Opening day
Submission deadline
As part of the abstract submission process, you will first need to sign up for an Indico guest account, if you don't already have one. The easiest way to do this is to click the "Home organisation - eduGAIN" link on the right-hand side of the login page, then search for your home institution and login using your home institution credentials. If your institution is not listed, you will ned to go back and click the "External email - Guest access" link on the right-hand side of the login page and then following the "Register" link. Note that after registering for Guest access, you will receive a confirmation email. For this you may need to check your SPAM folder.
When Submitting your abstract, please include
- A 35 word (maximum) summary in the text box provided
- Upload a 1 page (maximum) abstract.(Word and Latex templates are provided)
- Choose a track (more than one can be selected, although you will only be accepted to one)
- Your preferred contribution type (talk or a poster). Note that while we aim to assign all talk submissions, due to timetabling constraints this may not always be possible.
- The primary author who will be considered as the presenter
- Optional co-authors