May 16 – 20, 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone


Outreach, Diversity and Education

May 16, 2022, 5:00 PM


Outreach, Diversity and Education: Outreach, Diversity & Education session 1

  • Suchita Kulkarni (University of Graz)
  • Adriana Telesca (CERN)

Outreach, Diversity and Education: Outreach, Diversity & Education session 2

  • Muhammad Alhroob (University of Oklahoma (US))
  • Violaine Bellee (University of Zurich (CH))

Presentation materials

There are no materials yet.
Srubabati Goswami (Physical Research Laboraotory)
5/16/22, 5:00 PM
Marika Taylor (University of Southampton, UK)
5/16/22, 5:22 PM
Robert Barrie Appleby (University of Manchester (GB))
5/16/22, 5:44 PM
Eli Ben Haim (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (FR))
5/16/22, 6:06 PM
Tapan Nayak (CERN, Geneva and NISER, Bhubaneswar)
5/18/22, 2:15 PM
Kate Shaw (University of Sussex (GB))
5/18/22, 2:37 PM
Building timetable...