16 July 2022
Technical University Vienna
Europe/Zurich timezone

Latest results on the low energy excess in CRESST-III

16 Jul 2022, 13:30
Technical University Vienna

Technical University Vienna

Gußhausstraße 25-29, 1040 Wien


Dominik Raphael Fuchs (Max Planck Society (DE))


CRESST, similarly to many other experiments, observes an unexpected excess of events at low
energies. So far no conclusive explanation of its origin was found. The current CRESST-III data
taking campaign is dedicated to study and possibly identify the nature of this Low Energy Excess
(LEE). We are operating a variety of detector modules differing in target materials, geometries and
holding structures, designed to narrow down the list of hypotheses. In this work we show the current
status of the investigations of the ongoing CRESST-III measurements, focusing on the comparison of
time, energy and temperature dependence of the LEE in several detectors. The preliminary results
strongly exclude dark matter, radioactive backgrounds and intrinsic sources related to the crystal
bulk as a major contribution.


Dominik Raphael Fuchs (Max Planck Society (DE)) Angelina Kinast Margarita Kaznacheeva (TUM) Athoy Nilima (Max Planck Institute for Physics)


Presentation materials