALICE O2 (online/offline)

27 Oct 2021, 09:00
Online workshop

Online workshop

Storage & Filesystems Storage & File Systems


Mr Cristian Contescu (CERN)


In this contribution we are going to report on the latest results of the R&D activity aiming at preparing the EOS ALICE O2 storage cluster for the extremely demanding requirements of LHC Run 3.

Taking into consideration the latest upgrades of the LHC and of the ALICE detectors, the data throughput from the ALICE Data Acquisition system is expected to increase significantly, reaching 100GB/s data rate during Heavy-Ions collisions.

During this talk we are going to display the roadmap to meeting these demands with the EOS ALICE O2 storage instance, including software improvements, the storage nodes hardware setup, operating system tweaks and how we have overcome some of the hurdles in the process.

Speaker release Yes

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