HEPiX Autumn 2021 online Workshop

Peter van der Reest (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY), Tony Wong (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

HEPiX Autumn 2021 online Workshop

The HEPiX forum brings together worldwide Information Technology staff, including system administrators, system engineers, and managers from High Energy Physics and Nuclear Physics laboratories and institutes, to foster a learning and sharing experience between sites facing scientific computing and data challenges.

Participating sites include BNL, CERN, DESY, FNAL, IHEP, IN2P3, INFN, IRFU, JLAB, KEK, LBNL, NDGF, NIKHEF, PIC, RAL, SLAC, TRIUMF, many other research labs and numerous universities from all over the world.

    • Miscellaneous: Welcome & Logistics Online workshop

      Online workshop

      Convener: Peter van der Reest (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
    • Site Reports Online workshop

      Online workshop

    • Miscellaneous: Welcome & Logistics Online workshop

      Online workshop

      Convener: Tony Wong (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
    • Birds of a Feather (BoF) session: Linux Discussion
      Convener: Frank Wuerthwein (Univ. of California San Diego (US))
      • 9
        CERN Linux Distro Strategy
        Speaker: Ben Morrice (CERN)
      • 10
        Thinking About Binary Compatibility and CentOS Stream

        CentOS Stream is a great place to develop for whats next in RHEL. But what if I want to have a hybrid infrastructure? How should I think about compatibility between CentOS Stream and released versions of RHEL?

        Speaker: Patrick Riehecky (Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
      • 11
        Navigating the Stream: automating CentOS releases at CERN

        As part of the changing Linux landscape, we now have to support more Linux distributions with higher release cadence than ever before. In order to adapt to these changes, we must automate the entire process to remove the human bottlenecks from the equation.

        In this presentation, we will discuss how CERN automates the release of new packages for CentOS Linux 8, CentOS Stream 8 and soon CentOS Stream 9. We produce daily snapshots of upstream content, modify it when necessary, promote packages to production and notify users of changes automatically.

        Speaker: Alex Iribarren (CERN)
      • 12
        Full OS image automation: Continuous Integration for CERN’s distros

        Back in 2019, CERN Linux Support had to run tedious manual procedures to maintain CERN’s distro releases: SLC6, CERN CentOS 7, Red Hat 6 and 7. Since then, we have added CentOS 8, CentOS Stream 8, Red Hat 8, and we may be adding other Red Hat rebuilds soon. Given the growing number of supported distros, our team has been increasingly adopting automation and continuous integration in order to deal with all the extra load while reducing the need for human intervention.

        Automation can now be found in every part of our process: cloud and Docker image building, base-line testing, CERN specific testing and full-stack functional testing. For this we use a combination of GitLab CI capabilities, Koji, OpenStack Nova, OpenStack Ironic central services and a healthy dose of Python and Bash. Test suites now cover unmanaged, managed, virtual or physical machines so we can certify that our next image release continues to meet the needs of the organization.

        Speaker: Daniel Juarez (CERN)
      • 18:40
        Coffee Break
      • 13
        Linux OS Plans at The SDCC

        In December 2020, Red Hat and CentOS announced the early end-of-life of CentOS 8 (scheduled for December 2021), and its replacement with CentOS Stream 8. Unlike CentOS, which is a clone of RHEL, CentOS Stream is a forward-distribution of RHEL, containing package updates before they are released, or possibly ever included in RHEL. In this talk, we discuss the history and current status of Linux use at BNL's Scientific Data and Computer Center (SDCC), as well our future plans for this operating system.

        Speaker: Christopher Henry Hollowell (Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
      • 14
        DESY Linux Status & Strategy
        Speaker: Yves Kemp (DESY)
      • 15
        Red Hat's RHEL Academic Model

        In conjunction with our proposal to CERN and the broader HEPIX community, I wanted to share the basis for the proposal and provide an opportunity for questions to be asked.

        Speaker: Brian Exelbierd (Red Hat)
      • 16
        Speaker: Frank Wurthwein (UCSD)
    • Site Reports Online workshop

      Online workshop

    • Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 21
        Helmholtz IT Services for Science: HIFIS

        The Helmoltz-based platform HIFIS builds and sustains an IT infrastructure connecting all Helmholtz research fields and centres.

        The services provided by HIFIS include a secure and easy-to-use collaborative environment with efficiently accessible IT services from anywhere. HIFIS further supports Research Software Engineering (RSE) with a high level of quality, visibility and sustainability.

        In this talk, we present the scope, current implementation status, as well as exemplary services of HIFIS. The interplay of the multiple modular and decentralized HIFIS components, including the Helmholtz Cloud Portal, the Authentication and Authorization Infrastructure (Helmholtz AAI), intermediary components such as the Helmholtz Cloud Agent and cloud services provided at various sites will be showcased.

        Speaker: Uwe Jandt (DESY)
    • Miscellaneous Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 22
        Group Photo
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 23
        Survival kit for CERN's organic webscape: Kubernetes and a community of Makers

        How can we turn a "chore" into a community of makers, in a scientific Organization that doesn't enforce strict standards? Drupal has a long history at CERN. Site builders of >1k unique websites take advantage of a highly automated, but bespoke infrastructure, that automates website operations: provision, backup, clone, update, delete. Relying on direct support through tickets worked, until Drupal 7 migrations overloaded the support lines, while engineers constantly come and go, taking know-how with them. Technical debt started weighing us down.
        Does this sound familiar?

        To overcome these service challenges, we came up with a Technical and a Human solution. We built a new, cloud-native infrastructure on Kubernetes and a standard "CERN Drupal Distribution", fully open source and available. Onboarding newcomers becomes simpler thanks to the standard technologies. Patiently we also grew a Drupal Community at CERN that brought site builders together to absorb knowledge in a social network and rely less on the singular expert.

        At HEPiX we'll share with you our journey through these problems and our responses, describing them in details. We hope to give you both a reference frame and concrete solutions.

        Speaker: Konstantinos Samaras-Tsakiris (CERN)
    • Computing & Batch Services Online workshop

      Online workshop

    • Site Reports Online workshop

      Online workshop

    • Grid, Cloud & Virtualisation Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 27
        HIFIS: VO Federation for EFSS

        HIFIS: VO Federation for EFSS

        Following the first rough ideas on Virtual Organisation (VO; Community AAI [1] based group of any size) based Enterprise File Sync&Share (EFSS) Federation [2] which were presented by HIFIS [3] on CS3 Conference 2021, we have since moved further along working on a first implementation. During Summer 2021, we have clarified the use case and identified the basic technical architecture for this future VO Federation App in Nextcloud.

        When users who are distributed across multiple institutes want to collaborate within a Virtual Organisation they currently have two options to do so. One is to use the OCM protocol [4] to share files and folders with the individual VO members who are based on remote EFSS instances . This would cause considerable effort on the sharer's side, as they need to keep track of to whom they have shared which content with. The second option is for all VO members to convene on one institution’s local EFSS instace, which would cause many redundant accounts and confusion on the user’s side. Especially, as they need to know where to log in for working on a specific project and as they have no central entry point for all of their projects on their local EFSS instance.

        We want to tackle this issue by enabling users to use federated shares with entire VOs instead of individual users. This way, every user within a VO will receive the share, no matter which EFSS instance they are based on. Updates to VO membership will also be communicated between federation members, resulting in new VO members automatically receiving existing VO shares and former VO members losing access to VO shares. Based on a new interface between EFSS and Community AAI, this whole process is also planned to be GDPR compliant. To ensure that this interface will also work with other Community AAIs, we are collaborating with AARC to create an AARC guideline with the aim of standardizing the interface specifications.

        While the initial implementation is set to be done within a Nextcloud environment, the new features will be based on the CS3 APIs [5] and consequently be ready to also be implemented by further EFSS vendors.

        [1] AARC Blueprint for Community AAIs: https://aarc-project.eu/architecture/
        [2] 2021 CS3 Contribution: https://indico.cern.ch/event/970232/contributions/4157924/
        [3] HIFIS Website: https://hifis.net/
        [4] OCM Project documentation: https://wiki.geant.org/display/OCM/Open+Cloud+Mesh
        [5] CS3 APIs GitHub page: https://github.com/cs3org/cs3apis; CS3 APIS are implemented in the REVA middleware: https://reva.link/

        Speaker: Mr Andreas Klotz (Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
      • 28
        Deployment of a Kubernetes-based Analysis Facility for ATLAS

        We present a technical report on the new ATLAS Analysis Facility hosted at the University of Chicago. Designed to support both traditional batch computing and novel analysis frameworks, this facility represents a shift in how future clusters will be deployed, federated, monitored and operated. We will describe the "cloud native" underpinnings of the facility (Kubernetes, GitOps, and Rook), how we leverage federated service deployment via SLATE, and how we incorporate technologies from IRIS-HEP such as ServiceX and Coffea Casa. The flexibility offered by these technologies allows the resource to configured for the IRIS-HEP Scalable Systems Laboratory, providing a declarative platform for analysis and data delivery systems development.

        Speaker: Lincoln Bryant (University of Chicago (US))
    • Miscellaneous Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 29
        Group Photo
    • 18:25
      Coffee Break
    • Computing & Batch Services Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 30
        HEPiX Benchmarking WG update

        The Benchmarking WG will present the semestral report about its activity that since few years is focused on the delivery of a new benchmark for HEP, HEPscore, together with a set of software tools that enable the WLCG community to seamlessly run and collect benchmark results (HEP Benchmark Suite) and to maintain the HEP reference applications needed for the benchmarking purposes (HEP Workloads).
        This report will update on the recent software developments as well as on the feedback collected from early adopters of the whole toolkit.
        In addition, benchmark results obtained running on tens of CPU models will be presented and will compare the HS06 and HEPscore_beta, a prototype of HEPscore based on LHC run2 workloads.

        Speaker: Domenico Giordano (CERN)
      • 31
        WLCG task force on HEP-SCORE deployment

        Status and plans of the task force

        Speaker: Helge Meinhard (CERN)
      • 32
        Hardware and batch monitoring at CNAF

        CNAF Tier-1, composed of almost 1000 worker nodes and nearly 40000 cores, completed its migration to HTCondor more than one year ago. After having adapted existing monitoring tools (built with Sensu, Influx and Grafana) to work with the new batch system, an effort has started to collect a more rich and “condor oriented” set of metrics that are used to provide better insights on the pool status.

        Moreover we developed a similar tool with bare metal information collection, enabling sysadmins to have a global view of hardware (IPMI) events on the farm.

        Speaker: Dr Federico Versari (INFN)
    • Storage & File Systems Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 33
        High-throughput EOS instance for ALICE O2 (online/offline)

        In this contribution we are going to report on the latest results of the R&D activity aiming at preparing the EOS ALICE O2 storage cluster for the extremely demanding requirements of LHC Run 3.

        Taking into consideration the latest upgrades of the LHC and of the ALICE detectors, the data throughput from the ALICE Data Acquisition system is expected to increase significantly, reaching 100GB/s data rate during Heavy-Ions collisions.

        During this talk we are going to display the roadmap to meeting these demands with the EOS ALICE O2 storage instance, including software improvements, the storage nodes hardware setup, operating system tweaks and how we have overcome some of the hurdles in the process.

        Speaker: Mr Cristian Contescu (CERN)
      • 34
        Tape Recall Scheduling Optimization in the Storage System dCache

        Given the anticipated increase in the amount of scientific data, it is widely accepted that primarily disk based storage will become prohibitively expensive. Tape based storage, on the other hand, provides a viable and affordable solution for the ever increasing demand for storage space. Coupled with a disk caching layer that temporarily holds a small fraction of the total data volume to allow for low latency access, it turns tape based systems into active archival storage (write once, read many) that imposes additional demands on data flow optimization compared to traditional backup setups (write once, read never). In order to preserve the lifetime of tapes and minimize the inherently higher access latency, different tape usage strategies are being evaluated.

        As an important disk storage system for scientific data that transparently handles tape access, dCache is making efforts to contribute to tape recall optimization by introducing a high-level tape recall request scheduling component within its SRM implementation. This presentation will include first experiences with this component on scientific data in a production environment.

        Speaker: Lea Morschel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
      • 35
        EOS 5 new features and future plans

        EOS is the open source distributed storage technology developed in the CERN IT
        Department and used at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). EOS has been operated in
        production for more than 10 years and it now manages over half an exabyte of
        disk storage for both LHC & non LHC experiments. Since its first deployment in
        2010, the software has evolved a lot catering to the large amounts of data and
        user requirements. After 4 major version releases, the next version, EOS 5,
        codename diopside is getting ready for deployment. This presentation will give
        an overview about EOS, the major features this release brings, a roadmap for
        expected future features and how all of these features contribute towards the
        next LHC Run.

        Speaker: Abhishek Lekshmanan
    • 10:15
      Coffee Break
    • Storage & File Systems Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 36
        powerful, cross-disciplinary storage for everyone

        While WLCG may be considered at the vanguard of data-intense
        scientific research, many other scientific communities are finding
        their data storage requirements growing beyond their current
        capabilities. Simultaneously, with science increasingly involving
        broad collaborations, the ability to support and manage scientists
        from different institutes is becoming essential.

        At DESY, we have developed and deployed a community storage solution.
        The primary users are the Helmholtz scientific community, which
        includes a broad spectrum of fundamental research activity. The
        service is not restricted to Helmholz users; for example, through the
        ESCAPE project, we also support other communities such as SKA, CTA,
        LSST and FAIR.

        In this talk will detail the primary use-cases we wish to address with
        this service, the powerful features that support them, and the
        technologies that underpin those features. We will also describe the
        current status of the storage and our plans for the future.

        Speaker: Paul Millar
    • Network & Security Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 37
        Computer Security Update

        This presentation provides an update on the global security landscape since the last HEPiX meeting. It describes the main vectors of risks to and compromises in the academic community including lessons learnt, presents interesting recent attacks while providing recommendations on how to best protect ourselves.

        The COVID-19 pandemic has introduced a novel challenge for security teams everywhere by expanding the attack surface to include everyone's personal devices / home networks and causing a shift to new, risky software for a remote-first working environment. It was also a chance for attackers to get creative by taking advantage of the fear and confusion to devise new tactics and techniques.

        What's more, the worrying trend of data leaks, password dumps, ransomware attacks and new security vulnerabilities does not seem to slow down.

        This talk is based on contributions and input from the CERN Computer Security Team.

        Speaker: Mr Christos Arvanitis (CERN)
      • 38
        Discussion on user security awareness

        On account of a question after the subject came up in site reports: what do sites have planned in terms of measures to increase users security awareness

        Speaker: Jean-Michel Barbet (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
      • 39
        LoRaWAN at CERN vs pandemics: 1:0

        To counteract the spread of the COVID-19 virus as much as possible, a device has been developed at CERN, the Proximerter, which sends information about contact tracing via an IoT network. In this respect, some hurdles had to be overcome in terms of data protection and compromises concerning the network and the actual protocol.

        Speaker: Christoph Merscher (CERN)
    • Storage & File Systems Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 40
        Migration of Archival Tape/Library Technology at SDCC

        This presentation reports on the ongoing migration of archival library and tape technology at The Scientific Data and Computing Center (SDCC). With the planned transition from Oracle libraries to IBM libraries, we deployed our first IBM TS4500 Library with ~20k tape slots in early 2021. This talk discusses our experience with the IBM TS4500, our continued transition to these libraries, as well as our experience with new tape technologies.

        Speaker: Yingzi Wu
      • 41
        Migration from CASTOR to the CERN Tape Archive

        CASTOR was used as CERN's primary archival storage system for the last two decades, including Run-1 and Run-2 of the LHC. For Run-3, CASTOR has been replaced by the CERN Tape Archive (CTA). At the end of Run-2, there were 340 Petabytes of data stored in CASTOR, which had to be migrated to CTA during Long Shutdown 2. Over 90% of this data is an active archive — the custodial copy of physics data belonging to the four LHC experiments and around a dozen smaller experiments at CERN. The migration and switch from CASTOR to CTA had to be accomplished with minimal interruption to experiment activities; to further complicate the problem, each experiment has a slightly different workflow and data management stack. This presentation will describe our experiences and lessons learned during the two-year period of the migration.

        Speaker: Michael Davis (CERN)
      • 42
        The RX Extended SACK Table Proposal - AuriStor RX Prototype Results

        The RX protocol inherited from IBM AFS is incapable of filling a network pipe with a single RPC when the pipe's bandwidth delay product exceeds 44 1/4 KB. On a 1 Gbit/sec pipe with a 1ms RTT, the maximum theoretical throughput is 360 Mbit/sec with a maximum window size of 44 KB. The RX ACK packet format provides for a theoretical maximum window of 65535 packets but the Selective Acknowledgment (SACK) Table is limited to 255 packets. with 255 packets the maximum window size is 351 KB or maximum throughput of 2.875 Gbit/sec with 1ms RTT. Increase the RTT to 8ms and the maximum throughput is once again reduced to 360 Mbit/sec. The RTT on cross-Atlantic commodity internet pipes often exceed 110ms which reduces the theoretical throughput to 28 MBit/sec.

        This presentation will describe AuriStor's proposed RX Extended SACK Table protocol extension, prior efforts at extending the maximum window size, and preliminary results on real-world networks using AuriStor's prototype supporting maximum windows up to 8192 packets or 11MB.

        Speaker: Mr Jeffrey Altman
    • 18:15
      Coffee break
    • Network & Security Online workshop

      Online workshop

    • Miscellaneous Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 44
        Analysis on distributed computing at the Belle II experiment

        The Belle II experiment is a detector coupled to the SuperKEKB electron-positron collider, designed to collect 50 times the data produced by the previous generation of B-factories. Process and analyzing these high volumes of data in a timely fashion requires an efficient interconnection of software and computing resources. In this talk, the analysis model on the Belle II experiment is presented, summarizing the distributed computing technologies adopted and current challenges.

        Speaker: Michel Hernandez Villanueva (DESY)
    • Basic IT Services Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 45
        From On-Premise to On-Clould videoconference service

        A retrospective view of the transition from Vidyo to Zoom platform.

        Speaker: Ruben Domingo Gaspar Aparicio (CERN)
    • Birds of a Feather (BoF) session: Linux Discussion: continued
    • 10:15
      Coffee Break
    • Basic IT Services Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 53
        Migrating from a commercial system to Open Source: Gitlab at DESY

        As ATLASSIAN is changing its product offering, DESY has started to evaluate alternatives to the products from the firm's product portfolio.
        For the field of repositories and CI/CD software development, a suitable replacement for Jira Software/Bitbucket/Bamboo was found in gitlab.

        This talk will outline the pilot project, the current production system and the offering we make to users to help them during migration.

        Speaker: Ingo Ebel (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY)
      • 54
        Zammad: the new ticketing system used at CC-IN2P3

        In late 2020, CC-IN2P3 decided to look for a service desk ticketing system as an alternative to OTRS.
        During last winter we carried out a search for a new candidate and chose Zammad.
        We transitionned to Zammad in summer and are now decommissionning OTRS.
        This talk will present the features offered by Zammad and the lessons learned from that transition.

        Speaker: Renaud Vernet (CC-IN2P3/CNRS)
      • 55
        Automated Backup and Recovery for the Database on Demand service using EOS

        Last year we deployed a new automated backup and recovery setup for the Database on Demand Service at CERN. This setup comprises of 2 services-
        1. Backup service - Stores encrypted and zipped backups of all DBOD production instances to EOS storage.
        2. Restore service - Continuously restores and tests connectivity of snapshots of all production instances.

        This presentation aims to shed light on the structure and working of this setup.

        Speaker: Anirudh Goel (CERN)
      • 56
        Running an AV media post-processing system on FOSS

        The Weblecture service is in charge of capturing, processing & delivery CERN productions: e-learning, Computing Seminars, Conferences, Outreach events, CERN related communication e.g. DG, HR, Staff association, etc.. Tightly linked to Webcast and Videoconference services from which most AV content is provided. The services delivers AV content on different formats so our community can watch them in different platforms e.g. mobile or a desktop device.

        The talk presents the past status running on a legacy stack and the work done to provide same and expanded functionality: new capture agents like Epiphan with improved capabilities, better and faster transcoding which is also provided as a service to other units, unified video player for both conference and web-lectures, keeping backward compatibility, new CERN SSO, etc.
        The new architecture has been built around an in-house development and integrations of two FOSS projects Paella player [1] and Opencast [2].

        [1] https://paellaplayer.upv.es/
        [2] https://opencast.org/

        Speakers: Miguel Angel Valero Navarro (Valencia Polytechnic University (ES)), Ruben Domingo Gaspar Aparicio (CERN), Rene Fernandez Sanchez (CERN)
    • Board meeting (closed session) Online workshop

      Online workshop

    • Network & Security Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 57
        Research Networking Technical WG Update

        As the scale and complexity of the current HEP network grows rapidly, new technologies and platforms are being introduced that greatly extend the capabilities of today’s networks. With many of these technologies becoming available, it’s important to understand how we can design, test and develop systems that could enter existing production workflows while at the same time changing something as fundamental as the network that all sites and experiments rely upon. In this talk we’ll give an update on the Research Networking Technical working group activities, challenges and recent updates.

        In particular we'll focus on the packet marking technologies (scitags), tools and approaches that have been identified and we are going to discuss status of the implementation and plans for the near-term future.

        Speaker: Marian Babik (CERN)
      • 58
        WLCG Network Monitoring and Analytics Update

        WLCG relies on the network as a critical part of its infrastructure and therefore needs to guarantee effective network usage and prompt detection and resolution of any network issues, including connection failures, congestion and traffic routing.

        The OSG Networking Area is a partner of the WLCG effort and is focused on being the primary source of networking information for its partners and constituents. We will report on the changes and updates that have occurred since the last HEPiX meeting.

        The primary areas to cover include the status of and plans for the WLCG/OSG perfSONAR infrastructure, the WLCG Throughput Working Group and the activities in the IRIS-HEP and the now completed SAND projects.

        Speaker: Shawn Mc Kee (University of Michigan (US))
      • 59
        Resource Trust Evolution: Host Certificates in a Dynamic Landscape

        Increasing use of cloud resources, and other developments in new workflows, have posed an important question on which certificate providers are most appropriate for different use cases. Certificate authorities under discussion include Let’s Encrypt but also the CAs of commercial cloud providers. We discuss the posing of this question along with the key stakeholders, including sites, operations, experiments, and identity management and security experts, as well as requirements that need to be included in this discussion. We report on the formation of new WLCG task force on this topic as we approach the first meeting of that group.

        Speaker: David Crooks (UKRI STFC)
    • 18:15
      Coffee Break
    • Network & Security Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 60
        Update from the HEPiX IPv6 working group

        During this year the HEPiX IPv6 working group has continued to encourage the deployment of dual-stack IPv4/IPv6 services. We also recommend dual-stack clients (worker nodes etc). Many data transfers are happening today over IPv6. This talk will present our recent work including the ongoing planning for moving to an IPv6-only core WLCG.

        Speaker: David Kelsey (Science and Technology Facilities Council STFC (GB))
      • 61
        Threat Intelligence and Security Operations Centres: Collaborative Security

        The threat faced by the research and education sector from determined and well-resourced attackers has been growing in recent years and is now acute. We must act together as a community to defend against these attacks. A vital means of achieving this is to share threat intelligence - key indicators of compromise of an ongoing incident including network locations and file hashes - with trusted partners. We must couple this with a robust, fine-grained source of network monitoring. The combination of these elements along with storage, visualisation and alerting is called a Security Operations Centre. The WLCG SOC working group has been pursuing an interconnected network of SOC-equipped sites for several years. We report here on recent progress, including new deployments against multiple 100Gb/s sites, and future plans for the coming year.

        Speaker: David Crooks (UKRI STFC)
    • Basic IT Services Online workshop

      Online workshop

      • 62
        DESY's user registry

        DESY's current user registry is about to retire. During its
        use boundary conditions have shifted, the user groups have
        become more heterogeneous and in addition to collaborations
        with stable memberships the photon science community brought
        a higher rate of fluctuation of IT users. The successor in-
        corporates those changes and delivers functionality based
        on Oracle's database (database, APEX, ORDS).

        Speaker: Dirk Jahnke-Zumbusch (DESY)
    • Miscellaneous Online workshop

      Online workshop