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IWLC2010 talks




This page is intended to host presentations to be given at the IWLC2010 workshop.

All speakers are requested to upload their slides prior to the conference (48 hours before your talk at the latest) to allow enough time for comments.

Rehearsals of the talks are not mandatory. However, a rehearsal session is planned for Thursday, 14-Oct-2010, 9:00 - 13:00 in room 4-1-021 for those speakers who would like to give a practice talk or who want to present material that was never shown to the CLIC Detector Study group beforehand.

webex info
    • 1
      Detector studies for CLIC
      Speaker: Marcel Stanitzki (Rutherford Appleton Laboratory)
    • Tracking and Vertexing
      • 2
        Layout optimisation for the vertex and forward-tracking region in the CLIC-ILD and CLIC-SiD detector concept
        Speaker: Mr Dominik Dannheim (CERN)
      • 3
        Performance of a Full Silicon Tracker at CLIC
        Speaker: Blai Pie Valls (Universitat de Barcelona-Unknown-Unknown)
      • 4
        Studies for a TPC in a CLIC Detector
        Speaker: Martin Killenberg
      • 5
        Design status of the Timepix2 pixel detector chip
        Speaker: Xavier Llopart Cudie (CERN)
      • 6
        The Saltro chip design for TPC pad readout
        Speaker: Paul Aspell (CERN)
    • Calorimetry and Muons
      • 7
        Comparison of the Performance of Tungsten and Steel Hadronic Sampling Calorimeters
        Speaker: Dr Peter Speckmayer (CERN)
      • 8
        Studies of the CLIC HCAL depth with Pandora PFA
        Speaker: Angela Isabela Lucaci Timoce
      • 9
        Impact of the shower time evolution for a Tungsten based HCAL
        Speaker: Dr Mark Thomson (University of Cambridge)
      • 10
        Investigation of the Time Structure of Showers in a Tungsten HCAL
        Speaker: Dr Frank Simon (MPI for Physics, Munich)
      • 11
        CALICE Tungsten HCAL Prototype status (was: Installation & commissioning of the CALICE tungsten HCAL testbeam module)
        Speaker: Dr Erik Van der Kraaij (CERN)
      • 12
        Performance of Muon identification in Pandora PFA
        Speaker: Dr Erik Van der Kraaij (CERN)
    • Detector Performance and Software Tools
      • 13
        Study of a 5T large aperture coil for the CLIC detector
        Speaker: Benoit Cure (CERN)
      • 14
        Simulation Studies regarding Beam-Beam Background in a CLIC Detector
        Speaker: André Sailer (CERN, HU Berlin)
      • 15
        Event Generation of gamma gamma -> hadrons
        Speaker: Tim Barklow (Stanford University)
      • 16
        A tau reconstruction algorithm for high energies at CLIC
        Speaker: Astrid Munnich
      • 17
        b-tagging of high energy jets at CLIC: Issues and requirements
        Speaker: Marco Battaglia (UCSC and CERN)
      • 18
        CLIC detector benchmarks
        Speaker: Frederic Teubert (CERN)
      • 19
        Particle Flow Calorimetry at High Energies
        Speaker: Dr Mark Thomson (University of Cambridge)
      • 20
        GEAR Extension: 3D Volume Tree, Events Generation with WHIZARD, and Mass Production using ILCDIRAC
        Speaker: Stephane Guillaume Poss
      • 21
        ILD and SiD Detector Concepts for CLIC
        Speaker: Mr Christian Grefe (CERN, Bonn University)
    • Higgs and Supersymmetry
      • 22
        Determination of Heavy Slepton Mass at CLIC
        Speaker: Jean-Jacques Blaising (CERN)
      • 23
        A Study of e+e- -> H0A0 -> bbbb at 3 TeV at CLIC
        Speaker: Marco Battaglia (UCSC and CERN)
      • 24
        A Study of Chargino and Neutralino Masses using W and h energy spectra and threshold scans at CLIC
        Speaker: Natali Alster (University of California, Santa Cruz)
      • 25
        A Study of Light-flavored SQuark Production at CLIC
        Speaker: Frank Richard Simon (Werner-Heisenberg-Institut-Max-Planck-Institut fuer Physik-Max-P)
    • 26
      Passive isolation: Pre-Isolator for FF quads
      Speaker: Andrea Gaddi (CERN)
    • 27
      MDI integration at CLIC
      Speaker: Hubert Gerwig (CERN)
    • 28
      Lucie's talk at 18/10 SiD meeting
      Speaker: Lucie Linssen (CERN)
    • 29
      Lucie's talk at the ILC-CLIC collaborative meeting
      Speaker: Lucie Linssen (CERN)