These posters were selected and will be presented by following participants:
Md | Abhishek | Scattering Amplitudes and BCFW in N = 2* Theory |
Tommaso | Armadillo | Evaluation of Feynman integrals with arbitrary complex masses via series expansions |
Connor | Armstrong | Effective Field Theory Ampltitudes in de Sitter |
Piotr | Bargiela | Three-loop helicity amplitudes for diphoton production in gluon fusion |
Yilber Fabian | Bautista | On the double copy for massive spinning particles |
Justin | Berman | The N = 4 SUSY EFTHedron with a Mass Gap |
Weiguang | Cao | Non-renormalization theorems in EFT beyond linear order |
Aleksander | Cianciara | N-Extended Supersymmetry, Polytopic Representation Theory, and Homological Quantum Error Correction |
Miguel | Correia | Probing multi-particle unitarity with the Landau equations |
Sudeepan | Datta | Analysis of Feynman integrals as GKZ-hypergeometric functions |
Lorenzo | Diaz-Cruz | The Higgs-Graviton Couplings: from Amplitudes to the Action |
Felipe | Diaz-Jaramillo | Double Field Theory as the Double Copy of Yang-Mills |
Nick | Early | Biadjoint Scalars and Associahedra from Residues of Generalized Amplitudes |
Bruno | Giménez Umbert | Smoothly Splitting Amplitudes and Semi-Locality |
Mathieu | Giroux | Loop-by-loop differential equations for the dual sunrise integral |
Riccardo | Gonzo | Classical gravitational bound states from amplitudes |
Max | Guillen | Towards a Manifestly Super-Poincaré Covariant Description for 11D Supergravity Interactions |
Subramanya | Hegde | Double copy construction of N=3 conformal supergravity |
Carlo | Heissenberg | The eikonal exponentiation and soft theorems |
Aidan | Herderschee | On the Differential Representation and Color-Kinematics Duality of AdS Boundary Correlators |
Ina | Hoenemann | Three-loop master integrals for Γ(H → b ̄b) at O(α²αs) |
Yangrui | Hu | Celestial Lorentzian Correlators and Light Transforms |
Shih-Kuan | Chen | Probing the Double-Copy Landscape |
Hiren | Kakkad | Towards developing quantum correction to a new Wilson-line based action for gluodynamics |
James | Mangan | Non-perturbative Double Copy in Flatland |
Gabriel | Menezes | Scattering amplitudes in higher-derivative Yang-Mills theories and quadratic gravity |
Saurabh | Pant | Soft factors and interaction vertices from light-cone actions |
Utkarsh | Patel | Numerically analyzing self-interacting dark matter |
Michal | Pazderka | Symplectic Grassmannians, dual conformal symmetry and 4-point amplitudes in 6D |
Paolo | Pichini | Classical Strings from Amplitudes |
Felipe Ignacio | Portales Oliva | Reconciling classical and quantum electromagnetic radiation through zero-Rindler-energy photons |
Lecheng | Ren | Deformed w(1+infinity) algebra on the celestial sphere and higher-derivative gauge and gravity amplitudes |
Carlos | Rodriguez | Genus-one open string integrals with multiple unintegrated punctures |
Arnab Priya | Saha | One loop integrand from generalized scattering equations |
Shigenori | Seki | Two-point string amplitudes revisited |
Christian | Schubert | Berends-Giele currents, color-kinematics duality and double-copy relations from the string-based formalism |
Yong | Zhang | One-loop BCJ numerators with quadratic propagators from the worldsheet |
Shun-Qing | Zhang | Integrated correlators in N = 4 super Yang–Mills and periods |
Please bring your posters on Monday, August 8 during coffee or lunch breaks. Note that a poster session is planned during the Welcome Reception (Monday evening).
Size recommendations: an A0-sized poster in the portrait layout is preferred (height 1189 mm × width 841 mm). A1-sized portrait or landscape layout posters will also fit the A0-Portrait poster stands.
The participants attending the Amplitudes Summer School might consider printing the poster in Prague. Please contact Michal Pazderka for more information.