Marco Bonetti
(RWTH University)
The detailed study of the Higgs boson is one of the main tasks of contemporary particle physics. Gluon fusion, the main production channel of Higgs bosons at the LHC, has been successfully modelled in QCD up to $\text{N}^3\text{LO}$. To fully exploit this unprecedent theoretical effort, sub-leading contributions, such as electroweak corrections, must be investigated. I will present the analytic calculations of the gluon- and quark-induced Higgs plus jet amplitudes in mixed QCD-electroweak corrections mediated by light quarks up to order $v \alpha^2 \alpha_S^{3/2}$.
Primary authors
Erik Panzer
Lorenzo Tancredi
Marco Bonetti
(RWTH University)
Vladimir Smirnov
(Moscow State University)