31 May 2022 to 2 June 2022
Princeton University
US/Eastern timezone

Line Segment Tracking in the HL-LHC

31 May 2022, 14:30
PCTS Conference room, 4th floor (Jadwin Hall, Princeton University)

PCTS Conference room, 4th floor

Jadwin Hall, Princeton University

Plenary Plenary


Balaji Venkat Sathia Narayanan (Univ. of California San Diego (US))


The major challenge posed by the high instantaneous luminosity in the High Luminosity LHC (HL-LHC) motivates efficient and fast reconstruction of charged particle tracks in a high pile-up environment. While there have been efforts to use modern techniques like vectorization to improve the existing classic Kalman Filter based reconstruction algorithms, we take a fundamentally different approach by doing a bottom-up reconstruction of tracks. Our algorithm, called Line Segment Tracking, constructs small track stubs from adjoining detector regions, and then successively links these track stubs that are consistent with typical track trajectories. Since the production of these track stubs is localized, they can be made in parallel, which lends way into using architectures like GPUs and multi-CPUs to take advantage of the parallelism. We establish an implementation of our algorithm in the context of the CMS Phase-2 Tracker which runs on NVIDIA Tesla V100 GPUs, and measure the physics performance and the computing time.

Consider for young scientist forum (Student or postdoc speaker) Yes

Primary authors

Avi Yagil (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Balaji Venkat Sathia Narayanan (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Bei Wang (Princeton University (US)) Emmanouil Vourliotis (National and Kapodistrian University of Athens (GR)) Matevz Tadel (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Peter Elmer (Princeton University (US)) Peter Wittich (Cornell University (US)) Philip Chang (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Slava Krutelyov (Univ. of California San Diego (US)) Tres Reid (Cornell University (US)) Yanxi Gu (Univ. of California San Diego (US))

Presentation materials

Peer reviewing
