25–29 Oct 2021
Europe/Zurich timezone

powerful, cross-disciplinary storage for everyone

27 Oct 2021, 10:30
Online workshop

Online workshop

Storage & Filesystems Storage & File Systems


Paul Millar


While WLCG may be considered at the vanguard of data-intense
scientific research, many other scientific communities are finding
their data storage requirements growing beyond their current
capabilities. Simultaneously, with science increasingly involving
broad collaborations, the ability to support and manage scientists
from different institutes is becoming essential.

At DESY, we have developed and deployed a community storage solution.
The primary users are the Helmholtz scientific community, which
includes a broad spectrum of fundamental research activity. The
service is not restricted to Helmholz users; for example, through the
ESCAPE project, we also support other communities such as SKA, CTA,

In this talk will detail the primary use-cases we wish to address with
this service, the powerful features that support them, and the
technologies that underpin those features. We will also describe the
current status of the storage and our plans for the future.

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