Indico celebrates its 20th anniversary! Check our blog post for more information!

11–15 Sept 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

FLASH HPRF System Upgrade

14 Sept 2022, 11:10
80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor (CERN)

80/1-001 - Globe of Science and Innovation - 1st Floor


Esplanade des Particules 1, 1211 Meyrin, Switzerland
Show room on map
Oral presentation 20' + 5' High Power RF System Status and Operating Experience High Power RF systems Status and Operating Experience #1


Stefan Choroba


FLASH is a free electron laser driven by a superconducting linear accelerator. During the last shutdown for the FLASH2020+ upgrade several modifications have been made to the HPRF system. Two European XFEL type superconducting accelerator cryomodules with tailored RF power waveguide distribution have replaced two old lower performance modules. Another two old accelerator modules have been equipped with tailored RF power waveguide distributions allowing to make use of the maximum achievable accelerating gradient of each cavity. One new RF station with a multibeam klystron has been installed and another RF station has been equipped with a new pulse modulator. In addition to these major changes several other modifications have been made to the RF power waveguide distributions and the RF power stations. The measures will result in an increase of the electron beam energy from 1.25 to 1.35 GeV.
This presentation will report on the modifications of the HPRF system during the shutdown for the FLASH2020+ upgrade.

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