LHCP2022 will host an online poster session.
The deadline for submission of abstracts for posters contributions is 28 March 2022.
Notification of the acceptance of a poster contribution will be sent by e-mail on 8 April 2022.
Besides posters from LHC collaborations we encourage posters from other experiments, including from non-accelerator experiments, but carrying out research relevant for LHC particle physics, and from theorists.
Selected abstracts will be presented and discussed in the designated poster sessions. Posters will contribute to the proceedings. Prizes for the best posters will be awarded. Participants wishing to present posters with results from the experimental collaborations should check the procedure for submitting an abstract with their collaboration.
Formatting Guidelines
The poster sessions will be hosted online with Gather.Town. In order to fulfill the configuration of the system, we recommend poster presenters to prepare the posters according to the following regulations:
- For each poster three files are required: a jpeg image file as the main presenting material, a smaller version as a preview, and a high-quality PDF file for the record/reference.
- For the poster preparation, please configure the graphic tools to take a portrait setup in A2 size, and keep the font size at least 20 pts or larger (or equivalently an A4 size with font >=10 pts). Please export the poster as a high-quality PDF file.
- In order to allow the Gather.town to display the poster properly, a main/large jpeg image has to be prepared. The quality of the image should be as high as possible, with a minimal width of 1000 pixels. As a portrait A2 setup, the expected height of the image is around 1414 pixels if the width is 1000 pixels. It is possible to scroll up/down during the poster presentation. Note the limitation of file size is 3MB and the background cannot be transparent.
- The preview jpeg image (which will allow the visitors to have a quick glance) can be a scaled copy of the main image, with both width and height are reduced to half of the original version.
In order to have the posters properly integrated into the system of Gather.town, all of these three files should be uploaded to the indico no later than 12th of May.
Floor Map
Here are the floor map for the poster sessions on Gather.Town. The link to the event will be circulated and please feel free to visit the space with your avatar!
List of Posters: Room A
Poster Location |
Track |
Contribution ID |
Title |
A01 |
Electroweak Physics |
W-boson angular coefficients at LHC at high precision |
A02 |
Electroweak Physics |
Intrinsic quantum mechanics behind the Standard Model? - predictions in the baryon and Higgs sectors |
A03 |
Higgs Physics |
Muonic charged Higgs boson discovery channel at the LHC |
A04 |
Higgs Physics |
Rare Higgs Decays in the Standard Model |
A05 |
Higgs Physics |
Measurement prospects for di-Higgs production in the HH to bbyy channel with the ATLAS experiment at the HL-LHC |
A06 |
Higgs Physics |
Projected sensitivity of Higgs boson pair production combining the bbyy and bbtautau decay channels at the HL-LHC with the ATLAS detector |
A07 |
Higgs Physics |
Between even and odd: probing the CP nature of the Higgs-top Yukawa coupling |
A08 |
Higgs Physics |
Search for the Higgs boson decaying to a pair of muons in pp collisions at 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
A09 |
Higgs Physics |
Probing the CP nature of the top-Higgs Yukawa coupling in ttH and tH events with H→bb using the ATLAS detector |
A10 |
Higgs Physics |
Virtual QCD Corrections to gg->ZH via a Transverse Momentum Expansion |
A11 |
Higgs Physics |
Pair charged Higgs productions at NLO in e+ e- collider within the Inert Doublet model . |
A12 |
Higgs Physics |
A novel experimental search channel for very light Higgses in the Type-I 2HDM |
A13 |
QCD Physics |
Quarks and gluons in the Lund plane |
A14 |
QCD Physics |
In medium properties of an axion within a 2+1 flavor Polyakov loop enhanced Nambu–Jona-Lasinio model |
A15 |
QCD Physics |
Measurement of the forward η meson production cross section in p-p collisions at √s=13 TeV with the LHCf Arm2 detector |
A16 |
QCD Physics |
Probing phenomenological models implemented in PYTHIA8 |
A17 |
QCD Physics |
New tunes of PYTHIA8 to the Minimum Bias data at 13TeV using different PDF sets |
A18 |
QCD Physics |
Measurement and QCD analysis of double-differential inclusive jet cross sections at 13 TeV |
A19 |
QCD Physics |
First inverse moments of heavy-hadron distribution amplitudes |
A20 |
QCD Physics |
Proton parton distribution functions using ATLAS data |
A21 |
QCD Physics |
Event shape and multiplicity dependence of K*(892)$^{\mathbf{\pm}}$ production at mid-rapidity in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with ALICE at the LHC |
A22 |
QCD Physics |
Transverse Spherocity and Multiplicity Dependence of $R_{2}$ and $P_{2}$ Correlation Functions in pp Collisions at $\sqrt{\textit{s}}$ = 7 TeV Using PYTHIA8 |
A23 |
QCD Physics |
Energy and momentum-dependent studies of $\rm{R_2}$${\left( \Delta \eta, \Delta \varphi \right)}$ and $ \rm{P_2}$${\left( \Delta \eta, \Delta \varphi \right)}$ correlation functions in p$-$p collisions using color reconnection and rope hadronization models |
A24 |
QCD Physics |
Determination of the strong-coupling constant from the Z-boson transverse-momentum distribution |
A25 |
QCD Physics |
Measurement of heavy-flavor production in the high-mass dimuon spectrum in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 13 TeV with ALICE |
A26 |
QCD Physics |
Prospects of the LHCf operation in 2022 |
List of Posters: Room B
Poster Location |
Track |
Contribution ID |
Title |
B01 |
Flavour Physics |
Lepton and quark mixing patterns with generalized $CP$ transformations |
B02 |
Flavour Physics |
Theoretical analysis of $B^0 \to \phi \ell^+ \ell^-$ decay |
B03 |
Flavour Physics |
Investigation of the right-handed vector current via unbinned angular analysis of $B\to D^*(D\pi)\ell\nu_\ell$ |
B04 |
Flavour Physics |
CP-Violating Invariants in the SMEFT |
B05 |
Flavour Physics |
p --> e+ gamma in LCSR framework |
B06 |
Top Physics |
Measurement of the top quark pole mass using ttbar+jet events in the dilepton final state at 13 TeV |
B07 |
Top Physics |
Novel broad-mass search for new scalar particles in FCNC top quark decays using the full Run 2 data of the ATLAS detector |
B08 |
Top Physics |
Measurement of top quark pair charge asymmetry in t t γ production with ATLAS experiment |
B09 |
Top Physics |
Measurement of differential cross sections for the production of top quark pairs and of additional jets in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s} = 13$ TeV |
B10 |
Top Physics |
CP-violating anomalous interactions at Large Hadron Collider |
B11 |
TeV-Scale BSM |
Constraining 3-3-1 Models at the LHC and Future Hadron Colliders |
B12 |
TeV-Scale BSM |
Search for a new gauge boson $Z'$ in $4\mu$ events with the ATLAS experiment |
B13 |
TeV-Scale BSM |
Searches for supersymmetry in hadronic final states with the CMS detector |
B14 |
TeV-Scale BSM |
Search for resonant pair production of Higgs bosons in the 4b final state using 139/fb of sqrt(s) = 13 TeV pp collision data with the ATLAS detector |
B15 |
TeV-Scale BSM |
Search for electroweak production of supersymmetric sleptons and charginos with the ATLAS detector |
B16 |
TeV-Scale BSM |
Search for Heavy (pseudo)Higgs boson A/H produced in association with a top-antitop quark pair leading to the final state with four top quarks in pp collisions at √ s = 13 TeV with the ATLAS detector |
B17 |
TeV-Scale BSM |
Search for single production of a vector-like T quark decaying into a Higgs boson and top quark with fully hadronic final states using the ATLAS detector |
B18 |
Feeble Interactions BSM |
Prospects for dark boson searches via exotic Higgs decays in Run 3 and high luminosity era of the LHC |
B19 |
Feeble Interactions BSM |
Long-Lived Light Mediators from Higgs boson Decay at HL-LHC, FCC-hh and a Proposal of Dedicated LLP Detectors for FCC-hh |
B20 |
Feeble Interactions BSM |
Investigating New Physics Models with Signature of Same-Sign Diboson${E\!\!/}_{T}$ |
B21 |
Feeble Interactions BSM |
Search for Dark Matter produced in association with a Standard Model Higgs boson decaying to b-quarks using the full Run 2 collision data with the ATLAS detector |
B22 |
Feeble Interactions BSM |
Search for neutral long-lived particles decaying into displaced jets in the ATLAS calorimeter |
B23 |
Feeble Interactions BSM |
Long-lived dark photons at ATLAS: a search for unconventional signatures at the LHC |
B24 |
Feeble Interactions BSM |
Long lived NMSSM : Analysing some long-lived NSLP signatures in the NMSSM |
List of Posters: Room C
Poster Location |
Track |
Contribution ID |
Title |
C01 |
Heavy Ions |
Multi-partonic cascades in expanding medium |
C02 |
Heavy Ions |
Extended relaxation time approximation and relativistic dissipative hydrodynamics |
C03 |
Heavy Ions |
Light nuclei production with/without critical fluctuation |
C04 |
Heavy Ions |
Spin magnetohydrodynamics |
C05 |
Heavy Ions |
Dynamically groomed jet radius in heavy-ion collisions |
C06 |
Heavy Ions |
Intermittency analysis of charged hadrons generated in Pb-Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN} = 2.76 TeV and 5.02 TeV using PYTHIA8/ Angantyr |
C07 |
Heavy Ions |
Charge and heat transport coefficients of a hot and dense QCD matter in the presence of a weak magnetic field |
C08 |
Heavy Ions |
Hint of pion condensation in proton-proton collisions at the LHC using non-extensive Tsallis statistics |
C09 |
Heavy Ions |
A Deep Learning Based Estimator for Elliptic Flow in Heavy Ion Collisions |
C10 |
Heavy Ions |
Measurement of ψ(2S) production as a function of charged-particle multiplicity in pp collisions at √s =13 TeV and p--Pb collisions at √sNN = 8.16 TeV with ALICE at the LHC |
C11 |
Heavy Ions |
Measurements of ψ(2S) production in Pb–Pb collisions with ALICE at the LHC |
C12 |
Heavy Ions |
Multiplicity dependence of intra-jet properties in small collision systems with ALICE |
C13 |
Heavy Ions |
Multiplicity-dependent study of $\Lambda(1520)$ resonance production in pp collisions at $\sqrt{s}$ = 5.02 and 13 TeV with ALICE |
C14 |
Heavy Ions |
Prediction for global properties in O+O collisions at $\sqrt{s_{NN}}$ = 7 TeV using AMPT model |
C15 |
Heavy Ions |
Exclusive dilepton production in ultraperipheral Pb+Pb collisions in ATLAS |
C16 |
Heavy Ions |
Measurement of high-pt electron performance in proton-lead collisions in the ATLAS experiment |
C17 |
Heavy Ions |
Insight into the magnetic response of hadron gas using non-extensive statistics |
C18 |
Heavy Ions |
Measurement of $R_{2}(\Delta\eta, \Delta\varphi)$ and $P_{2}(\Delta\eta, \Delta\varphi)$ correlation functions in pp collisions at $\sqrt{\textit{s}}$ = 13~TeV using ALICE data |
C19 |
Heavy Ions |
Transverse spherocity dependence of global observables in heavy-ion collisions at the LHC using AMPT model |
C20 |
Heavy Ions |
Fluid properties of hadron gas produced in relativistic collisions of pp and AA |
C21 |
Heavy Ions |
Identical-particle (pion and kaon) femtoscopy in Pb$--$Pb collisions at $\sqrt{s_{\rm NN}}=$ 5.02 TeV with Therminator2 modeled with (3+1)D viscous hydrodynamics |
C22 |
Heavy Ions |
Scaling properties of charged particles generated in Xe-Xe collisions at √s_N N = 5.44 TeV using AMPT Model |
C23 |
Heavy Ions |
Study of resonance’s properties in heavy-ion collisions using angular hadron-resonance correletions in ALICE experiment. |
C24 |
Heavy Ions |
Transverse spherocity and multiplicity dependent study of various higher order moments of $\langle p_{\rm{T} }\rangle$ distribution in pp collisions using PYTHIA8 |
C25 |
Heavy Ions |
Nuclear modification factors of prompt and non-prompt J/ψ in Pb–Pb collisions at √ sNN= 5.02 TeV at midrapidity with ALICE |
C26 |
Heavy Ions |
Probing the hadronic phase of large hadronizing system through the study of the Λ(1520) resonance with ALICE at the LHC |
List of Posters: Room D
Poster Location |
Track |
Contribution ID |
Title |
D01 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
"Particle physics for babies": outreach for the youngest audience |
D02 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
QuarkNet in LHC Education and Outreach |
D03 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
Sharing ATLAS Science: communicating to the public |
D04 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
ATLAS Open Data: developing education and outreach resources from research data |
D05 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
Educational Printables: from colouring books to cheat & fact sheets |
D06 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
ATLAS Virtual Visits: Bringing the world to our detector |
D07 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
A new ATLAS Visitor Centre |
D08 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
Increasing Multilingualism in ATLAS’ Science Communication |
D09 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
Evolution of Regional, Age and Gender Demographics in the ATLAS Collaboration |
D10 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
Crowdfunding your outreach project |
D11 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
Outreach Modules for a New Particle Search Using the ATLAS Forward Proton Detector and Higgs Boson Physics |
D12 |
Outreach, Diversity and Education |
Implementation of a Portal Dedicated to Higgs Bosons for Experts and the General Public |
D13 |
Performance and Tools |
Constraining Deep Neural Network classifiers’ systematic uncertainty via input feature space reduction |
D14 |
Performance and Tools |
Leveraging universality of jet taggers through transfer learning |
D15 |
Performance and Tools |
Performance of ATLAS Forward Proton Detector during LHC Run 2 |
D16 |
Performance and Tools |
Performance and calibration of the ATLAS Tile Calorimeter |
D17 |
Performance and Tools |
Studies of the long term stability of track selection criteria for the ATLAS track counting luminosity measurement |
D18 |
Performance and Tools |
A Tool for Calculation of the Radiation Parameters on the Early Stage of Simulation Geometry Development in CATIA |
D19 |
Performance and Tools |
AtlFast3: the next generation of fast simulation in ATLAS |
D20 |
Performance and Tools |
The performance of the ATLAS Inner Detector tracking trigger in high pileup collisions at 13 TeV at the Large Hadron Collider (Run-2) and plans for Run-3 |
D21 |
Performance and Tools |
The new ATLAS triggers for long-lived particles that leave unconventional signature in the tracking detectors |
D22 |
Performance and Tools |
New ATLAS missing transverse momentum trigger algorithms and performance |
D23 |
Performance and Tools |
The Muon Trigger of the ATLAS experiment: performance and improvements for Run 3 |
D24 |
Performance and Tools |
ATLAS Trigger system for Run 3 |
D25 |
Performance and Tools |
Improved track reconstruction for prompt and long-lived particles in ATLAS for the LHC Run 3 |
D26 |
Performance and Tools |
Two New Developments on the Statistical Treatment of Flavour Tagging Uncertainties in ATLAS |
D27 |
Performance and Tools |
Measurement of the b -tagging efficiency using multijet events in ATLAS |
D28 |
Performance and Tools |
New ATLAS b-tagging Algorithm for Run3 |
D29 |
Performance and Tools |
Hadronic Reconstruction with the ATLAS Detector at the LHC |
D30 |
Performance and Tools |
Point Cloud Deep Learning Methods for Pion Reconstruction in the ATLAS Detector |
List of Posters: Room E
Poster Location |
Track |
Contribution ID |
Title |
E01 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
A new Scattering and Neutrino Detector at the LHC |
E02 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Dedicated Triggers for Displaced Jets using Timing Information from Electromagnetic Calorimeter at HL-LHC |
E03 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Searching for an eco-friendly gas mixture for the ALICE Resistive Plate Chambers |
E04 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
The CMS MTD Endcap Timing Layer: Precision Timing with Low Gain Avalanche Detectors |
E05 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Precision Timing with the CMS MTD Barrel Timing Layer for HL-LHC |
E06 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Reduction of high voltage discharge in GEM detectors for the ME0 station of the CMS forward muon system |
E07 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Heavy flavor jet tagging algorithm developments at CMS for HL-LHC |
E08 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
ATLAS Roman Pots at LHC Run 3 - Detector Status |
E09 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Developing a production database for the High Granularity Timing Detector for ATLAS Phase-II upgrade |
E10 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Physics and performance of the High Granularity Timing Detector |
E11 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Development of the USTC LGAD sensors for the ATLAS HGTD upgrade |
E12 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
ATLAS LAr Calorimeter Commissioning for LHC Run-3 |
E13 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Development of the ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Readout Electronics for the HL-LHC |
E14 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Machine Learning for Real-Time Processing of ATLAS Liquid Argon Calorimeter Signals with FPGAs |
E15 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Upgrade of ATLAS Hadronic Tile Calorimeter for the High Luminosity LHC |
E16 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Upgrade of the ATLAS Luminosity Monitor for HL-LHC |
E17 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Study of the correlation between the construction parameters of the MM readout boards and performance of the Micromegas detectors |
E18 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
The Control System of the New Small Wheel Electronics for the ATLAS experiment |
E19 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
The ATLAS New Small Wheel Simulation and Reconstruction Software and Detector Performance Studies |
E20 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Status of the CSM FPGA Irradiation Test for the HL-LHC ATLAS Muon Spectrometer Upgrade |
E21 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
Event Filter Tracking for the Upgrade of the ATLAS Trigger and Data Acquisition System |
E22 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
The High-Level Trigger for the CMS Phase-2 Upgrade |
E23 |
Upgrade & Future Projects |
ME0 second generation prototype chamber characterization for CMS phase II upgrade in the Muon forward region |