Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

CompactLight Complementary Use and Opportunities


We are pleased to announce the workshop "CompactLight Complementary Use and Opportunities", held remotely on 8 and 9 November 2021, from 14:00 to 18:00 CET each day.

The CompactLight project gathers world-leading experts united to achieve two objectives:

  1. Disseminate X-band technology as a new standard for accelerator-based facilities
  2. Advance undulators to the next generation of compact photon sources. In addition, CompactLight aims to facilitate the development of X-ray FEL facilities across and beyond Europe by making them more affordable to build and operate.


Videoconference room: The Zoom video conference room link will appear in the left-hand side menu only after registration. To see the link, you need to log in with your Indico account. If you don't have one, you can create it using a CERN lightweight account:

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 777431.

For any questions, email

  • Adrian Cross
  • alberto bacci
  • Alberto Petralia
  • Alejandro Castilla Loeza
  • Alessandro Variola
  • Alexander Gerbershagen
  • Andrea Latina
  • Andrea Milocco
  • Angeles Faus-Golfe
  • Angelo Taibi
  • Anna Golinelli
  • Antoine Courjaud
  • Aurelien Martens
  • Avni Aksoy
  • Axel Bernhard
  • Benedikt Guenther
  • Benjamin Hornberger
  • Bennie Smit
  • Boris Militsyn
  • Bruno Diviacco
  • Bruno Spataro
  • Carlo Rossi
  • Christian Dullin
  • Claude Marchand
  • Claude Van Daele
  • Claudio Scafuri
  • Daniel González-Iglesias
  • Daniel Nijhof
  • Eduardo Granados
  • Elena Longo
  • Emanuele Di Palma
  • Emmanouil Trachanas
  • Eric Cormier
  • Evan Ericson
  • Fabio D'ANCA
  • Federico Nguyen
  • Federico Pribaz
  • Francis Perez
  • Gerardo D'Auria
  • Giorgio Turchetti
  • Giuliana Tromba
  • Giuseppe Dattoli
  • Guibin Zan
  • Hans Priem
  • Hector Mauricio Castaneda Cortes
  • Hugues Monard
  • Hywel Owen
  • Illya Drebot
  • Iryna Chaikovska
  • Jack Kasahara
  • Javier Olivares Herrador
  • Jiaru Shi
  • Joe Crone
  • Johannes Brantl
  • Johannes Melcher
  • Jom Luiten
  • Jos de Klerk
  • Juanjuan Huang
  • Kai Zhang
  • Liang Zhang
  • Liuyuan Zhou
  • Luigi Faillace
  • Marco Calvi
  • mariano carpanese
  • Marie Jacquet
  • Markus Aicheler
  • Martin Dierolf
  • Massimo Ferrario
  • Massimo Milloch
  • Massimo Placidi
  • Matthew Capstick
  • Michael Fazio
  • Miguel Martinez Calderon
  • Miranda van den Berg
  • Nick Gazis
  • Nicola Sodomaco
  • Nuaman Shafqat
  • olivier brunner
  • Paolo Cardarelli
  • Paolo Delgiusto
  • Patrick Brennan
  • Pedro Morales Sanchez
  • Peter Salen
  • Peter Williams
  • Philip Nicholas Burrows
  • Raffaele Giuseppe Agostino
  • Raffaella Geometrante
  • Rebecca Auchettl
  • Regina Alexandra Rochow-Carbone
  • Renkai Li
  • Rick van den Berg
  • Roger Ruber
  • Rohan Dowd
  • Ryota Kinjo
  • Samira Fatehi
  • Sebastian Richter
  • Simona Borrelli
  • Simone Di Mitri
  • Steinar Stapnes
  • Tadej Milharcic
  • Thomas Schmidt
  • Ugo Lo Cicero
  • Valentine Fedosseev
  • Vittoria Petrillo
  • Vlad Musat
  • Walter Wuensch
  • Weiping Wu
  • Wolfgang Tschunke
  • Xiaoyang Liang
  • Xingguang Liu
  • yingchao du
  • Yongke ZHAO
  • Zafer Nergiz
  • Monday 8 November
    • 1
      Welcome and introduction
      Speaker: Gerardo D'Auria (Elettra Trieste)
    • 2
      X-ray phase contrast CT - moving closer to clinical implementation: recent experiences and planned activities at the IMBL
      Speaker: Patrick Brennan
    • 3
      Multiscale phase contrast imaging in biomedical research: the experience at Elettra - Part I
      Speaker: Cristian Dullin
    • 4
      Multiscale phase contrast imaging in biomedical research: the experience at Elettra - Part II
      Speaker: Giuliana Tromba (Elettra)
    • 5
      Potential biomedical imaging with ICS sources - prospects for dual-energy applications
      Speaker: Paolo Cardarelli
    • 6
      ICS system application for semiconductors wafer inspection
      Speaker: Jos de Klerk (VDL ETG)
    • 16:10
    • 7
      High gradient accelerators, electromagnetic undulators and Compact light sources
      Speaker: Giuseppe Dattoli (ENEA, Frascati, Roma)
    • 8
      ICS studies at CERN

      Two high-current injectors were considered for ICS use, together with a short X-band linac. The first injector is based on the CompactLight technology, while the second is based on a design from CERN. The pulse energy of a 1 kW laser was increased by using a Fabry-Pérot cavity. To perform these studies, an ICS simulation module was developed within the particle tracking code RF-Track. A benchmark of flux and brilliance calculations against CAIN was performed. Runtime comparisons proved RF-Track to be orders of magnitude faster than CAIN. Given the two setups, the ICS simulations showed MeV x-rays with flux values in the order of 10^12 to 10^13 photons/sec. The resulting high intensity and high energy x-rays allow for various applications, including cancer therapy, tomography, and nuclear waste management.

      Speaker: Vlad Musat (University Politehnica of Bucharest (RO))
    • 9
      Optical cavities for ICS
      Speaker: Aurelien Martens (Université Paris-Saclay (FR))
    • 10
      Burst mode high-power ps pulses at GHz repetition rates

      The aim of kW-flexiburst is to develop a high-power Ultra-short Pulse (USP) laser generating bursts that can be arbitrarily adjusted in terms of burst repetition rate, intra-burst repetition rate, number of pulses per burst, relative intensities in the burst while maintaining a 1 kW average power. This will be enabled by a radically new concept of seed oscillator, which offers the opportunity to work at GHz repetition rates.

      Speaker: Eric Cormier (Laboratoire Photonique, Numérique et Nanosciences (LP2N) )
  • Tuesday 9 November
    • 11
      The Munich Compact Light Source
      Speaker: Martin Dierolf (Technische Universität München)
    • 12
      The ThomX project status
      Speaker: Hugues Monard
    • 13
      The STAR Infrastructure
      Speaker: Raffaele Agostino
    • 14
      Towards Ångström Laser @ FREIA
      Speaker: Vitaliy Goryashko (Uppsala University)
    • 15
      Very Compact Inverse Compton Scattering Gamma-ray Source at Tsinghua University
      Speaker: Jiaru Shi
    • 16:05
    • 16
      BoCXS: An ICS-Based Multipurpose Compact X-ray Source
      Speaker: Massimo Placidi
    • 17
      Smart*Light: a compact hard X-ray ICS source based on X-band acceleration
      Speaker: Otger Jan Luiten
    • 18
      EuPRAXIA@SPARC_LAB: An X-band linac as driver for plasma acceleration
      Speaker: Massimo Ferrario
    • 19
      The CHUV-CERN collaboration on a high-energy electron FLASH therapy facility

      A very hot topic in radiation oncology is so-called FLASH therapy which involves delivering an entire radiation treatment in a few hundred ms, or less. This fast delivery can reduce toxicity to healthy tissue while maintaining tumor control expanding the parameter space for treatment. The effect has been observed in experiments and clinical translation is now underway. As part of this effort, Lausanne Hospital (CHUV) and CERN have formed a collaboration to design and build a clinical FLASH-capable facility for treatment of large, deep-seated tumors using high-energy, 100 MeV-range, electrons accelerated with electron linac technology developed by the CLIC linear collider study.

      Speaker: Walter Wuensch (CERN)
    • 20
      Development of C-band electron linacs for FLASH-RT at La Sapienza University & INFN
      Speaker: Luigi Palumbo (Università di Roma La Sapienza)