Dec 11 – 16, 2022
Australia/Adelaide timezone
Co-locating with the 7th International Workshop of Specialty Optical Fibres and Their Applications (WSOF), the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP), and the Conference on Optoelectronlc and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD)

Instructions for presenters

We encourage all speakers to take note of the following guidelines when preparing their slides or posters.

At the conference there will be a dedicated speaker support desk where presenters can ensure their material is uploaded and will be correctly displayed in the rooms. 

Oral Presentations

  • All plenary talks are 35 minutes + 10 minutes for questions. Chairs will keep time.
  • All invited talks are 25 minutes + 5 minutes for questions. Chairs will keep time.
  • All remaining talks are 12 minutes + 3 minutes for questions. Chairs will keep time.
  • Slides must be prepared for projection in 16:9 format (longer side along the horizontal direction)
  • Presenters will use the computers provided.
  • Speakers will be provided with a laser pointer/clicker, in addition to a keyboard + touchpad/mouse.
  • Expect to use a microphone as we are in a large hall and even the loudest speakers won't be heard at the back without one.
  • Audio is also enabled for presentations that require it.

Uploading slides

  • In order for the slides for your talk to be downloaded to the computer in the room allocated to your session, you will need to upload your slides 24 hours before your scheduled talk.
  • The preferred method for uploading slides is to email them to Adelaide Convention Centre Speaker Support  (, noting that the subject of the email must be clearly labelled as follows: dd/mm/yy - name of event - room - time in 24-hr format - surname of presenter
  • Talks may also be uploaded by taking your talk on a USB stick to Speaker Support no later than 24 hours before your scheduled talk.
  • At the conference there will be a dedicated Speaker Support desk where presenters can ensure their material is uploaded and will be correctly displayed in the rooms.
  • If you wish to share your slides with other Congress participants, you can add a pdf file to your talk in the Whova app. All speakers will be sent an email containing a link where they can modify the details of their contributions as they appear in the mobile app, including uploading slides in pdf format (max size 10MB).

Poster Presentations

  • Posters are requested to be in A0 portrait format. 
  • Each poster will be assigned a location in the exhibition hall (Hall F/G). Locations will be marked by a number. You will be informed of your number before the Congress.
  • Posters will be on display for 2 full days according to their assigned poster session. 
  • There are two posters sessions. 
    • Poster session A will be on Tuesday, December 13. Presenters should be prepared to bring their poster on Monday and find their assigned positions. Posters in this session will need to be taken down on Tuesday at the conclusion of the session
    • Poster session B will be on Thursday, December 15. Presenters should be prepared to bring their poster on Wednesday and find their assigned positions. Posters in this session will need to be taken down before the end of the Congress (Friday, December 16)
  • Poster presenters will be provided with velcro dots to attach their posters to the display board

If you have any questions, please contact