4–9 Dec 2022
Africa/Cairo timezone
Virtual Conference on Gravitational Physics and Cosmology

The Gravitational Memory Effect

7 Dec 2022, 16:30


Ms DEESHANI MITRA (St Xavier's College(Autonomous),Kolkata)


In this dissertation we intend to study the background related to the memory effect that leads to "gravitational-wave memory effect" and two types of memory effect:(1) We intend to study a whole outline of what is memory effect.(2) We intend to solve the linear memory for N Gravitationally Unbound Particles where we will study different kinds of spherical harmonics,mass quadrapole leading to linear memory effect.\begin{equation}
\boxed{ {\Delta{h^{TT}{jk}}}=\triangle{{\sum{A=1}^{N}}}{\frac{4M_{A}}{r{\sqrt{1-v^{2}{A}}}}[\frac{v^{j}{A}v^{k}{A}}{1-{{v{A}.N}}}]^{TT}}}
\end{equation}(3)Then we try to examine the memory effect for the individual radiated neutrinos\cite{mukhopadhyay2021memory}
(4) Then we will discuss briefly about the introduction of non linear memory effect.

Primary author

Ms DEESHANI MITRA (St Xavier's College(Autonomous),Kolkata)

Presentation materials