April 25, 2022 to June 24, 2022
Europe/London timezone

This series of online courses is intended to support UK PhD student training in instrumentation, along with continued development of postdocs and beyond. At present, it is geared towards the needs of the silicon/semiconductor community, and arose from the PPTAP discussions which took place during 2021. 

The courses focus on the background knowledge involved in silicon detector development, from solid-state theory to electronics and hands-on software tutorials. Lectures will be grouped into:

  • Semiconductor Theory
  • Electronics and DAQ
  • Mechanics and cooling
  • Fabrication and structures
  • Experimental techniques
  • TCAD electric field and transport simulations
  • Software tools
  • Short topics

Each lecture course consists of 8 one-hour lectures each, with lectures grouped into two 4-hour slots each week.

Lectures will be run on

  • Tuesday afternoons 13:00 - 17:00 BST
  • Friday mornings 9:00 - 13:00 BST

in the weeks April 25 - June 20 inclusive.

Registration is open to everyone, and attendance is not monitored or enforced. Attending a subset of courses is entirely acceptable. The courses are run as a community effort on a voluntary basis by the lecturers, but feedback on the layout and topics will be welcome with the aim of future improvements.

Steering committee members:

  • University of Birmingham - Laura Gonella
  • University of Bristol - Jaap Velthuis
  • University of Cambridge - Bart Hommels
  • University of Glasgow - Kenny Wraight
  • University of Edinburgh - Andrzej Szelc
  • Imperial College London - Alex Tapper
  • University of Lancaster - Lingxin Meng
  • University of Liverpool - Jon Taylor
  • University of Manchester - Alexander Oh
  • University of Oxford - Daniel Hynds (Chair)
  • Queen Mary University of London - Peter Hobson
  • Rutherford Appleton Laboratory - Giulio Villani