5:15 PM
CERN Linux Distro Strategy
Ben Morrice
5:40 PM
Thinking About Binary Compatibility and CentOS Stream
Patrick Riehecky
(Fermi National Accelerator Lab. (US))
6:00 PM
Navigating the Stream: automating CentOS releases at CERN
Alex Iribarren
6:20 PM
Full OS image automation: Continuous Integration for CERN’s distros
Daniel Juarez
6:50 PM
Linux OS Plans at The SDCC
Christopher Henry Hollowell
(Brookhaven National Laboratory (US))
7:10 PM
DESY Linux Status & Strategy
Yves Kemp
7:30 PM
Red Hat's RHEL Academic Model
Brian Exelbierd
(Red Hat)
7:50 PM
Frank Wurthwein