Details for the 3D Printing Workshop can be found at
Details for the ANFF workshop can be found at
The laser increased the intensity of light that can be generated by orders of magnitude and thus brought about nonlinear optical interactions with matter. Chirped pulse amplification, also known as CPA, changed the intensity level by a few more orders of magnitude and helped usher in a new type of laser-matter interaction that is referred to as high-intensity laser physics. In this talk, I...
The diamond NV center offers a uniquely versatile path towards nanoscale imaging of condensed matter and biological systems. Here I present NV-based magnetic imaging experiments and discuss challenges to improved resolution and sensitivity, largely focused on materials engineering and tackling interface-induced decoherence.
Astrophotonics lies at the interface of photonics and astronomical instrumentation. The power of photonics and Adaptive Optics, together with the development of new photonic devices, strengthens the case for astrophotonics year by year.
Quantum Hall systems are of broad interest as they cover low-dimensional quantum systems, strong charge correlations, and topological physics. Our results lead to a unified understanding of the relaxation processes in graphene over different magnetic field strength regimes.
We present a numerical model of an early universe analog using a Bose-Einstein condensate, including temperature effects and topological properties. This may provide an insight into the particle-antiparticle asymmetry seen in our universe.
Results from the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB) reveal the first microsecond isomer for exotic N=20 nuclei. Implications for nuclear structure and the competition between spherical and deformed shapes will be discussed.
Our team have performed Quantum Natural Language Processing on an IBM quantum computer and our own trapped-ion hardware. Key to achieving this is the observation that quantum theory and natural language are governed by much of the same compositional structure.
Metal halide semiconductors have emerged as attractive materials for solar cells. In this talk I will discuss some of our recent work exploring the optoelectronic properties of lead-iodide perovskites and silver-bismuth halide semiconductors.
In this work, we experimentally create a lattice of vortices in a two-dimensional BEC and map the vortex density as the lattice melts. These states have gained prominence as an analogue of electrons in the quantum hall effect.
This invited talk will discuss the molten core method for fabricating a wide variety of novel glassy and crystalline core optical fibers, exhibiting an equally wide variety of fascinating properties not previously known
Recent advances in device physics, nanotechnology, AI, and sensor fusion is leading to a revolution in smart sensor technology to provide multi-faceted interfaces to the three-dimensional physical, chemical, and data environment, enabling high-performance information gathering and real-time situational awareness.
Future interferometric gravitational-wave detectors are predicted to be impacted by low-frequency relative displacement motion between their seismic isolation platforms. We will present the advantages, sensitivity targets and latest prototype developments towards a digitally-enhanced interferometric sensor for measuring this motion.
This talk discusses a rigorous analysis of phasemeter behaviour in the ultra weak-light regime. We explore the fundamental limit in optical power at which heterodyne phase tracking measurements can be reliably performed, Focused on application in space-based interferometry.
Adaptive optics (AO) is critical in astronomy, optical communications, remote sensing, and optical beam manipulation to correct distortions caused by propagation through media like the Earth’s atmosphere or living tissue.
In this work we show the results of an atomistic tight-binding approach coupled with the Non-Equilibrium Green’s Function (NEGF) formalism when applied to phosphorus doped silicon tunnel junctions that can be manufactured with sub-nanometre accuracy.
This research illustrates a novel method of stabilizing the laser in the LISA mission with respect to two references – the on-board optical cavity, and the inter-spacecraft separations or the arms of the interferometer
Tuning the charge transfer and optoelectronic properties of 2D materials such as black phosphorus (BP) by hybridising it with an organic semiconducting polymer.
This work explores using CO-laser heating to fabricate speciality optical fibre from unconventional materials. The unique temperature dynamics of this furnace demonstrated fine control of crystallisation in crystal-core glass-clad fibres.
Transverse force tomography is a relatively new technique that offers an alternative perspective on confining forces in Quantum Chromodynamics. We present the first lattice QCD computation of the spatial distribution of the "Colour-Lorentz" forces in the proton.
We demonstrate the laser cooling techniques for rapid production of a metastable helium BEC. The experimental setup features an in-vacuum magnetic trap and a cross-beam optical dipole trap. We obtained a pure BEC of 1 million atoms in 3.3 seconds.
We report robust fibre Bragg grating (FBG) sensors that optically measure environmental conditions in harsh, corrosive, biofouling wastewater networks over long periods.
Information loss in black hole evolution is one of the longest-running controversies in theoretical physics. However, the discordant properties of different generalisations of surface gravity reveal that the problem cannot be formulated self-consistently in semiclassical gravity.
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We present the characterization of the simultaneous four offset-optical phase-locked loop set up used as part of a Newtonian noise sensor readout, and discuss their performance and limits with respect to the scientific requirements for the experiment.
An overview of the free-space optical communications research being conducted at UWA, with emphasis on the development of the Western Australian Optical Ground Station and results from field tests with a deployable mobile optical terminal.
Demonstrating the first positive-patterning process for creating passivated waveguides in porous silicon films using laser writing in a controllable atmosphere to retain an open pore structure suitable for highly sensitive optical sensor applications.
We build low depth parity check gate set such that these gates become the most natural gate for QEC implementation.By building gates that are fundamental to QEC rather than universal computation,we can boost the threshold and ease the experimental hardness.
This work studies of families of laser models that exhibit both Heisenberg-limited beam coherence, and sub-Poissonian beam photon statistics. In particular, we investigate if imposing sub-Poissonian statistics comes at the expense of a reduction in the coherence.
Compactified extra dimensions are well motivated BSM candidates. I will talk about the behaviour of scattering amplitudes of Kaluza-Klein gravitons in both flat and warped extra dimensions and assess the range of validity of the low-energy effective Kaluza-Klein theory.
β-Ga2O3 gratings were fabricated by inductively-coupled-plasma (ICP) etching process to have a clearer understanding of dry etching mechanism during semiconductor device manufacturing process. Different parameters were adjusted to investigate their effects and find the best etching recipe.
We present our experimental progress towards demonstrating quantum non-locality in a matter wave system of ultracold helium via a Rarity-Tapster interferometer. The momentum entangled state used for the violation is generated by colliding helium Bose-Einstein condensates.
Shell effects in nuclear fission of superheavy oganesson-294 are investigated through simulations of quasifission trajectories. Results show that shell effects from fission affect quasifission along with excitation energy dependent changes.
We present the key considerations in our design for using optical interferometry to phase-lock optical phased arrays with up to 100 million emitters, needed for the ambitious proposed Breakthrough Starshot mission.
How to experimentally investigate the fidelity of injected states for error-corrected quantum computing using the surface code and superconducting qubits. The injection method with the highest resultant fidelity minimises the need for resource-intensive state distillation.
We propose a new, low-loss method of cooling neutral alkali atoms to quantum degeneracy by optical feedback control. We present full-field quantum simulations demonstrating the viability of the technique, and show robustness to realistic experimental imperfections.
We report high-quality MBE growth and a mechanical property study of HgCdSe layers on GaSb (211) substrates. Both the crystal quality and the mechanical properties of HgCdSe have been demonstrated to be comparable to those of HgCdTe
We have developed a measurement platform that can report the T1 spin lattice relaxation time from an ensemble of fluorescent nanodiamonds in solution. This platform can be used for rapid material characterisation and chemical sensing in a convenient cuvette-based approach.
By adopting a Maxwell-Einstein picture of a (2+1)-dimensional superfluid it is predicted that vortex quasi-particles (kelvons) posses an intrinsic spin. We examine the possibility of implementing topological non-abelian geometric phases on such kelvon spins.
This presentation addresses the design and implementation of the pyrate software system developed within the context of the SABRE experiment for dark matter direct detection. The system is oriented at processing and analysing the data collected by the experiment.
We report recent progresses and discuss key technical challenges in research and development of specialty silica optical fibres via 3D printing technologies.
Designing Hartmann wavefront sensor telescopes for improved sensing of thermal aberrations in large diameter optics inside gravitational wave interferometers.
The measurement of optical wavelengths using speckle is a promising tool for compact and precise wavemeters/spectrometers. We explore the limits of a speckle pattern-based wavemeter, aiming to achieve a measurement precision better than an attometer.
We demonstrate a logical no-go theorem on a version of the Wigner's friend thought experiment which strengthens previous device-independent no-go results and opens new questions on the interface of quantum foundations and modal logic.
We have developed an artificial neural network decoding technique for large scale surface codes with complex boundaries suffering a variety of noise models.
An integrated optic 4-telescope beam combiner is being developed for the detection of exoplanets using nulling interferometry. The beam combiner, fabricated using ultrafast laser inscription, is optimised for achromatic behaviour in the mid-infrared (3.5-4.0 µm).
This is theoretical work on quantised vortices in superfluids with a specific focus on connections between the theory of rotating neutral superfluids, topological quantum computation, and gravitation endowed by an acoustic metric.
Here we report the optimization of the growth of superconducting boron doped diamond on insulating diamond substrates via microwave plasma chemical vapor deposition (MPCVD) using a 3D-printed titanium Faraday cage, which leads to superior uniformity in growth and boron incorporation.
Long Lived Particles are predicted in many BSM models. This is an overview of previous analyses to highlight where missing energy, with additional data may be more sensitive to SUSY signals, or to help set limits on supersymmetric particle masses.
In this talk, we will present our latest developments of the advanced low-frequency rotational accelerometer that has direct utilization in seismology applications and seismic isolation in gravitation wave detectors.
Rotational Optical Tweezers provides a unique tool to perform dynamic microrheology of intracellular vesicles using an internalised vaterite microsphere. Here, we discuss the required calibration of trapping power and the probe radius for successful microviscometry.
Artificial intelligence is a powerful tool for science, but an important question is how to extract true scientific understanding. We present a method that enables new understanding, and demonstrate its application to quantum photonics.
The growth of QCLs requires an understanding of the interfacial properties of the superlattice (SL) active region. Atomic probe tomography is used to elucidate the interfacial properties within the QCL, and incorporate these observed properties into advanced QCL designs.
We report on recent advances in reconstructing the internal quark and gluon structure of the nucleon through global QCD analysis of high energy scattering data.
OPTICA Vice-President Keynote Talk
Authors: Gerd Leuchs 1,2,3, Vsevolod Salakhutdinov 1, Margaret Hawton 4, Luis L. Sánchez-Soto 1,5
1 Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Erlangen, Germany
2 Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany
3 Nexus for Quantum Technologies, University of Ottawa, Canada
4 Lakehead University, Thunder Bay, Canada
5 Universidad...
In this talk I will discuss recent dynamic neutron scattering results from two natural minerals, linarite and atacamite, detailing the extent of our knowledge of these two copper oxide materials.
The immediate prospects of solving real-world problems on near-term Noisy Intermediate Scale Quantum hardware is largely dictated by device noise/errors. We have developed an alternative approach to error mitigation strategies based on quantum computed moments to improve energy/cost function results.
We discuss Figures of Merit for quantifying the sensing performance of hollow-core terahertz light cages with respect to free space propagation. Our results point to light cages as a way of improving terahertz phase sensing capabilities.
The gravitational-wave observation of GW200129 hinted at the presence of spin-precession - an important observation for understanding black-hole binary formation. We discuss how this observation may instead be attributed to noise transients in the gravitational-wave detectors.
Black holes, white holes and wormholes can be treated in a unified fashion. Starting from two natural assumptions many of their properties, sometimes in conflict with the usual semiclassical expectations, can be obtained.
Using optical tweezers for the better understanding of how the microrheology of reproductive cells and their local environment during in vitro procedures is correlated to embryo development, implantation success, pregnancy, and live birth.
This presentation will cover the translation of optical imaging to address challenges in endocrine surgery. Three different techniques will be used to (a) detect the parathyroid gland, (b) perfusion of the gland and (c) visualize the nerves during surgery.
High spin donor atoms are objects of interest in semiconductor quantum architectures due to their large Hilbert space dimensionality. Here we demonstrate high fidelity coherent control over the 16-dimensional Hilbert space of a single 123-Sb atom implanted in silicon.
Gaussian Boson Sampling (GBS) is a prominent model of quantum computing. We experimentally demonstrate both GBS with displacements and with time-bin encoding for the first time. The latter is used to search for dense sub-graphs.
Physical black holes are considered to be trapped regions bounded by the apparent horizon. Even though assuming that semi-classical physics is valid and curvature is not diverging there, other things suggest that the apparent horizon is a mildly singular surface.
Calculating the Larmor precession phase evolution to measure magnetic fields at arbitrary frequencies with an Non-linear Magneto-Optical Rotation (NMOR) atomic magnetometer.
We present a microscopic theory of thermally-damped vortex motion in oblate atomic superfluids, providing a microscopic origin for the damping and Brownian motion of quantized vortices in two-dimensional atomic superfluids, which has previously been limited to phenomenology.
A tactile sensitive silicone-based artificial skin is fabricated on a fingertip model with embedded ZEONEX-based polymer Bragg gratings. Through tactile force feedback and the aid of machine learning, contact localization throughout the fingertip is achieved.
The data provide new aspects about the scaling behavior of the skyrmion and helical distances. This offers new valuable information on the parameters in the spin Hamiltonian, which are responsible for the formation of the fascination quantum protected objects.
In this work a 3D CdTe layer was grown on 2D Sb2Te3 nanosheets through molecular beam epitaxy, subsequently the heterostructure at the interface was studied by TEM, suggesting high quality epitaxial growth materials promising for applications in future optoelectronic devices.
The beauty and charm quarks are ideal probes of perturbative Quantum Chromodynamics, owing to their large masses. The formation of hadrons from quarks produced in different parton-parton interactions within the same proton-proton collision is studied using doubly-heavy hadrons.
We employ heralded amplification and quantum state teleportation to implement a channel capable that corrects for loss in quantum communication. Our channel genuinely outperforms direct transmission through high amount loss without relying on postselection.
This talk focuses on work completed in adapting continuous gravitational wave search techniques, currently only sensitive to long lived stable neutron stars, to be suited to detecting young neutron stars with rapidly changing frequency.
The deterministic implantation of single donors in silicon is realised using ion beam induced charge detectors. This will enable the fabrication of arrays of donor spin qubits, required to scale up the promising quantum computing platform of donors in silicon.
We model the effects of coating nanodiamonds with glass, to mitigate some of the particle-to-particle variability with as-received nanodiamonds by creating a more uniform spherical shape. Such new particles represent a new platform for multi-function quantum biosensing.
I will outline recent work towards developing a nanometer sized acoustic sensor based on 1D photonic crystals, which can be used for fibre-based optomechanical acoustic sensing.
Terahertz sensing holds promise for applications in precision agriculture due to the sensitivity of terahertz waves to hydration.
Here we present a laser-based terahertz imaging technique to evaluate temporal change of hydration in leaves.
By performing a combined analysis of data from pion-Nucleon scattering experiments with first-principles calculations from lattice QCD, we gain insight into the composition and structure of the low-lying odd-parity Nucleon resonances.
When subjected to a rotating magnetic field, the resulting precession of the dipole moments of a dipolar BEC imparts angular momentum to the system. We show how this can be used to generate vortex lattices, as observed in recent experiments.
Different methods for compiling analog quantum control pulses for the diamond quantum processor, speed and error benefits of using analog control, and semi-analytical optimisation of analogue control pulses.
Skin and prostate cancer have quite high incidence rates in New Zealand, Australia and the rest of the world. Identifying suspicious tissue for diagnostic and biopsy is a core challenge for treating both of these diseases. Optical spectroscopy offers rich datasets to improve the identification of diseased tissue. This presentation will discuss our recent advances.
We generate and verify entanglement in sizeable multiqubit states prepared on IBM Quantum superconducting devices. We report the detection of whole-device bipartite entanglement on a 65-qubit quantum device and genuine multipartite entanglement over all qubits of a 27-qubit quantum device.
In this talk, I first introduce the Kitaev spin liquid and discuss its properties. I present some stunning features such as the formation of Majorana fermion Landau levels.
We apply machine learning methods to control and optimise the stirring protocol imposed on Rubidium-87 Bose-Einstein condensates in experiment. The optimisation allows for controlled generation of various persistent current states albeit with no universal optimum stirring parameters.
Quantum autoencoders use machine learning techniques to compress quantum data and are predicted to be useful for noise mitigation. Our ongoing work aims to experimentally demonstrate denoising of four-dimensional quantum states.
Exact solutions to Einstein's field equations are notoriously difficult. In this work we obtain expressions for the metric tensor for the interior of a star, i.e., for static spherically symmetric space-times with positive and monotonically decreasing density and pressure.
I focus on the QCDSF/UKQCD/CSSM lattice collaboration's advances in calculating the forward Compton amplitude of nucleon via an implementation of the second-order Feynman-Hellmann theorem. I highlight our progress on investigating the low moments of (un)polarised structure functions of the nucleon.
We report on a polyurethane capillary fiber sensor that transduces body movements containing information of physiological parameters such as respiratory and pulse rates. We also investigate key factors, like transfer function, for successful system design.
We study the behaviour of drag in superfluids and observe the universal relation between the Reynolds number and drag coefficient in superflow. This establishes hydrodynamic scale invariance extends into the limit of quantum fluids.
Fast two-qubit phase gates with trapped-ions are feasible with an expected gate fidelity of 77.8% using a sequence of our ultrafast picosecond laser $\pi$-pulses. Such sub-microsecond gate operations support the development of scalable quantum computers.
We exploit the complex nature of light transmission through multimode fibre for distributed fibre temperature sensing. This is achieved by training a regression deep neural network for extracting distributed temperature information from fibre wavelength spectra.
We present the machine learning design of nanoscale-engineered InGaN-based QW with ten sublayers for enhanced performance based on a heuristic algorithm. Such a design approach can achieve significant improvements in the material gain characteristics and current density of QW.
We discovered a new practical method of perfectly amplifying and teleporting multiphoton light. It is shown to be better than established alternatives. This type of amplifier is useful for a huge variety of quantum technologies.
Refinement and adaptation of the distributed feedback fiber laser based hydrophone for the remote monitoring of marine traffic is reported. Hydrophone bandwidth and multiplexing noise have been mitigated; a substantial increase in hydrostatic pressure compensation depth has been demonstrated.
Pertaining to the analysis of heavy vector production at the LHC, this project focuses on vector boson fusion as the dominant production channel for heavy vector triplets and presents limits within the relevant parameter space.
There is growing interest in developing visible light-emitting fibre lasers. Currently, they rely on fluoride-fibre but for some transitions silicate fibre may be suitable. Here I review silicate-based fibre lasers and offer ideas for allowing them to generate visible light.
Nitrogen Vacancies in diamond nanoparticles are employed for in situ monitoring of the magnetic state of photomagnetic materials down to the single particle level, the stability of molecular cages containing atomic Nitrogen, and spin active products of photocatalysis.
In this talk I will present work on the magnetic excitations of two contrasting strongly correlated electron systems.
We present an overview of recent research in our Atom Optics lab, including the development of magnetic optical elements for manipulating beams of ultra-cold atoms, magnetic microstructures, and time crystals using ultra-cold atoms bouncing on an atom mirror.
We present an optical methodology for classifying embryo metabolism based on hyper-spectral imaging and artificial intelligence. It successfully distinguishes oocytes from old and young mice and control from metabolically altered embryos, with potential to empower embryologists in in-vitro fertilization clinics.
Optical quantum computing with continuous variables offers the tantalising promise of room-temperature operation and vast scalability. Here I present an overview of recent key advances in scalability and fault tolerance with this platform.
We present single-molecule level sensing of biomarkers by a solid-state nanopore sensor, a next-generation nanoelectronic sensor, as a diagnostic tool at ultra-low concentrations and volumes. We are now exploring protocols to operate in complex samples like blood and saliva.
Optical atomic clocks combined with the proliferation of compact optical frequency combs, offer higher inherent timing stability versus their current microwave counterparts. We detail the development and demonstrations of our portable optical atomic clock technology with bespoke comb outside the laboratory under rugged conditions, and outline future directions.
We measure NMR signals via their modulation of the NV spin-state dependent red photoluminescence intensity using a time-resolved quantum heterodyne detection scheme.
Energising and interrogating distributed feedback fibre laser hydrophones in remote deployment scenarios requires management of the propagation loss, optical nonlinearity and judicious selection of the pump wavelength. We characterise the system for a range of pump wavelengths spanning from 1480-1540nm.
Here I briefly develop a theory of the experimental signature of a hypothetical time-crystal using neutron spectroscopy as a probe of the coherent dynamics in a lattice system, assuming a suitable driving mechanism such as intense terahertz light.
We present high performance HgCdTe infrared photodetectors for sensing applications in the mid-wave spectral band of 3~5 μm based on the n-on-p technology.
We highlight the potential uncertainties that may arise from the nuclear components of WIMP-nucleus scattering amplitudes, due to nuclear structure theory within the framework of the nuclear shell model.
- Study metastable excited states for these ions as clock transitions in optical clocks.
- Calculating several atomic properties.
- CI+SD and CIPT methods are used.
- Black body radiation (BBR) found 10^-16-10^-18.
- The enhancement coefficient reached K= 8.3.
We present the theoretical study of diamond spin maser magnetic field sensor’s limitations considering a detailed photo-physics of the spins. We also present our progress towards the experimental realization of such a sensor.
We study spin-exchange collision as a route to thermally robust entanglement of two atoms in a microtrap. For probing it, we perform a Hong-Ou-Mandel experiment in which a Raman transition pulse plays the beam splitter role and compare with simulation.
Cluster states in continuous-variable quantum computing come in various configurations. The authors demonstrated a significant drop in the required quality of a particular configuration. Here, we also present those improvements in other configurations.
Research into a novel silk-hybrid material with capabilities of detecting pH changes in wound fluid via fluorescence spectroscopy may be implemented to assist in early detection of wound infection.
We describe the development of ultra-stable single-frequency 10W thulium fibre master oscillator power amplifiers at wavelengths between 1900nm and 2050nm, for gravitational wave detection. Environmental isolation and minimal wavelength drift is achieved using a two-stage temperature-controlled mount.
We present a compact, wireless imaging probe using a cost-effective camera-based technique, stereoscopic optical palpation, towards intraoperative tumour assessment for breast cancer surgery. This probe could help surgeons effectively remove cancer during the operation, reducing the need for follow-up surgery.
We investigate the photo-physics of the nitrogen vacancy centre to improve the optical readout fidelity by designing a new decomposition technique to extract spin state information.
We investigate excitation of atoms using extremely short pulses of light with intensities above $10^{14}$ W/cm$^2$. The carrier-envelope-phase of the pulse modifies the interaction and marks a change in the dynamics.
We discuss fabrication challenges to realize plasmonic MEMS-enabled tunable LWIR filter consisting of a suspended perforated gold membrane with a vertically actuated thin silicon structure above it.
We provide a quantum algorithm for time-dependent differential equations with only logarithmic dependence on the error and derivative. It can be applied to discretised partial differential equations for simulation of classical physics.
In this work, we show that light emitted from generic Ultra-Strongly Coupled system demonstrates suprising, unbounded strong bunching of photons. We explain the origin of this effect, its dependence on driving mechanism, and discuss potential applications.
The quark-gluon vertex is an important ingredients of one of the strong interaction. It is an essential ingredient in functional approaches to nonperturbative quantum chromodynamics. We will summarise the latest developments in quark-gluon vertex and its implications in hadron physics.
We present the experimental study of active nanostructured fiber devoted to simultaneous laser emission at two wavelengths, 1040 nm and 1534 nm. The fiber core is formed with two types of nanorods doped with ytterbium and erbium ions.
We provide a suite of methods to discover the causal model of a quantum process. It is the first complete toolkit for quantum causal discovery, taking into account experimental and computational limitations.
We investigate employing quantum machine learning algorithms for B meson flavour tagging, an important component of the experiments at Belle-II which study heavy quark mixing, CP violation and the matter-antimatter asymmetry of the universe.
To reveal the critical role of the A-site molecular ions in the polarization-related properties, we investigate three MOFPs that have the same Mg(HCOO)3− frameworks with different molecular ions: [CH3NH3][Mg(HCOO)3] (MA-MOF), [(CH3)2NH2][Mg(HCOO)3] (DMA-MOF), and [C(NH2)3][Mg(HCOO)3] (GUA-MOF).
We propose and demonstrate a novel spectroscopy method on donor spin qubit in silicon, which resolves the challenge of low frequency noise estimation with fine resolution
In this paper, we present the proof of concept of a fast silicon nitride photonic switch with MEMS actuation by using conventional lithography. Fabrication and optical characterisation of the device have been demonstrated successfully.
Radioactive Noble Gas isotopes are ideal tracers of environmental processes. Due to their low abundances, a lack of measurements is a limitation in climate modelling. We present progress towards an Atom Trap Trace Analysis (ATTA) facility for overcoming this limitation.
We have developed a nanoparticle tracking method for direct observation of the in-vitro BBB penetration process, enabling in-depth studies of the mechanisms and pathways for nanoparticle agents to penetrate the blood-brain barrier.
We report upon a prototype optical clock using a two-colour two-photon transition in Rubidium, toward developing a compact alternative for the next generation GNSS.
Engineering of randome lasing in nanoporous photonic crystals
Our work aims to develop a naturally extracted, transparent silk fibroin dressing, integrated with temperature and pH sensors, capable of monitoring early signs of infections, healing disruptions and scar formation via light-based measurements.
In this work, we introduce a semi-ab initio method for modelling the bound-hole states of the negatively-charged NV center (NV-). Our semi-ab initio approach can be readily adapted to other deep defects in semiconductors.
What is expanding space? What came before the big bang? Is there an edge to space? What’s beyond the horizon of a black hole? What can the amazing images from the James Webb Space Telescope tell us?
When I'm having a chat with family and friends, these are the questions I’m asked.
So upgrade your repertoire for cocktail party conversation by learning about these and other cosmological...
Many efforts around the world are now pursuing the ambitious goal of utility-scale, fault-tolerant quantum computing. Consistent themes are emerging across the field, as teams attempt to scale from existing small systems to the millions of qubits needed for useful applications. Systems partitioning, manufacturability, cooling power, networking, and control electronics are recurring challenges...
This talk requires no particular technical mathematics background, as I will talk entirely in terms of simple pictures. These are the pictures of my new book, "Quantum in Pictures" [1], which is aimed at the teenage enthusiast, and pretty much everyone else too - the book had a more technical predecessor [2].
One finds the same pictures in natural language, and much of the high-level...
We experimentally realize intrinsic chiral metasurfaces where the engineered slant geometry breaks both in-plane and out-of-plane symmetries. Our result achieves intrinsic chiral bound states in the continuum with near-unity CD of 0.93 and quality factor exceeding 2300 for visible frequencies.
Beyond high-capacity communications, space-division multiplexing fibers bring many advantages to optical and microwave signal processing, as not only space but also chromatic dispersion are introduced as new degrees of freedom.
Finite-volume pionless effective field theory is an efficient framework with which to perform the extrapolation of finite-volume lattice QCD calculations of multi-nucleon spectra and matrix elements to infinite volume and to nuclei with larger atomic number. Recent progress is reviewed.
Silica hollow-core fibers (HCFs) are leading the way in advanced telecommunications and ultra- short pulse laser transmission. Chalcogenide HCFs will become the holy grail of CO2 laser transmission at 10.6 microns.
Our recent advances in wafer-scale integration of Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems in Silicon Photonics have shown high performance tuneable couplers, filters, switches, and phase shifters that provide an advanced technology basis for emerging applications requiring very large-scale photonic integration such as programmable photonics.
We analyse the performance of Gottesman Kitaev Preskill quantum error correcting codes during gates and under realistic noise such as loss and dephasing using a new subsystem decomposition.
We are experimentally investigating possible departures from standard quantum mechanics’ predictions at the Gran Sasso underground laboratory in Italy. We are searching for signals predicted by dynamical collapse models, and signals indicating a possible violation of the Pauli Exclusion Principle.
In this talk I will discuss near-surface small-angle neutron scattering (NS-SANS), performed slightly above the critical angle of reflection, as a route to overcome the shortcomings of transmission SANS for extremely small magnetic sample volumes in the thin-film limit.
Room temperature optomechanical squeezing would enable many applications in sensing and quantum computing. However, decoherence makes this challenging. I will present work which show large suppression of decoherence at low mechanical frequencies, opening a path towards room temperature quantum technologies.
This talk explores the fabrications processes and “many knobs” that must be turned to achieve low nonlinearity performance in modern optical fibers.
Active optical fibers that exhibit intrinsically low nonlinearities such SBS supression or increased TMI thresholds is the end research goal for many groups. Materially, these phenomena are well understood, as is the method to achieve...
I give an update on the Global And Modular BSM Inference Tool and show the latest results for a model where the gravitino and the lightest neutralinos and charginos are the only light sparticles in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model.
We developed scalable graphene metamaterials that show attractive optical and thermal properties. Through patterning with advanced laser nanoprinting technique, functional photonic devices with ultrathin, light weight and flexible nature have been demonstrated promising exciting opportunities for integrated photonics.
We present a general framework for using quantum error correction codes for protecting and imaging starlight received at distant telescope sites, which can enable long-baseline optical interferometry.
We prove a rigorous form of the adiabatic theorem for a discrete time evolutions. We use this discrete theorem to develop a quantum algorithm for solving linear systems that matches the known lower bound on the complexity of $\kappa$.
Spin-photon devices for on-chip silicon photonic quantum networks are demonstrated using the silicon T centre, a spin photon interface boasting long-lived spin qubits and spin-resolving optical transitions in a telecommunications band.
We built an apparatus that measures high-speed spectrally resolved mode transmission matrices. The field and modal coefficients were extracted at 3.8KHz, four times faster than the acquisition rate. This speed enables potential applications such as real-time imaging though multimode fibres.
I will introduce the concept of Spin gapless semiconductors (SGSs) and their unique features, highlighting the Dirac-type SGS which offers an ideal platform for massless spintronics and quantum anomalous Hall effect with a dissipationless edge state.
We investigate the nonlinear response of heavy impurity in ultracold Fermi gases and superfluid with a numerically exact approach. Our results are highly relevant for polaron physics.
We investigate the charge dynamics following the optical excitation of a single erbium ion inside a silicon FinFET. We observe a latched charge signal that depends on gate voltage, optical intensity and optical pulse length.
We investigate quantum spin systems realised in a dilute gas of ultracold polar molecules pinned in a deep optical lattice. We discuss a novel disorder mechanism for engineering many-body localisation, and explore the system's non-equilibrium dynamics in one and two-dimensions.
Au-Ag nanostars, with enhanced plasmonic properties due to multiple “hot-spots” on the tips, stabilized in BSA@PBS buffer solution without formation of protein corona. The prepared nanostructures were stable in biological fluid and preserved their original enhanced optical activity.
We report on development of a transmitter and receiver for lunar optical communications. The instruments will be installed on the ANU Optical Communications Ground Station (OCGS) at Mt Stromlo Observatory in Canberra, Australia.
We present an erbium-doped optical resonator with a quality factor of $10^8$ and up to 1.2GHz of coupling to an optical transition. By probing the optical resonances we can measure the erbium's response to microwave excitation of its spin transition.
Topological data analysis is an important way of understanding features of data, but can be exponentially hard classically. We present new ways of performing topological data analysis on a quantum computer with improved complexity.
We explore how generalisations of the Heisenberg principle arising from modified canonical commutation relations can produce significant effects in recent observations of optomechanical backaction noise, as well as in quantum trajectories of moments derived from general continuous position measurements.
Where does your mass come from? The Higgs mechanism only accounts for 1% of the proton mass. We reveal how centre vortices connect emergent phenomena such as quark confinement and dynamical mass generation with the QCD vacuum state.
In this work, HgCdTe infrared detectors are taken as an example to simulate and study the mechanical and optoelectronic properties of HgCdTe infrared material under curved conditions in order to understand the feasibility of fabricating curved HgCdTe image sensors.
We present an all-optical-fibre frequency reference with a state-of-the-art short-term stability of 0.1 Hz/$\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$, limited by double Rayleigh backscattering. The system also reaches the fibre thermal noise limit at infrasonic frequencies.
We explore finite-temperature phases of a spin-1 ferromagnetic Bose gas, identifying mass and spin BKT transitions, a vortex plasma phase, and novel critical scaling of spatial correlations.
A solid-core endlessly single mode mid-infrared polarization-maintaining photonic crystal fiber (PM-PCF) made of chalcogenide glass with an asymmetric pattern of longitudinal holes having different periods and diameters is presented. Simulation and experimental results are given.
In this talk we will show how a spectral filter, together with a weak Kerr nonlinearity, can be used to tune, and improve, the photon statistics of the spontaneous emission of a strongly-confined exciton-polariton system.
We demonstrate for the first time the programmable tuning of dielectric inverse-designed metasurfaces made of silicon by electrically driven transparent micro-heaters. This approach made sub-millisecond switching time and individually tuning metasurfaces possible.
Our team from PUC Chile and RMIT studied how to amplify the small mixed reflection Fresnel coefficients for topological insulators via a third Mu-Metal sublayer and discovered a measurable Poynting vector deviation near its surface, key for its optical characterization.
We present techniques, compatible with measurements in digital quantum simulations, for studying critical dynamics in quantum phase transitions, based on the Kibble-Zurek mechanism. In particular, we introduce a sample-and-hold protocol that enables the study of critical exponents in the system.
We present studies of the $\Delta$ baryon spectrum using lattice QCD and Hamiltonian Effective Field Theory. Our results suggest quark model-like states and meson-baryon two-particle states both contribute to the energy spectrum observed in experiment.
By simulating the Hanbury Brown and Twiss experiment results (second order correlation function) for a field of emitters, we study the effectiveness of using quantum correlations in emitter localisation.
Additive manufacturing makes it possible to produce complex structures and individual pieces directly from the CAD file within short production times. This research focuses on a filament extrusion method, where the objects are directly printed from a soda-lime glass filament.
Annealing effects in femtosecond laser-inscribed mid-infrared compatible fibre Bragg gratings (FBGs) are investigated via micro-reflectivity measurements. A process window for the fabrication of FBGs with improved thermal stability is identified.
We introduce a protocol for detection and correction of arbitrary continuous phase errors in a multi-channel quantum transmission system by integrated waveguide circuits.
We discuss the challenges that must be overcome for variational quantum computing to be able to solve chemical systems of more than a few electrons in the context of the variational quantum eigensolver and the quantum computed moments method.
An analytical model of the metal-organic superconductor, Cu-BHT, shows that its simplified lattice structure possesses three robust, degenerate flat bands at half-filling, which are narrower and more isolated than those of twisted-bilayer graphene.
We present a novel direction to enhance and control the degree of chirality in silicon-on-silica metasurfaces via an interplay between the nanoresonator symmetry and the symmetry of the metasurface lattice.
We report branching fraction and $CP$ asymmetry measurements of the $B^{0}\to\pi^{0}\pi^{0}$ decay mode at Belle II using a data sample corresponding to $198\times10^{6} B\bar{B}$ pairs. This is comparable sensitivity with 1/4th of the Belle dataset.
This talk will review the seminal work, and enduring legacy, of quantum pioneers Tony Klein and Geoff Opat in devising and performing the neutron-interference experiment which observed fermionic quantum phase acquired upon 2$\pi$ rotation.
In the dual HMW effect a topological phase emerges when electric dipoles pass around a line source of magnetic charges. When measured it also gave a much more precise measurement of the Aharonov Casher effect.
Atom interferometry offers stable, compact, primary sensing that can advance applications in ground water mapping, mineral exploration, planetary exploration and inertial navigation among other fields. I describe recent advances at ANU in techniques and applications.
Reporting on several of our recent works on the hyperfine anomaly and its importance in searches for new physics in precision atomic experiments.
Photoemission is the most information rich and widely used techniques for the elucidation of the electronic structure, surface states and chemistry of materials. The NanoESCA III, recently commissioned in Flinders Microscopy and Microanalysis.
In this keynote address, I will discuss opportunities for quantum innovation in Australia, barriers that need to be overcome, and strategies to build a strong quantum ecosystem to drive research up the value chain.
The report discusses novel all-glass optical fibers designs for dispersion management and its applications.
There is a rapid development in utilizing Terahertz frequencies for next generation of communications. In this talk, I will discuss how recent advances in photonics can facilitate low-loss and low-dispersion waveguides with exceptional bandwidth for terahertz.
Emulation of relativistic-like physics in photonic structures with Dirac spectrum has enabled observation of Klein tunneling and topological boundary modes in real and synthetic dimensions. We demonstrate another exciting emulation of trapped eigenstates of Dirac quasiparticles in photonic metasurfaces.
Based on the recent development of the quantum computer hardware, in
this talk we present new quantum neural network models and show their
performance for classification problems. We then discuss how far we can
simplify such quantum computational systems.
In this work, we examine the assumptions that give rise to barren plateaus in quantum neural networks and show that an unbounded loss function can circumvent the existing no-go results.
I will show the sorts of physics model that are currently evading detection at the Large Hadron Collider, and will present new ideas for how to extend the reach of particle searches with the ATLAS and CMS detectors.
We have used a combination of muonic-atom and atomic many-body calculations to extract magnetic hyperfine anomaly in caesium atom from muonic cesium measurements. Our result is important for cesium atomic parity violation studies.
Holmium-doped high power fiber lasers operate at an eye-safe wavelength and have numerous applications. In this talk, we discuss a new method of optical pumping for this technology - using GaSb-substrate-based high power laser diodes emitting at 1950 nm wavelength.
In this talk I will discuss using low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy and spectroscopy to measure the magnetic gap in 5 SL MnBi2Te4.
Mid-infrared spectroscopy has numerous applications. A host of new applications could be enabled by new types of mid-IR spectrometers with reduced size, weight, and cost. We will describe our recent work on a compact microspectrometer platform for chemical identification.
We review various methods used to estimate uncertainties in parton distribution functions (PDFs), finding that utilizing a neural network on a simplified example of PDF data has the potential to inflate uncertainties.
We summarize our recent results on design, fabrication and characterization of polarization maintaining anti-resonant hollow core fiber. Loss of 5.6 dB/km and phase birefringence of $1.8\times 10^{-5}$ is achieved.
Machine learning models are susceptible to adversarial examples - inputs to the model which have been manipulated in order to confuse it. We study the vulnerability and resiliency of quantum classifiers to such inputs.
Today’s challenge is to design compact, robust and mobile sensors which will lead to new generations of atomic sensors for mobile gravity mapping and GPS free navigation.
Characterisation of spectral properties of blue SPEs in hBN at cryogenic temperatures. High-yield fabrication allows for extensive study of this defect class. Resonant excitation revealed phonon-broadened linewidth as well as Rabi oscillations.
We propose and numerically investigate the mechanism of vector beams formation in terahertz spectral range via engineering the band structure of spatially inhomogeneous photonic metasurfaces supporting topologically trivial and non-trivial states.
Presentation of atomic excitation factors and calculated event rates for DM-electron scattering, and how they compare to the excess seen in the XENON1T experiment.
We design and demonstrate a 3D-printed horn coupler, improving the transmittance of a hybrid photonic crystal waveguide by more than 20dB, providing a convenient and economical way of customizing couplers for different waveguides and could be integrated in terahertz devices.
Inspired by 3D imagining problems we investigate methods of quantum encodings that are invariant to permutations of points in the original input for collections of 3D points (point cloud) data, within the context of a particle physics application.
Applying a comprehensive 20-band $sp^3d^5s^*$ tight-binding model with self-consistent field Hartree method to calculate energies of multi-electron states, we investigate the $D^-$ charging energies of donor molecules in silicon consisting of two phosphorus impurities in various orientations.
This work examines the sensitivity of the upcoming SABRE South experiment to the annual modulation dark matter signal. We also consider the effect of a hemisphere-dependent seasonal background on direct detection experiments.
By structuring the spatial profile of single photons, we were able to demonstrate different types of quantum advantages in metrological applications. This method also enabled an investigation into a new type of quantum state evolution with possible future applications.
We present a method – genetic algorithm for state preparation (GASP) – which generates low-depth quantum circuits for initialising a quantum computer in a specified quantum state.
Ultra-fast THz sources have been implemented into spectrometers offering small form-factor and broadband coverage. However, their low spectral power limits use to very thin samples. Here we demonstrate implementation of high power tunable SPS lasers into a spectrometric system.
This presentation will discuss preliminary attempts to perform Coulomb excitation of $^{124}$Te with the CAESAR array at the ANU as part of a larger investigation into the vibrational nature of near-spherical nuclei.
An efficient mid-infrared Er3+-doped fluoride fiber laser operating at 2.8 μm pumped by a single-mode laser at 1.7 μm has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated for the first time.
We report the first experimental generation of spatially entangled photon pairs from a metasurface incorporating a lithium niobate nonlinear thin film and the preparation of polarisation entangled states with a metasurface integrating two crossed metagratings.
Tapping mode atomic force microscopy was used to reveal nano-scale features and material variation near the surface of capture threads of glowworm (Arachnocampa tasmaniensis). Unstretched and stretched threads are contrasted.
I present diamond optomechanical systems with high mechanical and optical quality factors and long spin coherence times of the embedded, strain-coupled defect centers. Progress towards reaching high spin-phonon quantum cooperativity is discussed.
We theoretically and experimentally demonstrate a quantum clock implemented with a superconducting qubit and show the thermodynamic limit of the clock accuracy in the quantum regime is caused by the entropy production rate.
Metasurfaces constructed of subwavelength periodic arrays of metal particles have been shown to possess asymmetric optical transfer function with a relatively high numerical aperture of ~0.5 enabling phase imaging of diverse transparent objects.
This presentation will cover a number of atomic energy level measurements involving ultracold metastable helium atoms, including using a tuneout wavelength to probe atomic QED theory.
Record-long (200 km) single-ended random fiber laser and sensor, which can be used for safety monitoring of long-haul powerlines, are proposed and demonstrated based on combination of high-order random lasing pump and ultra-low-loss fiber, for the first time.
Using rubidium-filled hollow-core fibres we have reduced the optical power requirements of a no noise, high-bandwidth quantum memory protocol by two orders of magnitude, a key step towards a large-scale fibre-based quantum information network.
Total cross sections for all single-electron processes in proton scattering on molecular hydrogen have been calculated within a two-centre coupled-channel approach, providing improved agreement between theory and experiment for this challenging collisional system.
Fixed Field Accelerators offer potential advantages for particle therapy, however many challenges remain. We address the problem of resonance crossing during acceleration, showing that beam stability can be maintained by fixing the normalised focusing strength.
Nanophotonic devices enable image processing with potential for biological live-cell imaging and wavefront sensing. Here we demonstrate the use metasurfaces and thin-films for all-optical visualisation of phase modulations in an optical field and their application to biological imaging.
We employ nanopatterning, via diblock co-polymer lithography, and selective area-MOVPE growth to achieve high-density InGaN/GaN quantum dots for UV applications
The aim of this work is to investigate the inhibition of phosphine-protected Au9 clusters beneath a Cr(OH)3 overlayer to agglomerate under conditions of photocatalytic water splitting (i.e. UV irradiation).
We report synchrotron absorption measurements for MgO:LiNbO3 over a wide range of wavenumbers and temperatures. Spectra reveal the existence of an unexpected mode at 3.15 THz at all temperatures which explains the crystal's difficulty of THz generation at higher frequencies.
In this talk, I will discuss recent developments in the field of nanomechanical computing. Specfically, I will propose the first error correction architecture for integrated nanomechanical systems that uses majority voting logic.
The coupling of light with a mechanical degree of freedom is ususally limited to exciting mechanical modes that are defined by the structure being used. We are working towards a regime where light can be used to define mechanical modes.
Disordered arrays of plasmonic colloids provide a means for broadband optical absorption, due to equipartition of energy and convergence of internal mode lifetimes. We examine such systems from the viewpoint of energy harvesting and enhanced light extraction.
I will discuss how first-principles lattice QCD calculations are yielding new insights into the structure and interactions of nuclei.
We demonstrate the controlled engineering of boron vacancy defects creation in two dimensional material hBN. The spin state in these defects can be controlled optically which is highly desirable for realization of quantum devices and scalable quantum communication technologies.
I will discuss our recent work in using small molecule precursors to synthesize nanomaterials through on-surface reactions
We demonstrate a microscopy technique that employs spin defects in hexagonal boron nitride as quantum sensors to perform magnetic and temperature imaging of van der Waals materials.
Talk based on a combination of Phys. Rev. X 12, 011007 and unpublished work.
Creating short pulses at mid-infrared (MIR) wavelengths has been an ongoing research area for several years because of the high applications potential. This talk will discuss different schemes for creating MIR ultrashort pulses in all-fibre configuration.
Optical fibers with NV(-) nanodiamonds embedded along the core are reported. Magnetic field sensing is validated along with nanodiamond concentration scaling and NV(-) fluorescence coupling to the guided modes.
Time and resource-efficient active machine learning approach has been used to create a database containing the functional and structural properties of millions of novel van der Waals layered structures.
In a thermal-loss channel, it is uncertain whether a discrete-variable or a continuous-variable quantum key distribution (QKD) protocol is more optimal. We investigate QKD protocols in a thermal-loss setting but with the assumed availability of perfect sources and detectors.
We study polymer melts via high precision Monte Carlo simulations of Hamiltonian paths of up to N = 100 million steps on the simple cubic lattice with periodic boundary conditions.
A novel fabrication methodology incorporating neon-ion milling is developed to engineer superconducting boron-doped diamond devices including the first diamond nano-SQUID, with noise properties (flux noise: 0.14 $\mu\phi_0$/$\text{$\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$}$ at 1 kHz, spin sensitivity: 11 spins/$\sqrt{\text{Hz}}$) comparable to optimal Nb-nano-SQUIDs reported.
A fiber based polarization insensitive OCT has been developed to remove polarization artefacts from conventional OCT images. The computational processing and hardware system calibrations will be discussed. A comparison of different polarization independent schemes and results will also be presented.
Recent developments have enabled the computation of hadron resonance properties from scattering amplitudes determined from lattice Quantum Chromodynamics. We summarise this theoretical approach and compare with recent data from hadron physics experiments.
Inducing forward Brillouin scattering (FBS) in non-suspended waveguides is challenging because the required acoustic waves have long wavelengths, typically exceeding the acoustic mode cutoff. Here, we investigate the extent to which an acoustic mode can be confined in non-suspended platforms.
We spatially resolve hyperfine spin properties of organic materials employed in OLEDs to reveal large intra-device variations exceeding 30% and find this property to be correlated on lengths up to 7 µm.
Ring resonators are used to produce injection-seeded, transform-limited pulsed lasers for remote sensing applications. Injection-seeding generally forces uni-directional operation. Our pulsed laser showed both directions were equally seeded. We developed a model that shows <0.1% forward-to-reverse-wave coupling can cause this.
The most common mechanism for entangled photon generation in optics is the second-order nonlinear process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion. I will provide a brief overview of recent developments in the area, moving from photonic chips to nanophotonics.
We describe a measurement and reconstruction method for performing optical magnetometry in an ultracold atomic vapour, making use of Hilbert transform-based FM demodulation to perform instantaneous retrieval of the Larmor phase and allowing calibration-free measurement of the field.
We explore the properties of uniform quasi-two-dimensional condensates with several interacting internal degrees of freedom, which we model in terms of a multi-component Gross-Pitaevskii equations in the rotating frame for a Bose-Einstein condensate in different experimentally realistic box geometries.
We present a high quality titanium doped sapphire whispering gallery mode (WGM) resonator with record low lasing threshold and high slope efficiency. We also show that amplification is readily achievable.
We demonstrate the possibility of significantly enhancing and precisely controlling the fluorescence of NV centres using plasmonic metal nanoparticles by developing the theoretical foundation for NV-plasmonic optical interaction (which is verified using existing optical measurements).
We developed an optical fibre containing fluorescent micron-sized diamonds. The nitrogen-vacancy defects inside diamonds make the fibre sensitive to external magnetic fields. I will discuss the fabrication process and the sensitivity we achieved.
Discrete modulated continuous variable quantum key distribution (CVQKD) performs better than Gaussian modulated CVQKD in low signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) regimes. We present results on the study of its performance in a satellite-to-ground context in the asymptotic and finite-size limit.
Experimental results of high amplitude superfluid helium-4 waves and nonlinear phenomena including cnoidal waves, pulse trains and superfluid optomechanical dissipative solitons are presented, agreeing with the recently observed optomechanical dissipative solitons in solid state.
We experimentally demonstrate a quantum compressive waveform sensor. We reconstruct a synthesised neural magnetic waveform using an incomplete set of frequency measurements made by radio frequency dressed atoms. Reconstruction is achieved via convex optimisation.
III-Nitride material system has been utilized to obtain high-performance UV-A lasers. In this study, we focused on understanding the impact of waveguide thickness on the performance of 390 nm GaN laser diodes.
We demonstrate a truly reference-frame-independent quantum key distribution protocol utilising a 4-photon entangled state. We present our latest results showing how local and global rotational invariance makes this protocol immune to a jamming attack.
This work presents a precise technique to control fabrication of quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) via electron irradiation. An annealing procedure for increased efficiency and link to well documented UV defect emission in hBN is also outlined.
We present simple and robust designs for optical fiber radiation sensors for dosimetry applications, by utilizing femtosecond laser micromachining.Furthermore, we examine the implementation of our technique with plastic scintillator (BCF-10) for medical radiotherapy dosimetry.
We present a highly tuneable terahertz (0.2THz) frequency selective absorber. The device is based on a graphene/gold bilayer which is patterned/etched into a cross-slot metamaterial structure. This provides high resonant quality from the gold and tuneability from the graphene.
A simulation of the process of electron energy deposition in molecular hydrogen in the energy range 0–500 eV is reviewed. Ionisation and dissociative effects are examined and a new numerical method for sampling continuum excitations is presented.
Coupling optical and mechanical modes of microresonators is usually engineered by harnessing their intrinsic nonlinear material response. We propose to harness a new coupling mechanism, in which relies an ensemble of nitrogen vacancies (NVs) induces the effective nonlinearity in diamon.
We developed an inverse design scheme to optimise the design of nonlinear metasurfaces for sum-frequency generation with any combination of optical wavelengths, achieving a high efficiency exceeding unpatterned films by several orders of magnitude.
This talk will outline a new approach to mitigating Brownian coating thermal noise in optical cavities using multiple higher-order gaussian modes. We will present results of a theoretical study into this new sensing scheme and plans for an experimental implementation.
We propose a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) to measure (e+e-) production from proton induced nuclear reactions. TPC measurements provide 200 times more sensitivity than previous experiments enabling world-leading limits for New Physics searches and novel Nuclear Physics investigations.
A discussion on utilising a dressed three level system as a magnetometer at ultra low frequencies, in the presence of dominating line noise.
Certified quantum randomness protocols can securely guarantee random numbers that are unpredictable to any physical observer. We experimentally implement one such protocol based on quantum steering using single photons.
A density functional theory investigation of cobalt-centred phthalocyanine active site tuning via atomic linker immobilisation for the CO2 electroreduction reaction. Electronic properties, geometries and free energy reaction pathways are calculated to determine the best performing systems.
In this work, we perform epitaxial growth and characterizations of AlGaInN alloys lattice-matched to GaN with four different compositions. The understanding of growth conditions and optical properties of AlGaInN alloys are essential for integration with GaN-based applications.
We implemented nanofabrication to obtain an on-chip optomechanical magnetometer integrated with off-the-shelf laser and photodetector. Here we show the fabrication process and performance of our sensor.
In this work, we aim to experimentally generate supercontinua in the mid-infrared region using the novel architecture of nonlinear amplification. This work is guided by simulations that utilize recently developed numerical models.
We present a numerical and analytical investigation of thermal noise processes in Brillouin experiments. We focus on Brillouin-based memory experiments, and explore the effects of noise on information retrieval for amplitude and phase-based storage with different pulse configurations.
We propose a novel approach for remote sensing and mapping of magnetic fields with high spatial resolution using NV nanodiamond layer deposited on an end-surface of an optical fiber or an imaging fiber bundle.
We propose and fabricate a static dielectric metasurface that enables single-shot characterization of the distinguishability between two photons with high transmission efficiency and tolerance to measurement noise.
We designed and deployed a novel compact Raman spectrometer to discriminate between original and imitation whisky, with ethanol concentrations measured to within 2% accuracy. This work has application potential in the liquor industry.
We present a laser-cooled rubidium focussed ion beam for use in nano-fabrication and imaging. We aim to achieve higher beam brightness and smaller focus spot sizes than gallium focussed ion beams.
We carry out a comprehensive survey of ab initio methods to predict the electronic band structure of Ag, graphene, and FeSe, and compare the results with ARPES data.
We theoretically investigate the performance of an interaction-driven many-body quantum heat engine with a working medium consisting of an experimentally realisable, harmonically trapped one-dimensional Bose gas, exploring the entire phase diagram.
A novel energy-efficient and high-performance MEMS-based mechanical switching structure with a suspended waveguide is investigated for developing the applications of high-speed optical communication networks, hyper-scale datacenter and data-intensive computing systems.
2D antimony doped indium oxide (IAO) nanosheets with few atom thicknesses have been synthesized utilizing liquid metal printing technique. The work proposes a viable pathway for realizing ultrathin transparent semiconducting oxides (TSOs) with enhanced electronic and optical properties.
This work focuses on the performance of different classical optimizers when used in variational quantum algorithms, specifically for applications in quantum chemistry, for example, evaluating the ground state energy, the dissociation energy, and the dipole moment of different molecules.
We have established a new Australian research laboratory dedicated for studies of gravitationally bouncing droplets of fluid. In this inaugural work we have created and observed long-lived and interacting time crystals.
In this work we present a unifying theory based on Green's function that realistically model waveguides talking into accounting finite size and boundaries. We then apply our formalism to experimentally study Atom-Photon Bound states in a rectangular waveguide QED system.
Quantum cascade lasers emitting frequency combs are of interest due to the variety of novel applications they could support. Here we present a numerical study about the self-generation of these combs in the terahertz region.
Measurement based quantum computing is an alternate formulation of quantum computing to the ubiquitous circuit model. Here we demonstrate how to generate algorithm specific graph states to implement arbitrary quantum circuits in this model.
Nonlinear properties of optical fibers are parasitic at high optical powers and can be manipulated by tuning the composition of the fiber core via the molten core method (MCM) for fiber fabrication.
At the TeV scale, low-energy precision observations of neutron characteristics provide unique probes of novel physics. Precision studies of neutron decay observables are susceptible to beyond the Standard Model (BSM) tensor and scalar interactions, while the neutron electric dipole moment, $d_n$, also has high sensitivity to new BSM CP-violating interactions. To fully utilise the potential of...
The molecular convergent close-coupling (MCCC) method is used to perform calculations of 10–1000 eV electrons scattering on the electronic and vibrational ground state of HeH+. Cross sections are presented for excitation of the n=2–3 singlet and triplet states and ionization.
We apply the coupled-mode theory to study the steady state of BECs loaded into the p-band of a 2D bipartite optical lattice potential. We demonstrate the possibility to create a superposition of Bloch states with a nontrivial orbital texture.
We characterise the emergence of vortex pairs in stationary solutions of superfluid flow past a finite obstacle, both analytically and numerically. We demonstrate how this leads to the breakdown of superfluidity at the critical velocity.
The relativistic convergent close-coupling method was applied to calculate a comprehensive collision dataset for electron scattering from atomic tin. Elastic, excitation and ionisation cross sections are presented for the ground and low-lying excited states.
In this work, DFT analysis is employed to study the structural evolution of ternary III-oxides, such as (InxAl1-x)2O3, (AlyGa1-y)2O3, and (GazIn1-z)2O3, determining the compositions at which phase transitions occur and important physical parameters.
Some new developments and lessons learned in the automated calibration system for the Belle II experiment over the past two years.
This work explores the potential of convolutional neural network to directly decode information encoded in the nonlinear Fourier domain under the influence of carrier frequency offset and carrier phase offset.
Determination of transition polarisability for atomic parity violation in cesium.
We present a novel design of optical phantom using metal-ion doped glass-ceramics. Comprising crystalline structure and nickel ion in the glass matrix, this glass-based optical phantom can mimic the optical properties of human tissues with excellent optical homogeneity and stability.
We present a topology-optimised metasurface design for ultra-compact and light-weight space-based polarimetry, allowing for five parallel polarisation measurements across the moving image strip, to facilitate applications including water glint removal.
Results from the Koala, Taipan and Sika instruments at the OPAL reactor, ANSTO, reveal two martensitic transformations for an Fe-30at%Pd crystal between 400 to 100K. These results will be discussed in this poster presentation.
We motivate a dark matter model correction, due to the sun's gravity, in which direct detection experiments are expected to exhibit a non-sinusoidal signal. We also explore the dark sector consisting of more than one distinct mass component.
A high $Q$-factor whispering-gallery mode resonator was fabricated of yttrium lithium fluoride, furthermore an independent measurement of the coupler separation distance was explored for beam alignment and in probing the evanescent field between our couplers.
We model the dynamics of nanomechanical oscillator coupled to single electron transistor using the nonlinear Fokker-Planck equation in the regime where transport is fast compared to mechanical dynamics. The calculations are compared with recent experimental results.
We study the effect of the inorganic semiconductor substrate on the exciton binding energies in the crystalline tetracene and its implications for the singlet fission effect.
We show a theoretical analysis of second-order nonlinearity in unpoled SiN strip-loaded LNOI waveguides with bound states in the continuum predicting a conversion efficiency of 1000% W-1 cm-2.
We present our recent results on the electrical detection of coherent spin manipulation of spin-dependent recombination in a silicon carbide pn-junction device at room temperature via pulsed electrically detected magnetic resonance.
We use dynamical mean-field theory in conjunction with density functional theory and time-dependent Ginzburg-Landau formalism to investigate the electronic properties of the charge density wave (CDW) material 1T-TiSe$_{2}$ to better understand the formation and melting of the CDW state.
We present a powerful theoretical framework, organized as user-friendly open-source tool, for exploring image formation in confocal microscopes when using non-linear fluorophores. It allows extremely convenient image optimization and enables the unraveling and exploration of unexpected and exotic imaging phenomena.
Using a superfluid helium third-sound resonator, we engineer the dynamical backaction from entropic forces, applying it to achieve optomechanical phonon lasing with a threshold power of only 2 picowatts, a factor of 2000 lower than has been shown before.
We use polarisation resolved photoluminescence to reveal enhanced valley polarisation of excitons on a ferromagnetic substrate. This indicates energetic splitting of the valleys induced by the magnetic field and potential magnetic exchange interactions.
Gold and Silver Nanoparticles and N-Graphene Quantum Dots (N-GQDs) were used for NELIBS. 199% and 208% of signal improvements were reached with Au and Ag nanoparticles. In N-GQDs case, 79% of signal improvement was reached.
We propose the use of charged, massive particle interferometers to probe for new or modifications to known forces at close range. We consider such a devices ability to detect Yukawa style modifications to gravity and the electromagnetic interactions.
Recent measurements of W mass and muon gyromagnetic anomaly disagree with the Standard Model. Both are reconciled by a preon model, with tension under 0.5 sigma and first-principles prediction of W and Z masses.
Exciton dynamics in organic semiconductors, such exciton transport and spin-mediated spectral conversion. Theoretical modelling and experimental interpretation using Markovian and non-Markovian quantum master equations. Dynamics, Steady-state solution and departure from Markovianity.
Stiblaistion of metal clusters in the surface by adding an overlayer of metal oxide using ALD, it is expected to prevent the agglomeration and stabilise metal clusters on the surface for applications in catalysis, photocatalysis, medical devices, and sensors.
A pressure-sensitive microstructured optical multimode fibre is used to build a hydrophone using a homodyne detection configuration. The fibre hydrophone is tested again a commercial piezo-electric hydrophone and shows similar performance across the whole audio frequency band.
The DFSZ axion, which solves the Strong CP problem, suffers from a cosmological domain wall problem. In this talk, I provide a catalogue of domain-wall-free DFSZ-like axion models by modifying the structure of the Yukawa couplings based on symmetry principles
We want to analyse the fluctuation theorem in the context of a two-dimensional vortex matter system.
Reporting on the development of next-generation guide star laser technology using diamond Raman laser that aims to increase power, provides frequency stabilization, and narrow laser linewidth required for guide star applications.
The ITER and JET fusion reactors use beryllium-containing materials in plasma facing wall components. We calculate integrated total and state-selective electron-capture cross sections for Be$^{4+}$ collisions with excited states of atomic hydrogen using the wave-packet convergent close-coupling method.
We develop a radar scattering theory for time-varying surfaces with anisotropic dispersion relations, and apply it to the problem of remote sensing of flows generated by internal gravity waves in the ocean.
We demonstrate laser Doppler velocimetry to a moving airborne drone at a distance of 600 m, achieving an in-line velocity precision of 2 nm/s with 10 seconds of averaging.
We present a new approach to analysing homodyne measurement using Schrödinger-cat states as local-oscillators and give the characteristics of this type of measurement for various different input states.
In this work we obtain images using an Optical Laser Scanning system. Scanning is performed with a laser beam (375 nm) through a 100X microscope objective, the sample is in an XY translation stage (~ 20 nm by step).
The processing of UV curable resin for manufacturing 3D fibre preforms based on DLP technology has been investigated. Fibre preforms with higher silica loading have been successfully fabricated.
We propose a new measure of information flow in non-unitary quantum cellular automata which defines an equivalence class of open quantum systems that are coupled to an environment and are invariant in time and space.
We characterise near-IR to telecom frequency conversion via four-wave mixing in a rubidium-filled hollow-core fibre to allow for information transfer between efficient quantum memories within a fibre-based quantum network.
Modern surface micromachined optical MEMS commonly use electrostatic means to achieve mechanical actuation and often require a closed feedback loop to maximize tuning accuracy. Our method enables MEMS membrane displacement measurement without device modifications.
NMI participates in international inter-laboratory comparisons (ILCs) supporting development of standards for graphene and 2D materials. This presentation highlights the technical challenges of the accurate measurement and characterisation of these materials with Atomic Force Microscopy.
We report the investigation of extrusion die and glass billet parameters on the loss of tellurite fibre. The billet surface quality was found to be critical to achieve low fibre loss.
We present ‘tilt locking’ as a potential candidate for laser stabilisation for space applications and demonstrate the performance at stabilization limits near the standard RF approaches.
In the context of Distributed Quantum Computing,this work demonstrates the impediments on the usage of satellites for distributing entanglement between two error-corrected quantum computers on earth separated by varying distances.
Recent developments in several fields require high power narrow linewidth lasers. Here, we measure the linewidth of a high power, single frequency DRL. We furthermore propose as a novel static frequency control mechanism, with speeds comparable to piezo-electric devices.
One key challenge in the search for new Topological Insulators (TI) is their characterization. Through theoretical modelling, we identify a method to improve the magnetic monopole response of TI which can be used to rapidly characterize the properties of TIs.
We demonstrate the use of a ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate as a rotation sensor by measuring the interference between two counter-propagating phonon modes.
Micro Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based Fabry Perot interferometers offer low size, weight, and power (SWaP) platforms for carrying out spectroscopic and chemical/biological sensing while being mechanically robust and field-portable unlike traditional bulk-optics based techniques.
We use an improved numerical model to demonstrate the advantages in terms of increased average power and spectral broadening while generating a supercontinuum using a nonlinear amplifier over the traditional method of using an amplified pulse seeding a passive fibre.
The molecular convergent close coupling method was applied to study the ionisation of molecular hydrogen and its isotopologues from various electronic states. Vibrationally-resolved cross sections are presented and compared with data from literature.
Our project demonstrates two types of monolithic SiC metalenses, a Conventional one and an extended focal length one, to capture light from quantum emitters embedded close to the surfaces of the monocrystalline SiC material.
We present the first, to our knowledge, Monte Carlo model of Raman scattering in the water column under pulsed laser excitation, and will compare and contrast the characteristics of elastic and Raman returns.
We demonstrate a hybrid quantum-semiclassical multi-scale modeling approach to characterize degenerately phosphorus-doped in-plane contacts and their impact on the energy states of the precision placed donor quantum dots under different bias conditions in silicon STM devices.
Presented is the concept of creating inertial force by the field theory. Provided is the candidate equation that describes inertial force by that field and the experiment that can test the new concept
We report results for the transcorrelated method applied to multicomponent quantum gases. We discuss applications of our methods to few atom systems that are achievable in experimental setups, as well as to liquid droplets and heavy impurities in quantum gases.
We perform fully non-linear simulations of cosmological weak gravitational lensing and extract observables that will be probed by the next generation of large scale structure surveys.
We develop a non-perturbative description of spontaneous parametric down-conversion in the high-gain regime for nanostructured systems with arbitrary amounts of loss and arbitrary dispersion. As an example, we use it numerically to investigate integrated quantum spectroscopy at high gain.
The detection of kilohertz-band gravitational waves promises discoveries in astrophysics, exotic matter, and cosmology. We study how to theoretically improve future interferometric gravitational-wave detectors' kilohertz-band sensitivity which is limited by quantum noise.
Demonstration of a novel multi-pass approach to ultra-fast laser inscribed waveguide fabrication, which improves optical mode confinement and reduces bend losses for small radii of curvature, enabling more compact photonic integrated circuits and greater integration density.
This work studies the phase and structural evolution of Yb-doped alkaline earth fluoride nanoparticles in silica-based optical fiber during thermal treatments in fiber fabrication. This knowledge will aid in understanding and tailoring the optical properties in the resultant fibers.
We study the query complexity of determining if a graph is connected with global queries. By following the template of l0-samplers, we construct quantum algorithms solving graph connectivity in several global query models.
We employ high quality-factor nano resonators coated with metal-organic frameworks to obtain high sensitivity and selectivity towards a specific VOC. In this work, we have demonstrated a LOD of 400 ppm in ambient conditions which aids to test hyperglycaemic condition.
Phase cameras are wavefront sensors which measure the transverse amplitude and phase of specific frequency components of optical fields. In this presentation we discuss a new all optical phase camera design and give an overview of previous and ongoing applications.
We develop optimal measurement and control strategies for spectator-qubits(SQ) to mitigate data-qubit dephasing caused by a random telegraph process. Our findings show that the SQ, like Dynamical Decoupling and Quantum Error Correction, may effectively increase the coherence of the data-qubit.
2P:1P multidonor quantum dot EDSR qubit model, optimizing spin rotation and coherence. The model accounts for complete understanding of what impact qubit geometry and nearby charge defects have on the electrical operation and noise properties.
New insight into the quark mass dependence of octet baryon magnetic polarisabilities is created by confronting lattice QCD with a constituent quark model description of fractionally charged baryons where individual quark sector contributions are isolated.
A 215 mW single-frequency thulium-doped ring-cavity fiber laser operating at 2050 nm based on Tm/Ho-codoped fiber saturable absorber has been proposed and experimentally demonstrated for the first time.
We show how one can use phase-space represenations of quantum mechanics to compare theoretical and experimental outputs of linear bosonic networks. These methods are applied to data from recent large scale experiments of a Gaussian Boson Sampling quantum computer.
We have investigated the preferential coupling of the nanodiamond into the guided-modes of a step-index fibre. To explore the possibility of long-distance magnetic field sensing we have also modelled the coupling efficiency of splicing diamond-doped fibres to commercial SMF-28e fibres.
Quantum approaches to the binary paint shop problem – an optimisation challenge in the automotive industry – are investigated. We benchmark the quantum approximate optimisation algorithm and its recursive variant against classical heuristics and exact solvers
Here we describe our work on the development of a precision vector quantum diamond magnetometer (QDM). We will also discuss future opportunities for engineering quantum-grade diamond materials for precision magnetometry applications here in Australia.
Quantum Machine Learning is an exciting prospect emerging from the recent advances in Quantum Computing. The ability to derive a quantum advantage over classical algorithms is paramount and this paper explores methods based on quantum kernels to realise this advantage.
Measurement and control of massive mechanical oscillators in the quantum regime is now possible [Nature 556, 478 (2018); Science 372, 625 (2021)]. I will describe this work and the possibilities it enables for sensing with non-classical mechanical systems moving forwards.
We present a quantum theory of a one dimensional optically levitated mirror. We consider the resulting entanglement between the mirror and cavity field and squeezing in the mirror output. We consider the visibility of this entanglement and thermal effects.
We investigate a scheme for microwave-to-optical transduction using atomic three-level systems. Using quasi-degenerate perturbation theory we derive an effective Hamiltonian description for the conversion process. We find that the conversion is limited by off-resonant effects like unintended biphoton emission.
In this work we study quench dynamics within the extended Su-Schrieffer-Heeger model. Specifically we consider the question if there is a quench between two topological states does the "path" of the quench impact the survival of the initial state.
We consider harmonically trapped systems of two and three bodies interacting via a contact interaction and present semi-analytic calculations of time-dependent observables, Ramsey signal and particle separation, following a quench in s-wave scattering length.
A brief survey of recent B-physics studies with the ATLAS detector at the LHC, concentrating on tests of the standard model of particle physics.
Reconstruction techniques with the aid of ray tracing are investigated for a custom-built OPT system operated without applying index matching material to strongly refracting objects.
Here we report the research of real-time fluorescence monitoring during the creation of NV color centers in diamond using a femtosecond laser.
In quantum metrology in the presence of noise, we show that using multi axis control leads to better than SQL scaling, and can even recover Heisenberg scaling under appropriate conditions.
High temperature sustainability of a new class of Bragg gratings referred to as regenerated polymer optical fiber Bragg gratings (RPOFBGs) in ZEONEX-based polymeric fibers are explored and integrated with cochlear implants to aid surgical navigation.
We demonstrated of a multimode fibre specklegram sensor for noninvasive respiratory rate monitoring on a hospital mattress using deep learning.
We theoretically investigate the wavepacket dynamics in a non-Hermitian, optically anisotropic exciton-polariton system and observe their self-acceleration. We also describe the formation of pseudospin topological defects in momentum space.
This study analyses the temperature-dependent spin and optical properties of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanopowders, which show a complex profile in optically detected magnetic resonance (ODMR) that may be exploited as a sensitive temperature sensor.
We use static and time-dependent mean-field approaches to investigate and compare the shell effects affecting fragment formation in both fission and quasifission.
The project is regarding the mapping silicon test mass birefringence using an automated system. The measurement is based on a polarization modulation technique using a PEM. Our system can measure small Birefriengence of 10^-9.
Detection of simulated failures in underground power cables using Multimode fibers. Failure in underground power cable couases overheat (hot-spot), and locating the problem is difficult. Detection is achieved through Distributed Temperature Sensors that use RAMAN-based measurements for high-precision temperature detection.
The High-Luminosity Large Hadron Collider is due to come online sometime in 2028, posing new challenges to the ATLAS detector. The new Inner Tracker is simulated to check hardware and software expectations are met and understood.
To observe Maxwell’s demon in our trapped Yb ion proof-of-concept experiment, a high finesse, high absolute transmission efficiency Fabry-Perot optical cavity is being developed to resolve < MHz scale shifts of single photons.
Third (THG) and one-third harmonic generation (OTHG) have not been used practically despite their unique potential for various applications due to challenging phase matching conditions. Here we propose a stepladder scheme allowing efficient THG and OTHG from spontaneous processes.
The study theoretically investigates outer valence molecular orbitals in the isomerization of of norbornadiene and quadricyclane. Through space interaction of NBD is confirmed as the next highest occupied molecular orbital (10a1) of NDB.
I will describe a bifurcating entanglement renomalization group flow that is based on the critical (1+ 1) D Ising model and go on to show that this defines a tensor network state with some unusual correlation function behaviour.
We investigate wavefront shaping in a multi-mode fibre amplifier to achieve simultaneous suppression of SBS while maintaining a high output beam quality
We use symmetry analysis of metasurfaces on thin film to determine the vector field profiles of the modes and thus calculate coupling to radiation channels, mode overlaps and the nonlinear polarisation of sum frequency generation.
We study how impurity atoms can be trapped within superfluid vortices in a two-component BEC. This leads to distorted vortex profiles and a mass-dependent splitting of the impurities energy. The excited states of the impurity show effects analogous to chemistry.
The System for Toxic Element Analysis (STELA) is a new novel instrument designed for the measurement of toxic elements at significantly improved detection limits using highly advanced X-ray optics in conjunction with X-ray fluorescence analysis.
Taipan is the highest flux, thermal neutron scattering instrument at ANSTO, Australia. This poster will present some recent scientific highlights at Taipan – both as a triple axis spectrometer, and a Be-filter analyser spectrometer.
Preliminary results on the generation of hydrogen and methane from Australian wheat straw.
In this work we present our all-fiber fanout technology and the results of its evaluation. The broadband, low-loss components were tested for optical, environmental and mechanical performance showing high maturity and readiness for field deployments.
We study steerabilities of various $n$-party 2-producible entangled states. Most strikingly, a state produced from a single 2-qubit state allows one party shared a qubit from entangled state to steer any one of the n-1 otherparties for arbitrarily large $n$.
We present a novel atom interferometry scheme that allows readout-delay-free measurement by extracting phase information from overlapped spatial fringes to measure gravity on compact devices using Bragg pulses.
We introduce a semi-empirical microscopic model of spin crossover materials combining crystal field theory with elastic intermolecular interactions. We investigate the interplay of single site and collective physics of SCO materials. We demonstrate a realistic route to room temperature switching.
This work presents a surface micromachined long-wave infrared tunable Fabry–Pérot interferometer (FPI) incorporating Ge/BaF2/Ge solid-material distributed Bragg’s reflectors (DBRs) for 8–10 µm optical wavelength range. This work also represents a reliable and reproducible fabrication process for tunable cavity LWIR FPIs.
The optical and chemical properties of the magnetic nanofluid can be altered using a magnetic field. The magnetic nanofluid shows tunability in the diffraction angle under a magnetic field. Hence, magnetic nanofluid is the potential candidate to prepare soft grating.
We present a quantitative comparison of algorithms commonly supplied with time tagging hardware, as well as more sophisticated algorithms presented in the literature. It is apparent that different signal-to-noise ratios and measurement efficiencies can be achieved through these different algorithms.
The self-terminated, layered structure of van der Waals materials introduces fundamental advantages for IR optoelectronic devices. We introduce a new van der Waals material candidate, zirconium germanium telluride (ZrGeTe4), to a growing family of promising IR van der Waals materials.
The paper reports an experimental method to visualize glass flow through an extrusion die. A soda-lime glass was used as the model glass for the visualization. The initial work used simple die designs to refine existing theoretical models.
Through the use of the flux-assisted molten core method, semiconductor core fibers (GaAs and ZnSe), that cannot be directly melted at ambient pressure due to intrinsic volatility have been fabricated into meters of fiber.
Manganese characteristic X-ray spectra have been measured at the Diamond Light Source Synchrotron (U.K.) and compared with relativistic quantum theory.
Neutron stars,the densest known objects, form a rich laboratory for testing nuclear theories trying to describe the nuclear force. I will outline current approaches and their ability to impact the interpretation of gravitational waves arising from binary neutron star collisions.
We explore and seek to define the standard quantum limit for metrology with optical frequency combs where the cyclostationary nature of the comb light impacts the shot-noise limited signal-to-noise ratio.
Nuclear architecture has emerged as a key player in DNA search and maintenance of genome integrity. Recently we developed a series of fluorescence microscopy methods to track the movement of molecules around DNA networks within the nuclei of live cells.
I’ll describe protocols for simplified quantum processing on qubits using interactions mediated by quantized bosonic modes. These have applications for error mitigated quantum sensing and for non-local gates for low overhead quantum error correction.
We present a multilayer epitaxial lift-off process for thin-film fabrication for photovoltaics, flexible optoelectronics and III-V metamaterials. The lift-off process provides significant cost benefits by lifting off multiple large-area films from a single epitaxial stack.
In this talk, I will describe how the non-trivial topology of curved spacetime induces quantum tunnelling between vacuum states that profoundly affect the properties and interactions of elementary particles. Namely, I will argue that gravitational instantons cause combined parity violation.
The transverse mode instability is a nonlinear effect that limits the power in high-energy lasers. We describe the phase-matched model for TMI which yields a drastic speedup in computation time with no loss of accuracy.
Optical metasurfaces are driving the future of miniaturised optical technologies for dynamically reconfigurable optics. Here, I will present our recent advances in reconfigurable optical metasurfaces, including liquid crystal-tunable metasurfaces for phase modulation and electrically-programmable thermo-optical metasurfaces for fast transmission modulation.
While the Debye model has served as the fundamental law for bulk solid materials for over 100 years, recently new laws are discovered for liquid phase and nanoconfined solid materials.
We demonstrate fully three-dimensional (3D) active tuning of dielectric metasurfaces integrated with liquid crystals and dynamically controlled by magnetic field. Our approach entails good promise for highly tunable optical metadevices.
We apply the wavelet transform to generate compressed representations of ground states of QFTs and demonstrate applications such as identification of quantum phase transitions via fidelity overlap and approximation of the holographic entanglement of purification.
A fibre-optic probe is applied to discriminate clinically significant cancers from non-significant & healthy prostate tissue using Raman Spectroscopy. Results show excellent classification between the two tissue types. Our current work aims to unravel new trends within our existing dataset.
We have the first exact solution of exciton-polaritons in magnetic fields, which agrees extremely well with experiments.
A fabrication process for unique AlSi alloy nanowires and corresponding magneto-resistance data presented.
System engineering quantum technology for defence applications, an overview of the Ministry of Defences (MoD) Defence science and technology laboratory (Dstl) quantum research portfolio.
The general theory of relativity, presented by Albert Einstein in 1915, has been well tested over the last century, and has led to far-reaching consequences, most of which were foreseen by Einstein himself. Two notable exceptions were that he did not predict the prevalence of space-time singularities throughout general solutions of the Einstein field equation, and although he knew that...
We show theoretically(and numerically) that TMI threshold increases linearly with number of equally excited modes in a multimode fiber amplifier. The multimode excitation is numerically focussed to a diffraction-limited spot, providing a stable high quality beam, with increased TMI threshold.
In this joint theory-experiment work, we study Bogoliubov excitations of a
polariton condensate in dynamical equilibrium with an incoherent excitonic reservoir.
Herein we present a scheme for highly efficient third harmonic generation (THG) via a phase compensation between two segments of fibre; we simulate the gap between these segments to characterise the coupling, gap length, and effects of misalignment.
This project utilises a miniaturised fibre-optic probe with dual-modality imaging capability that can simultaneously acquire optical coherence tomography and fluorescence in diseased blood vessels of mice injected with fluorescent nanoparticles.
We derive some Quantum Central Limit Theorems for expectation values of coarse-grained observables, as functions of hermitean operators of non-commuting variables. These open some pathway for an emergence of classical behaviours. We also obtain some nontrivial time-dependent differential entropies.
Hidden variable models that attempt to ascribe objective notion of being particle or wave contradict experiments. Quantum-controlled delayed choice experiments may show that they are internally inconsistent, and use of, entanglement makes them impossible to define.
Vanadium oxide, metal-insulator transition, negative differential resistance, threshold switching, neuromorphic computing.
We design and experimentally demonstrate topologically optimised free-form metasurfaces that efficiently convert unpolarised light from LEDs or other common sources to the same pure output polarisation, exceeding the 50% limit of conventional polarisers.
I will present our recent results detailing the design and fabrication of a diamond-based optical voltage imaging platform, and our progress to date in realizing intracellular electrophysiological recordings of mammalian neurons using this new optoelectronic biosensor technology.
We establish universal performance bounds pertaining to the general quantum error mitigation protocols. We employ them to show the fundamental difficulty of mitigating noise in variational quantum circuits and the optimality of the probabilistic error cancellation method.
The interaction of solitary waves in continuous media described by Kadomtsev-Petviashvili type equations is studied. The theoretical concept of particle-like soliton interactions in two-dimensional media is developed and illustrated by examples.
We have developed modulators and detectors of terahertz (THz) frequency radiation by exploiting the unique properties of semiconductor nanowires. Our new cross-nanowire THz receiver is enabling the emerging field of THz polarimetry.
In recent years, it has been shown that silicon is not only the foremost electronic and photovoltaic material but can be structurally modified to dramatically enhance its properties and applications. This presentation highlights two such cases. First, silicon has been shown to possess up to 12 crystalline phases in addition to the equilibrium diamond cubic structure that has fueled the silicon...
We experimentally obtain a diffraction-limited focused spot at the output of a multimode fiber, resulting in increased SBS threshold(1.5x). We show theoretically and experimentally an even higher(2.3x) SBS threshold is obtained by axially offsetting the focused spot.
We present time-resolved measurements of the ultrafast evolution of long-range spatial coherence of trapped microcavity exciton-polariton condensates spatially separated from the reservoir.
We will discuss work ongoing within the US Air Force Research Laboratory developing supporting technologies, solid-state qubit materials and sensing approaches to realize and miniaturize ambient and room temperature quantum sensors.
We predict violations of Bell, Leggett-Garg, and dimension-witness inequalities for macroscopic qubits based on macroscopically-distinct coherent states. This challenges our understanding of macroscopic realism versus quantum mechanics and motivates the examination of realism in quantum mechanics.
Notch filters are band-stop filters used to eliminate unwanted temporal frequencies. Here we demonstrate their capacity for phase contrast imaging of transparent objects enabled by its selective transmission. Applications in unstained biological imaging are anticipated.
We experimentally demonstrate that adjusting the input wavefront of a multimode fiber can be used to simultaneously shape beam and suppress simulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) for a high-power narrow linewidth system.
An analytic theory and micromagnetic approach have been developed for emergent inductors in spiral magnets, revealing what determines its inductance.
We will be discussing the behaviour of the electronic order book in terms of its ingredients : arrival/cancellation time, waiting-time, inter-trade time. The London stock exchange data is used in this study and its analysis will be discussed.
Optical levitation of micro and nanoparticles in vacuum offer new approaches for precision measurement and fundamental physics. We will discuss the use of rotational degree of freedom for achieving high Q values, rotational-translational dynamics and sympathetic cooling of microparticles.
We analyse the ontological models framework underlying Spekkens' formalism for contextuality, in the light of quantum causal models. We argue that QCMs can maintain the spirit of noncontextuality by rejecting classical assumptions about how intermediate causes screen off correlations.
The inherent differences between classical quantum physics means it is essential for us to establish how a quantum internet will operate, including the functionality required from quantum repeaters as well as the support our telecommunications internet will need to provide.
Orbital angular momentum modes of light offer excellent prospects for increased bandwidth for spatial division multiplexing for communications with minimal cross talk. Here we discuss the application of metasurfaces to analyse orbital angular momentum modes in free space.
We predict that at appropriate tuning of bias suspended bilayer graphene undergoes quantum phase transition from band insulator to excition insulator. The corresponding critical temperature can reach up to 70K
We use nitrogen-vacancy (NV) centers implanted directly into the culet of diamond anvil cells (DACs) in order to directly measure the magnetic field generated by samples at extremely high pressures. This allows for a direct study of high-pressure superconductivity.
It has long been predicted that quantum correlated light can improve microscopy. Here we show absolute performance advantage, using quantum corelated light to achieve clarity in bioimaging beyond the photodamage limit of conventional microscopy.
Atomically-thin materials possess unique intrinsic properties and are amenable to a range of tuning techniques. We harness these properties underpinned by application demand and work with industry to translate into end-user products.
Here we present results which demonstrate that the diffusive route of an inert fluorescent tracer reports intracellular topology and in particular and the real time accessibility of live cell nucleus architecture.
Nonlocality is a paramount resource for quantum communications. In this experimental work, we aim to demonstrate, using single photons, the emergence of Bell nonlocality in quantum states that would be unable to display nonclassical behaviour in the standard Bell scenario.
I will report on our demonstration of dc magnetometry that exceeds the sensitivity of $T_2^\ast$-limited Ramsey sensing by more than an order of magnitude. Our work demonstrates that diamond magnetometry below the $T_2^\ast$ limit is possible.
Grassmann Phase Space Theory is applied to the BEC/BCS crossover in cold fermionic atomic gases to determinine the time/temperature evolution of Quantum Correlation Functions specifying the positions of fermionic atoms of opposite spin in single or two Cooper pairs.
The photoswitching of upconversion nanoparticles was shown under high-energy irradiation. Time-dependent upconversion emission changes were ascribed to lanthanide ion valence state shifts. These findings offer new avenues for optical switching enabled by upconversion nanoparticles.
In this talk, we present universal performance behaviours in Trotterised digital quantum simulations. For example, beyond a threshold in Trotter step size, the Trotterisation performance breakdown with the onset of quantum chaos, meaning the Trotterised unitary becomes a random matrix.
We present our theoretical investigations on finite temperature exciton-polaritons in doped transition-metal dichalcogenides monolayers. We apply a virial expansion to the many-body Green's function, which allows for the exact calculation of the absorption spectrum and photoluminesence.
We harness principles of spatial state tomography to fully characterise an optical beam in space, time, spectrum, and polarisation. Analysis of the output of a vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser illustrates the technique's capabilities.
We employ terahertz scattering-type scanning near-field optical microscopy to quantitatively investigate the materials and structures in the nano-scale. We explore inorganic materials, contemporary electron devices, and biological nano-structures.
Nitrogen Vacancies in diamond nanoparticles are employed for in situ monitoring of the magnetic state of photomagnetic materials down to the single particle level, the stability of molecular cages containing atomic Nitrogen, and spin active products of photocatalysis.
We present a comprehensive and accessible "explorer's map" showing maximum coupling efficiencies and coupling lengths for dielectric-plasmonic directional couplers as a function of coupling strength and loss. This map is useful for designing any photonic integrated circuit containing plasmonic waveguides.
In this work we formally define the retrofiltered quantum state using the quantum state smoothing formalism and Bayesian estimation theory. Additionally, we are able to define a total of 9 different estimators using this framework, of which 3 are novel.
For the first time, we integrate two-dimensional black phosphorus photoconductors onto waveguides fabricated on the emerging lithium niobate-on-insulator platform, and demonstrate efficient on-chip detection at telecommunication wavelengths.
We use the finite difference method and the non-equilibrium Green's function formalism to calculate transport properties of a two-dimensional transverse magnetic focusing system with spin-orbit coupling.
This paper presents on-the-fly calculation of holographic masks to generate arbitrary spatiotemporal beams. This includes compensating for beam defocusing through the system, allowing for advanced spatiotemporal beams to be generated at large time delays.
We designed a quantum optical version of time delayed self-sustained oscillations, which has focused towards developing quantum clocks.
We show that photo luminescence rate of silicon-vacancy centres in HTHP diamond is proportional to the sixth power of crystal diameter and consider interactions of photons with centres and kinetics of the crystals growth to explain the results.
A quantum ring model of same spin fermions is developed. Quantum Monte Carlo calculations are performed. Comparisons with analytical Hartree-Fock solutions are used to get an insight into the role of correlations.
Stable single photon quantum emitters in hexagonal Boron Nitride (hBN) can be deterministically created in the material and consistently emit at 436 nm wavelength. This work conducted Stark effect measurements on a number of blue emitters to investigate their nature.
The pair-angle distribution function (PADF) is a multi-atom distribution of atomic structure that can be directly measured with x-ray or electron scattering. It enables, for example, direct bond-angle distribution measurements and has wide applicability at the nanoscale.
Quantum nonlocality is a resource that enables secure quantum information tasks. Steering nonlocality is a scenario where one party is in a secure location and another party is not. Here, we show detection-loophole-free quantum steering, using a vector-vortex state encoding.
Brillouin microscopy has emerged as a non-invasive and label-free technique to map micro-mechanical properties of cells. Here we apply Brillouin microscopy to probe reorganization of F-actin network in respiratory cells treated with Timothy grass pollen protein extracts.
This talk will outline recent studies of iridescent structures in a range of insects that may be of sufficient Q-factor to support strong light matter interactions. Sustainable and bio-degradable approaches to polaritonics will be discussed.
The highest rates of quantum communication networks are fundamentally limited by the transmission distance between quantum repeaters. In this work, we give a practical design for this achievability.
Experimental results on nonreciprocal one-way transmission of light (optical isolation) through ultra-thin dielectric metasurfaces will be reported. Experimental observations of asymmetric parametric generation of images with nonlinear dielectric metasurfaces will be presented.
In this talk I will describe recent progress on two particular N-state generalizations of the widely studied quantum Ising model -- the N-state superintegrable chiral Potts model and the Z(N) free parafermion model.
We realise a common principle that applies to a wide range of seemingly distinct concepts and diagnostics of quantum chaos. We use this to identify a fundamental link between quantum chaos and entanglement.
Validating the use of hexagonal boron nitride (hBN) nanopowders as a simple, cost-effective solution for quantum sensing applications. Demonstrating sensing of paramagnetic ions using hBN nanopowder and further exploring its magnetic sensing capabilities by preparing thin films of controlled thickness.
The elasticity of cells and their environment are critical regulators of cell functions. In this work, we present the development of quantitative micro-elastography to characterise the elasticity of cells and cell spheroids in 3-D biomaterials.
In this talk, we present our approach toward the establishment of a full vector magnetometer using the nitrogen-vacancy defect center in diamond.
We study black hole thermodynamics in asymptotically de Sitter spacetimes, which is poorly understood owing to the presence of the cosmological horizon. We use a path integral approach to make equilibrium manifest, and study the resulting phase structure.
Optimum semiconductor laser parameters for generating broad rf bandwidth chaotic output are informed by numerical simulation results of a SL with delayed optical feedback system. The simulation results are also connected with experiments.
We demonstrate the in- and out-of-lab performance of the first automated, portable, dual-colour two-photon optical rubidium clock with integrated comb. Fractional frequency instabilities of $1.3\times10^{-13}/\sqrt{\tau}$ for $1\text{s}<\tau<1000\text{s}$, crossing the $10^{-15}$ regime at $\tau=200$s, are achieved.
See the attachment.
We develop and demonstrate a set of tools for both detailed and efficient characterisation of the full set of temporal correlations present in quantum dynamics. Applications range from noise reduction to the general study of open quantum systems.
We study the dynamics in a strongly interacting Fermi gas following a quench of the interactions. Using two-photon Bragg spectroscopy, we directly observe the amplitude oscillations, obtaining measurements of the pairing gap and damping rate as a function of temperature.
An open panel discussion focusing on issues with the way physics research is currently conducted in Australia, along with how best to improve these practices to facilitate a more productive scientific culture. Panellists include Prof. Laura Greene (AIP plenary speaker, Florida State University), A/Prof Charlene Lobo (Head of Physics Discipline, University of Technology Sydney) and Prof. Trevor...
The SABRE-South experiment, located at SUPL, Australia, aims to detect dark matter to provide a model independent test of the signal observed by DAMA/LIBRA.
This talk will describe the complexity of SABRE-South and the general status of its assembly.
Here we introduce a new technique, time-resolved vector microscopy, that enables us to compose entire movies on a sub-femtosecond time scale and a 10 nm scale of the electric field vectors of surface plasmon polaritons. Depending on the shape and geometrical phase, in combination with the helicity of the excitation beam, topological plasmonic quasiparticles are created: skyrmions, merons, as...
In spherical symmetry, only two classes of dynamic solutions to the semiclassical Einstein equations describe physical black holes, and their formation follows a unique scenario. To be compatible with their existence, modified gravity theories must satisfy several constraints.
We report on progress towards a compact Ytterbium cold atom trap system, including the fabrication of grating magneto-optical trap chips and compact ovens. The aim is to develop a high-performance field deployable optical clock.
Studying the correlations within a bipartite sequential Wigner's friend experiment, in particular when compared to the already known correlations of a scenario with the same number of inputs and outputs under a local hidden variable model.
We theoretically investigate breading oscillations of a harmonically trapped 1D quasicondensate at finite temperatures. We find that the oscillations exhibit beating of two oscillatory modes, unlike previous studies that predicted only a single oscillation frequency.
We develop an analytic model for atomic beam clocks, incorporating a realistic laser profile with wavefront curvature. Our model explains previous empirical observations about signal optimisation and enables further optimisation of stability and accuracy.
The control and manipulation of quantum systems underpin the development of scalable quantum technologies. Here, we demonstrate the electrical activation and modulation of single photon photoluminescence from quantum emitters in hexagonal boron nitride.
The dominant interactions between polarons in monolayer WS${}_2$ occur between polarons dressed by the same Fermi-sea of electrons. Repulsive interactions are mediated by phase space filling, while attractive interactions lead to the formation of bipolarons.
This contribution will summarise results from the ATLAS Experiment at the CERN Large Hadron Collider related to the Higgs boson, top quarks and various searches for the beyond the Standard Model phenomena.
We compute states that maximize average fidelity over ensembles of quantum states via semidefinite programs. We derive lower and upper bounds to maximal average fidelity that are exact in the commuting scenario. Our results find applications in tomography.
We consider a relativistic UDW detector model with first-quantised centre of mass, which we compare to a full field-theoretic description. We analyse the transition rate to first-order in perturbation theory for different types of minimum uncertainty state.
UV emission from lanthanide-doped upconversion nanoparticles could promotes cell damage in super-resolution microscopy (details in the attached PDF file)
We demonstrate the first measurement of the 10-mHz wide ytterbium clock transition to be made on an atomic beam, and report on the development of a portable optical atomic clock based on this technique.
To study the viability of a rotation sensing scheme using ultracold atoms, we numerically model the decay of standing waves excited in the density of a ring-shaped Bose-Einstein condensate.
The Quantum Computed Moments (QCM) method offers a powerful correction to the ground state energy estimate obtained in variational quantum algorithms. We observe that this QCM estimate is incredibly robust to noise, and analyse the versatility of the approach.
This work presents a study on the chemical vapor deposition-grown Sb2Se3 nanowires and their applications in polarized photodetection. The fabricated photodetector exhibits a good sensitivity to polarized light at 830nm. Conventional and polarimetric imaging are also achieved under white light.
We explore the lifetime and cross-correlation of different sizes NaYbxY1-xF4 (x = 20%, 50% and 100%) nanoparticles. The lifetime reduces when Yb doping concentration increases, The g2(0) of NaYbYF4 is over 10, but only for nanocrystal size below 40 nm.
Here we show that Lorentz invariance emerges phenomenologically in the new Quantum Theory of Time in a natural way, i.e. due to the Galilean transformation of the background T violating field.
The nature of dark matter is still unknown and it is one of the key questions in particle physics. Many beyond the Standard Model theories predict the production of dark matter particles in the decays of the Higgs boson. As dark matter particles do not interact with the detector, they would be invisible to the detector and can only be probed using the presence of missing transverse...
We present spatially-resolved spectroscopy of dopant-based atomic-scale devices in silicon using the resolution of low-temperature scanning tunnelling microscopy towards the fabrication and spectroscopy of artificial quantum matter in the context of dopant-based analogue quantum simulators in silicon
We demonstrate quantum time transfer using correlated photons over a 100 m free-space link with picosecond resolution. We present our latest results showing the effects of loss and noise on our quantum clock synchronisation protocol.
We present our investigations into the dynamics of levitated rare-earth ions doped nanocrystals using optical tweezers. In particular we will present results on the absolute cooling (i.e. of the motional and internal temperature) of these levitated nanocrystals.
We theoretically show the all-electrical control of the electron’s two lowest valley states in a silicon/silicon-germanium heterostructure.
We show that mass–energy equivalence must be included in models of a quantum particle interacting with an external environment in order to represent physically relevant scenarios such as atom-light interactions.
We briefly review the research on second sound in ultracold atomic physics, with emphasis on strongly interacting unitary Fermi gases with infinitely large s-wave scattering length.
We characterize superconducting Tungsten Silicide films for high kinetic inductance. The films are then used to fabricate superconducting microwave resonators with high internal quality factors, and resilience to in-plane magnetic fields with potential applications in scale-up quantum computing.
We introduce a new method to simulate the dynamics of an open quantum system by using a hierarchy of master equations, which update not only the relevant information about the system but also the leading correlations of the bath operators.
We propose a variant-axion extension of the Standard Model (coined VISHν) which additionally explains small neutrino masses, dark matter, the baryon asymmetry of the universe and inflation, while remaining technically natural and cosmologically benign.
We use bandlimitation to express quantum fields as simultaneously continuous and discrete, showing that discrete fields posess continuous translational symmetry and taking us a step towards unifying quantum field theory with general relativity.
Possible new physics is incorporated into the QMC energy density is shown to be capable of predicting a neutron star mass of 2.1 M$_\odot$ without changing the symmetric nuclear matter properties at saturation density.
We consider a quasi-one-dimensional dipolar BEC, with strong trapping along the two-axis orthogonal to the aligning dipole field (z-axis). When the z-axis trapping is switched off we numerically and analytically characterise the frequency and amplitude of the BEC width oscillations.
We present offset decoding in digitally enhanced interferometry using a a new pseudo random noise code called A1 code that leverages the benefits of traditionally used m-sequences and provides additional noise cancellation that enhances the phase fidelity of signal recovered.
To realise a tunable filter in the long wavelength infrared range, we integrate a metasurface with a micro-electro-mechanical system. Proposed devices will make an impact in remote infrared imaging and sensing.
Atacamite is a frustrated quantum magnet, a class of materials which often exhibit exotic magnetic phases. The magnetic characteristics of atacamite have been investigated through various experimental and theoretical techniques. These will be discussed and compared.
Significant, perhaps unprecedented, attention is being paid to the needs for transformation within the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) education at the undergraduate level. This talk examines how higher education STEM disciplines, and physicists and physics departments in particular, are positioned to contribute to these discussions and address our...
The LIGO-Virgo-KAGRA network has detected approximately 100 merging compact objects using gravitational wave detection. The next series of upgrades promises increasing our understanding of highly warped spacetime, nuclear astrophysics, and cosmology. To reach those astrophysical targets, the measurements will have to be improved through quantum metrology, advances in thin film materials, and...
Ultrathin meta-optics has transformed current photonic design. I will highlight a new 3D meta-optics platform with unleashed height degree of freedom. Design, 3D laser nanoprinting, and applications of various 3D metasurfaces will be discussed.
Dr Haoran Ren is an ARC DECRA Fellow at Monash University. He joined Monash University in mid-2022, before that he held a Macquarie...
In this talk we demonstrate how, using quantum point contacts (QPCs), we are able, for the first time, to carefully design devices with known electrostatic confinement dimensions, providing a pathway to scalable topological quantum hardware.
The purpose of this paper is to point out these unreliable photodetector parameters noted by the author and to try to draw attention to the obvious physical limitations of photodetectors that are sometimes overlooked in estimating photodetector performance.
Semiconductor nanowire arrays have drawn much attention as nanoscale building blocks for integrated photonics, owing to their nanoscale size and unique material properties. In this talk, we present the study of nanowire array based materials and devices for photonic integration.
The SKA Observatory will transform our understanding of the Universe. After decades of planning, construction of two telescopes is about to start in Australia and South Africa. Hear the latest on Australia’s first mega-science project.
We present a deployable underwater atomic magnetometer that enables novel approaches to magnetic anomaly detection. We demonstrate that a pair of these magnetometers can detect a surface craft passing 15m above the submerged sensors.
Can a “Chegg-proof” examination of a standard physics unit be set? The answer, of course, is yes. But at what cost in academic workload, and is this the best use of that time?
What physics and astrophysics will we uncover with the next generation of gravitational-wave observatories? I will review the broad science case for future instruments, including tests of general relativity, relativistic and nuclear astrophysics, and extragalactic physics.
The CTA is the next generation ground-based high-energy gamma-ray telescope, constructed-operated by 25 countries. Its Key Science span Galactic/Extragalactic, time-domain and fundamental (astro)physics. Australian participation in CTA is through a consortium of 7 universities, with additional AAL funding and support.
Advances in Yb-doped and Tm-doped Double-clad LMA fibers to power-scale fiber lasers beyond multi-kW are presented, demonstrating > 3 kW at 1μm and > 65% slope efficiency at 2 μm.
We address the challenges of growing epitaxial graphene on the 3C-SiC/Si system with our findings finally opening the possibility of obtaining dynamic tunability of charge transport in graphene on SiC/Si for integrated nanoelectronics and nanophotonics functionalities.
Our talk will discuss our experience so far with pass/fail grading and research we intend to conduct over the next year.
This presentation will review the emerging science, technology, and applications of photonic chip frequency combs. This new form of laser light has the potential to bring unprecedented precision to almost any application that relies on measurement.
This talk reviews fabrication strategies to embed diamond particles in fibres with respect to diamond and fibre properties and enhancing magnetic field sensitivity.
Gravitational waves offer a new precision tool for cosmology. I will discuss their advantages over previous light-based techniques, and the major conundrums that gravitational waves will illuminate such as cosmological “tensions”, dark matter, and dark energy.
We show in a Kerr microresonator the injection of a second laser, in addition to the pump laser, can facilitate useful spectral expansion of the original soliton comb. Furthermore we experimentally achieve excitation of two simultaneous solitons for spectroscopic applications.
Josephson junctions are the key components of quantum computers based on superconducting qubits. We develop an atomistic model to study the effect of microscopic defects called "pinholes", which could cause energy dissipation in Al/AlO$_\textrm{x}$/Al Josephson junctions.
The work demonstrates the synthesis of ultrathin two-dimensional(2D) indium nitride(InN) films with few atom thicknesses and lateral dimensions exceeding centimeter-scale. The as-synthesized films feature 2D electron gases rendering them promising candidates for next-generation advanced optoelectronic devices and functional 2D heterostructures.
In this contribution we discuss the IceCube Neutrino Observatory's discovery of high energy neutrino sources and plans for future upgrades of the detector.
Abstract - We demonstrate enhanced visible sum-frequency generation in doubly resonant GaP metasurfaces. Record conversion efficiency is achieved in the metasurface by the excitation of high-quality factor Q bound state in the continuum (BIC) resonances with non-trivial polarization dependence.
Metal-insulator-transition, threshold switching, negative differential resistance, Schottky-barrier, current bifurcation
Using a combination of rubrics, sample work and a quiz module with clear goals and expectations to prepare students for participating and writing in physics teaching laboratories. Student improvements and outcomes are presented.
The current generation of GW detectors will soon begin their fourth observation run and plans are underway to upgrade the detectors until the start of third generation era. This talk will summarise the plans for the current generation of LIGO detectors.
We have demonstrated a 6+1→1 optical fibre combiner for diode-pumped 1 µm operation, using metal coated fibre for the output fibre port with pump power levels up to 700 W
We present a nano-engineered three-dimensional zero-index metamaterial based on Steiner tree networks as a novel topological photonic crystal, featuring a Dirac-like point and a photonic stop-gap to realize low-loss three-dimensional zero-index metamaterial at the wavelength around 1050 nm.
Non-volatile 2D memory systems are being widely considered because of their scalability. We experimentally and theoretically investigate 2D InSe for resistive switching alongside investigating the role of cations and anions in the switching mechanism.
A magnetic study of the van der Waals antiferromagnet CuCrP2S6 showcasing the capabilities of widefield NV microscopy and uncovering a surprising range of magnetic phases in this material.
The High Energy Stereoscopic System has revolutionised TeV gamma-ray astronomy over the past two decades. This presentation will highlight some of the recent discoveries from H.E.S.S. over the past year or so (such as novae, gamma-ray bursts and pulsars).
We predict and demonstrate experimentally strong third-harmonic optical signal for broken-symmetry dielectric metasurfaces supporting sharp optical resonances in the near-IR. For chiral asymmetric dielectric metasurfaces we demonstrate experimentally large nonlinear chiroptical response in transmission.
What detector design, configuration and infrastructure are required to reach the gravitational wave horizon? I will discuss the proposed next generation gravitational wave detector, Cosmic Explorer. I will review the instrumental challenges and potential realisation to construct such an observatory.
The Einstein Telescope is European third generation gravitational wave detector. In this talk...
The search for gamma-ray emission from dwarf spheroidal galaxies is of ongoing interest in the context WIMP dark matter. We have detected a 1-100 GeV signal from the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal, the third-most massive satellite of the Milky Way.
In this work, we explore how isotopic enrichment of diamond materials can benefit quantum diamond magnetometers. This is implemented by engineering CVD-grown material and conducting characterization of their properties in order to evaluate the impact on their overall magnetic sensitivities.
The change of wavelength of light with the medium it’s travelling through can be demonstrated by immersing a simple diffraction experiment in water. Higher orders of diffraction can occur in water compared to in air.
We report the successful thermal fusing of silica single-mode fibers directly to depressed cladding waveguides inscribed in a ZBLAN glass chip using a CO2 laser. This fusing enables complete integration of a fiber and bulk glass waveguides.
Demonstration of a polarisation maintaining all-fibre coherent beam combining system, digitally implemented using a FPGA and electro-optic modulators. The experimental implementation combines three 7 W Erbium-doped polarisation maintaining fibre amplifiers with greater than 95% efficiency and $\lambda/493$ RMS phase stability.
Author list:
Marko Perestjuk [1,2], Rémi Armand [2], Alberto Della Torre [2], Milan Sinobad [3], Arnan Mitchell [1], Andreas Boes [1,4], Jean-Michel Hartmann [5], Jean-Marc Fedeli [5], Vincent Reboud [5], Alfredo De Rossi [6], Sylvain Combrié [6], Christelle Monat [2], Christian Grillet [2]
[1] Integrated Photonics and Applications Centre, School of Engineering, RMIT University,...
Skyrmion nucleation induced by spin-transfer torques at an interface of a topological insulator and a ferromagnetic insulator is investigated. We find skyrmion nucleation time, critical nucleation field, and skyrmion numbers.
Au-hyperdoped Si has recently shown promise as a Si-based near-infrared detector. Here, we show electrical characterization measurements of Au-hyperdoped Si in an effort to optimize device architecture and detector efficiency.
IUPAP was established in 1922 as the world was rebuilding itself after the 1914-1918 war. It has supported physics and physicists in the for the last 100 years, and will support them for the next 100 years.
Bruce was the President of IUPAP from 2014 to 2017, and is now the Past President on the Executive Council. He is emeritus Professor at the University of Melbourne.
In addition to its Commissions IUPAP has a number of Working Groups which aim to focus and develop new research fields and activities that would be difficult to resource through traditional methods. The Working Group on International Cooperation in Nuclear Physics (WG.9) will serve as an example what these groups can achieve.
Anthony is the Elder Professor of Physics at the University of...
What technologies are needed to build a one-of-a-kind gravitational wave detector in Australia? I will present some of the key ingredients needed to build NEMO : a detector with sensitivity focused in the kHz regime.
This presentation tells the story of how my hands-on approach to physics education led to the ANU MakerSpace – a highly successful, interdisciplinary, and openly accessible makerspace. I will share some highlights from my experience.
In this talk I will describe the state of our understanding of the highest energy cosmic rays with a variety of results from the 3000 square kilometre Pierre Auger Observatory.
We theoretically and numerically study the linear propagation of optical pulses in media with high-order dispersion m. We find that for high dispersion orders, all pulses follow a universal evolution depending only on m, eventually evolving to a sinc function.
This presentation will discuss recent breakthroughs in optical (laser) cooling of Yb-doped silica fibers using anti-Stokes pumping, and the exciting upcoming generation of silica fiber amplifiers and lasers that run cold.
I will discuss the advantages of magnetic trapping for trapping and cooling of nano-micron-scaled objects. This complete passive type of trap heralds the potential for low noise levitation and the creation of ultrahigh-motional-Q massive oscillators.
I will discuss recent advances in quantum imaging, and show how optimal measurement techniques that can allow us to surpass direct imaging precisions by several orders of magnitude.
Describes the new underground fundamental science facility, SUPL, driven by the particle and nuclear physics, and astrophysics communities.
outline of facility came, it characteristics and status of installation DM search experiment SABRE. Other potential activities for SUPL described.
Here we present a powerful new microscopy method based on fluorescence anisotropy imaging microscopy (FAIM) of Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) between fluorescently labelled nucleosomes to spatiotemporally map live cell genome organisation in real time with super resolution.
This work presents a trans-ocular measurement of retinal blood-vessel-wall integrity as a quantitative assessment of hypertension.
We show theoretically how to control coherent conversion between a narrowband pump photon and broadband photon pairs in nonlinear optical waveguides by tailoring frequency dispersion for broadband quantum frequency mixing.
We propose that parity-violating electron scattering (PVES) provides promising opportunity for the dark photon searches. We explore the sensitivity of PVES asymmetry to the dark photon parameters. We also extract the favoured region by fitting the parity-violation data.
What will a gravitational-wave detector in Australia bring us? We will discuss the contribution of an Australian detector to multi-messenger astronomy in the current and next generations of the global detector network.
Widespread adoption of wide-field nitrogen-vacancy microscopy amongst the scientific community is hindered by non-trivial technical requirements. We demonstrate a method to overcome these challenges by developing a fully integrated diamond probe, and show some example applications.
FLASH is an emerging radiotherapy modality that enhances normal tissue sparing whilst maintaining tumour kill efficacy. This talk will summarise recent preclinical proton- and carbon-FLASH literature, and the predicted radiobiological mechanisms responsible for the 'FLASH effect' phenomenon.
In this contribution, we show how we constrain the number of neutrino sources that produce the high-energy astrophysical neutrino events observed by IceCube using importance sampling to maximise a multidimensional marginal likelihood.
Recent studies have shown that solitons dominated by higher order dispersion effects give rise to a large family of possible soliton solutions. We study soliton solutions formed in higher order dispersion systems and uncover families of exact analytic solutions.
We describe a repeatable method for building and characterising a multi-plane light convertor that operates as a 55 spatial mode sorter.
We detail a new, more inclusive approach to teaching quantum concepts to both students and non-scientific audiences; based on direct real-time interactions between musical instruments with quantum systems at audio frequencies.
We present the current status and future plans of the experiments within The Oscillating Resonant Group AxioN (ORGAN) Collaboration, which develops axion haloscopes. Axions are a compelling dark matter candidate, and haloscopes are a tool for axion searches.
We demonstrate rapid quantum control of optically-dark nuclear spins in diamond, which are typically isolated from both magnetic noise and oscillating control fields, through magnetic-field induced augmentation.
We present novel quantum frameworks for inferring the quantum state of the mechanical oscillator in different scenarios and elaborate on how they are applied to a resonator in the lab.
We demonstrate the application of machine learning to improve the performance of specklegram pressure sensor using pure silica six-hole microstructured optical fiber. The sensor will be useful for pressure sensing in harsh industrial applications.
This contribution will introduce a novel 3D modelling and present the gamma-ray morphology around the SNR W28 using hydrogen gas distributions from Australian surveys. We will discuss our grid search of SNR, diffusion and gas properties to reproduce gamma-ray observations.
In this contribution, we investigate periodic poling of 300nm thin-film X-cut lithium niobate on insulator and study the correlation between applied voltage pulses and domain evolution for efficient second-order nonlinear optical frequency conversion processes.
By focusing on the second-order correlation as a function of emission polarization, we demonstrate additional information gained from using polarization combined correlation optics and pave the way for future protocols in sub-diffraction limited particle localization and characterization via quantum imaging.
We will summarise current searches within Belle II to identify the rare, leptonic B- decays B+ → μ+ν or B0 → νν ̄ and detail how the upper bounds on experimental branching fractions of these rare decays will be improved.
Light is present throughout the process of IVF. However, its impact on embryos remains unknown. Here we controlled for equivalent energy dose of light applied across wavelengths and found longer wavelengths of light to be detrimental to the embryo.
I seek to discuss the insights from 6 years of the Aurora Contest data to understand the reach and knowledge of this contest and outreach activities that can shape STEM study, in particular Physics and related career choices among schoolgirls.
We fabricate a 3D achromatic diffractive metalens on the end face of a single-mode fiber, useful for endoscopic applications. We demonstrate achromatic and polarization-insensitive focusing across the entire near-infrared telecommunication wavelength band ranging from 1.25 to 1.65 µm.
We numerically and analytically examine solitons arising from a dispersion relation with several peaks of different local curvatures and wavenumbers. Their spectra have multiple separate frequency components whose relative intensities depend on the pulse power.
We run a large online-only physics course three times a year, with different academics and staff assigned each time. This talk outlines our work in ensuring consistency throughout the terms via course design and automation.
In this contribution, we present our study on predicting observable fluxes of gamma rays and neutrinos created in the hadronic collisions of particles accelerated by Galactic supernova remnants with nearby molecular gas clouds.
The presented work demonstrates the cooling of an X-band microwave mode with an ensemble of hyper-polarised room temperature nitrogen vacancy centres in diamond.
A super-resolution optical microscopy method using Bayesian inference and flipped optical modes, developed to better resolve point source emitters below the resolution limit.
Proton therapy is a modern radiotherapy treatment which allows significant sparing of healthy tissues compared with conventional photon radiation. Some assumptions made during treatment planning introduce uncertainties into the process which should be well understood and quantified.
A measurement of the magnitude of the Cabibbo-Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix element $|V_{\mathrm{ub}}|$ is extracted exclusively from the semileptonic $B$-meson decay $B \to \pi \ell \nu$ in an early subset of Belle II data using hadronic Full-event-interpretation tagging.
We consider frequency comb generation in high-finesse magnesium fluoride photonic belt resonators. The confinement to a few spatial modes permits comb excitation free from linear mode interactions. The comb was extended via a dispersive wave, resulting in a broadband spectra.
In this presentation we will provide results of a study conducted in first-year physics laboratories involving an experiment, Bunjee Jumping. The experiment is designed with a conceptual framework integrating technology and modelling to specifically ‘engage’ students with uncertainty analysis.
Models with large cross sections require light mediators and are subject to other constraints. We use the direct detection of CR-upscattered DM to compute limits on the coupling, and compare these with constraints arising from other experiments and observations.
We discuss our recent progress in utilising cutting edge diamond-based quantum sensors to develop a portable, robust, and sensitive nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectrometer for in-field trace chemical detection and analysis.
This talk will present the characterisation methods and results of intrinsic backgrounds in an ultra-pure NaI crystal for the SABRE South dark matter experiment, with a focus on 238U and 232Th.
We developed a compartment model where we assigned each daughter of actinium-225 unique biokinetics. We used the model to study the effect of daughter migration on organ doses in Targeted Alpha Therapy.
Nitrogen-Vacancy centres in diamond are promising room-temperature quantum sensors. However, interaction with bath-spins in the surrounding lattice can lead to strong decoherence. We investigate decoupling of these interactions by driving the bath-spins with chirped signals.
Short keynote (10-15 mins) from Noah Finkelstein
Round-table discussion
Q&A session
I will provide an overview of observations of tidal disruption events - what happens when a star is destroyed by a supermassive black hole - including insights that these events enable into SMBHs and their surroundings.
We present precise measurement of HHG phase difference between two isotopes of molecular hydrogen using advanced Gouy phase interferometer. The measured phase difference is about 200 mrad, corresponding to ~3 attoseconds time delay which is nearly independent of harmonic order.
We report the application of big discrete time crystals created by a Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold atoms bouncing on an oscillating mirror to the investigation of condensed matter phenomena in the time dimension.
E0 transitions are unique to nuclei and provide a compelling spectroscopic fingerprint of shape coexistence. Recent results from 12C, 24Mg and 40Ca will be used to examine nuclear structure questions where the observation and characterisation of E0 transitions were crucial.
We propose a torsion sensor using an FBG-based twin-core ZEONEX polymeric fiber, with a measurement range up to ±360°. Due to the central/side core arrangement, torsion can be retrieved independently from axial strain and temperature.
This talk presents recent progress in hybrid fibers with integrated functional materials such as diamond particles, 2D materials, high-index thin films or silk to create new intrinsic fiber properties for sensing and nonlinear photonics applications.
Short bio:
Heike Ebendorff-Heidepriem received the Ph.D. degree from the University of Jena, Germany, in 1994. Since 2005, she has been with...
This work includes: 1) Our study and application of putative modified physical equations due to beyond-standard-model physics, to determine possible new experiments; 2) An overview of our current experimental program, including status and future directions.
We realise a novel quantum sensing protocol for spectral analysis, utilising continuous Faraday measurement of an ultracold atomic ensemble's quantum state. Through quantum process tomography, signal parameters are retrieved from the characteristic transition driven as the sensor sweeps through resonance.
We report on the use of multipoint Bragg gratings fabricated in suspended core optical fibres in industrial temperature sensing applications.
Quantum technologies require the interfacing of numerous single photons on a chip. Integration between quantum light sources and photonic devices is crucial for this purpose. Here, we present the integration of hBN quantum emitters into photonic waveguides and photonic cavities.
Investigations in to satellite lines and diagram lines of complex open shell 3d transition metals. Specifically in scandium for this talk.
We present the use of non-degenerate coupled photonic cavities in order suppress the contribution of laser phase noise in optomechanical sensing Systems. These coupled Cavities demonstrate laser phase noise rejection whilst not significantly degrading the device’s response.
Using modern visualisation techniques, this presentation examines the structure of centre vortices in the nontrivial ground-state fields of QCD. Their link to the generation of mass and the confinement of quarks is explored.
We report the first realisation of a passive on-chip circulator which is made from a superconducting loop with three Josephson junctions and is tuned with only DC control fields. Our results demosntrated non-reciprocal behaviour and identified future path for improvement.
Here we report the observation of a discrete time crystal on a chain consisting of 57 superconducting qubits on IBM’s quantum computer.
The possibility of tuning the temperature and humidity sensitivities of POFBG sensors to the desired level by applying a specific amount of fibre pre-strain is demonstrated.
We discuss the impact of adding more detectors on gravitational-wave burst detection confidence, using the BayesWave algorithm: a source-agnostic Bayesian analysis pipeline. BayesWave reconstructs non-Gaussian transient features in detector data for the characterisation of astrophysical signals and instrumental glitches.
A presentation of our recent work to determine the 3D structure of hadrons using lattice quantum chromodynamics. This work complements forthcoming experiments at the Brookhaven Electron-Ion Collider.
We measure strain at the thermodynamic limit in custom passive optical fibre resonators to verify theoretical predictions that govern fundamental interactions between entropy fluctuations and a fibre sensor.
Metal–coated optical fibers are known for its resistance to extreme temperatures and superior mechanical properties. This research is focused on evaluating use of such technology within smart materials (3D metal printing) for temperature measurements.
As quantum processors begin to scale, optimising the cryogenic wiring for superconducting quantum devices is becoming an important challenge for developing powerful quantum computers. This work tackles this problem for industry-scale devices and identifies new avenues for improving qubit capacities.
A novel technique for determining complex atomic fine structure will be described. Exciting applications of the technique such as a phase analogue to x-ray absorption fine structure applications will also be discussed.
We present a theoretical study of clean time crystalline phases in the model of periodically kicked one-dimensional bosons with contact interactions on a ring.
Femtosecond direct laser writing as a 3D-printing technology has transformed the field of micro-optics. This paper highlights relevant aspects in the design of 3d-printed systems. It presents multiple design examples, ranging across micro-optical imaging-, illumination- and sensing-systems for various applications.
We demonstrate an accurate phase retrieval of XUV atomic ionization by streaking photoelectrons in a circularly polarized IR laser field. This novel technique will be instrumental for studying inner shell atomic and molecular ionization using free-electron lasers.
We use the simulation software "GALPROP" to model the Milky Way's diffuse TeV gamma-ray emission. We compare GALPROP's predictions to observational data, investigating how the emission will impact the forthcoming CTA Observatory's Milky Way survey.
It has been demonstrated that the behaviour of superconducting quantum interference devices can be precisely tuned using electrostatic gates. We discuss the recent experimental results and summarise our current theoretical understanding of this effect.
I will present a new statistical approach to the problem of inferring the properties of point-source populations. This method will be shown to be superior to existing methods in the context of X-ray astronomy.
Detectors designed to investigate fundamental physics such as quantum gravity and gravitational waves have been proposed utilising twin interferometers. We aim to demonstrate the improvement of a twin interferometer experiment via injecting Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen squeezed states.
The femtosecond laser direct write technique was used to fabricate mid-infrared waveguide couplers into fused silica and compositionally engineered fluoride glass for the first time. Both results are compared and contrasted to demonstrate novel application regimes.
High Energy Resolution Fluorescence Detection has recently developed as a powerful probe for bonding, nanostructure and oxidation state. We report the discovery of a new satellite in manganese using a new technique, XR-HERFD. This is foundational for many future studies.
EMC Effect is the 40-year-old mystery that quark structure in free nucleons is somehow different to that in bound nucleons. We examine its two leading explanations - mean field correction and short-range correlation.
Squeezing electromagnetic noise allows for measurements beyond the standard quantum limit relevant to a range of quantum applications. Here we present the first results in realising direct noise squeezing with a kinetic inductance parametric amplifier.
Membership trends and related statistics of the Australian Institute of Physics over the 60 years since its establishment in 1963 are presented. Its Members have had distinguished careers in universities, research organisations or industry.
We have simulated a microspectrometer system that utilises a BIC transmission filter array with a photodetector array and have used it to identify common acyclic hydrocarbons down to 50 ppm concentrations via a machine learning classifier.
We present a new parameter s_∗, determined by Hamiltonian moments
⟨φ|H^n|φ⟩, as an estimate of the overlap between a trial state |φ⟩ and energy eigenstates of the problem Hamiltonian.
Atom Computing is creating a quantum processing platform based on nuclear spin qubits. The system makes use of optical tweezers to assemble and individually manipulate neutral strontium atoms. We demonstrate the robustness of these systems by characterizing their coherence times.
Ultra-low mass WIMP's are viable dark matter candidates. However, the resulting low-energy excitations are extraordinarily difficult to detect. I will outline a new experimental platform that translates the capabilities of optomechanics to enable detection of ~1ueV excitations in superfluid helium.
Indeterministic dynamics arise in the context of interacting systems near closed timelike curves. I will discuss a relevant scenario, the "billiard-ball paradox", and will provide solutions to a quantum formulation of the problem, showing in particular how indeterminism is resolved.
Gravity is determined, within the framework of the Generation Model of particle physics, to be a universal attractive finite-ranged residual interaction of the strong nuclear force, acting between the colourless constituents of ordinary matter.
We report the development of a high sensitivity, quadrant-photodiode-based Hartmann wavefront sensor. The sensor is simple, low cost, with a bandwidth of 50kHz, and a sensitivity and dynamic range for curvature change of 10/um and 0.5/m, respectively.
Modelling and experimental results of femtosecond-laser inscribed point-by-point Bragg gratings were compared. Coupled mode theory model doesn't account for the distorted mode and fails whereas Bloch function approach consider distorted mode and provides a more accurate picture of grating dynamics.
Discussion on our recent breakthroughs in theoretical atomic structural investigations using advanced relativistic quantum mechanics.
We demonstrate the alignment of a wavelength selective switch by means of digital holography, allowing access to the spectrally-resolved full field of the output beams, a feature yielding additional insights such as crosstalk and spatial deformation of the beams.
We demonstrate the capability to address the spin sub-levels of the germanium vacancy and thus, perform all optical spin initialisation and readout. Additionally, we generate dark coherent superpositions of the germanium vacancy spin states through coherent population trapping.
Mutual strong confinement of light and sound in photonic waveguides is desirable for on-chip opto-acoustic nonlinear interactions, but very few materials are naturally guiding for both waves. Here, we present Anti-Resonant Reflecting Acoustic Waveguides (ARRAWs) as a potential solution.
We investigate how physical noise is transformed and suppressed in encoded magic state injection schemes. These circuits are key to NISQ computation and classifying their error on current devices will identify problems that larger, scaled up architectures must address.
We report on an experiment to create a big time crystal using a Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold potassium - 39 atoms bouncing resonantly on a periodically driven atom mirror.
A continuous variable real-time quantum random number generator which extracts random numbers from the shot noise clearance of a vacuum state homodyne measurement will be built. It will include periodic real-time system health checks, tests, and alerts.
A NaI(Tl) crystal was irradiated by a strong cosmic ray-like neutron beam to characterize the cosmogenic background in NaI(Tl).This study will inform the development and analysis of NaI(Tl)-based experiments and also improve their sensitivity to probe dark matter.
We studied a direct and an inverse anisotropic structure made of Z-cut LN on the silica substrate, and evaluated the cross-polarisation conversion of linear incident polarisation and at tunable circular dichroism (CD) that can be achieved in these structures.
SuperWIMPs form a popular class of cold dark matter that naturally inherit the desired relic density from the late decays of the WIMPs. We use cosmological probes like spectral distortions, BBN and Warm Dark Matter bounds to find constraints on generic SWIMP masses and couplings.
We investigate the coupling of microwave cavity fields to an ensemble of Nitrogen-Vacancy (NV) centre spins utilising the morphological resonances in spherical/ellipsoidal dielectric resonators.
In this work we integrate a spin centre in hexagonal boron nitride with a monolithic photonic resonator in an intial step towards a scalable spin-photon interface.
Time in its current state is discussed without reference to an operator that represents the time observable, the aim of this work is to rectify this and investigate how such an observable can be represented.
In this work, we look at three different discrete-variable Wigner functions corresponding to single Weyl-Heisenberg displacements and compare them. What we find that is that these functions are equivalent up to some non-trivial phase dependent on the displacement amount.
In this paper, we demonstrate that the rate at which logical Bell states can be generated between distant fault-tolerant quantum computers is on the order of 1KHZ. This imposes a hard limit on the distributed clock speed.
We demonstrate that using the framework of finite-frame filter functions the cost required for high-quality multiqubit characterization and control is significantly lower than what is expected using the standard frequency-domain filter-function formalism.
Can Virtual Reality make it easier to communicate Physics to young people? We evaluated Mission Gravity, an OzGrav outreach program delivered in Virtual Reality, and assessed its impact in South Australian Secondary School classrooms.
Mode-locked soliton pulses are shaped by intensity-dependent nonlinear effects. Consequently, fibre laser design provides insight into the evolution of these ultrashort pulses. We present mode-locking performance for a variety of component selections and positions in a Holmium fibre ring cavity.
Our previously implemented quantum support vector machine outperformed standard classical methods for B Meson classification (using reduced dataset). In this work we will explore the feasibility of application to particle physics showing alternative encoding methods and speedups.
This paper covers the design of achromatic phase shifters using differential waveguide dispersion. These devices are then fabrication using the femtosecond laser direct write technique.
An easily re-configurable, compact and scalable 2 µm holmium in ZBLAN laser source with multi-channel/wavelength fiber outputs of >100mW is presented and discussed.
Faced with the down-scaling of semiconductor devices and the rapid development of 2D materials-based field-effect transistors, we report on the synthesis and properties of ultrathin silver-doped indium oxide nanosheets fabricated using a simple liquid-printing process for application of semiconducting channel
Fluorescent nanodiamonds (FNDs) made from HPHT diamond have predominantly disk-like shapes. A typical FND is three times wider (eg in x-y) than it is thick (eg in z). This has important implications for the next generation of nanodiamond-based quantum sensors.
We report the formation of superconducting thin films and devices in phase-transformed Al-Si alloy and vanadium silicide (V$_3$Si) and present results of structural and electrical characterization studies and discuss the merits of these superconducting systems for novel devices in silicon.
In this paper we present a novel approach for learning relativity by combining theory (vectors, tensors) with electronic applications to the GPS system. The course is applicable as a practical introduction to the applied mathematics of relativistic theory and measurement.
A method to extract and non-perturbatively renormalise the quark and gluon momentum fractions of hadrons is demonstrated, based on the Feynman-Hellmann method applied directly to the gluonic contribution. Results from the application of this method in the presence of dynamical quarks are presented.
In this project, we are presenting our methodology for generating and detecting single heralded photons over approximately 75km of field deployed fibre which is also in use by the Griffith University IT department for classical networking purposes.
We demonstrate a device for measuring the generalized Stokes parameters of a six spatial mode beam. The device is a single-shot wavefront sensor measuring spatial complex amplitude and coherence without an external phase reference.
We present a new theory of high-order image correlation spectroscopy capable of addressing emission QY distribution of fluorescence species, a common occurrence in silicon, plasmonic or semiconductor nanoparticle-based biolabellers.
We perform a detailed study of electric dipole transitions in K, Ca$^+$, Rb, Sr$^+$, Cs, Ba$^+$, Fr, and Ra$^+$, which are of interest for studies of atomic parity violation, electric dipole moments, polarizabilities, and the development of atomic clocks.
Recently, YouTube science communicators have tried to explain lift. Unfortunately, fluids are not intuitive, and Navier-Stokes provides little qualitative insight. Saying Coanda is as incorrect as claiming equal transit, or simply saying Bernoulli. How do wings work? Navier-Stokes and viscosity!
We propose a hybrid dielectric/plasmonic approach for metasurfaces comprising colour holograms encoded into colour printed images. The metasurface employs plasmonic nanoholes in an aluminium film for colour filtering and amorphous titanium dioxide nanopillars for the phase control needed for holography.
An alternative method for calculating Hyperon transition form
factors in Lattice QCD which is based on the Feynman-Hellmann method is
formulated. Results from this method are presented for the form factors
of the Sigma to neutron transition as well as a comparison to results
from the more common three-point function method.
We present a numerical estimation of spontaneous emission factor for multiple quantum disks embedded in nanowire lasers and, investigate the impact of Purcell effect F and spontaneous emission factor β on the threshold and the L-L curves.
We reinterpret internal degrees of freedom of a Dirac fermion as a local wavefunction oriented in 4D spacetime. This is done beginning with two 2D spinors, using the quantum theory of time as well as spherical harmonics.
Optical engineering of nanoporous photonic crystals to achieve high–quality lasing
Here we model a Laser threshold magnetometer sensor with extremely high sensitivity. We predict the sensitivities of a sensor design utilising a diamond ring resonator as a function of resonator geometry and optical pump conditions.
An update on the latest developments is given on the toroidal analyser for angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy at the Soft X-ray Spectroscopy beamline, Australian Synchrotron.
LEMAQUME is an EU-QuantERA project and aims to build a proof-of-principle prototype of a ferromagnet gyroscope. The precession of a magnet levitating in low magnetic fields allows for tests for exotic bosons, and, in the future, to the gyrogravitational ratio.
In this work we will present results of a LBIC and EBIC study of n-on-p planar structures created by RIE induced type conversion in MCT, as well as cross-sectional EBIC imaging undertaken at cryogenic temperatures.
We report on the detection of seismic signals using Distributed Acoustic Sensor (DAS) over the dark fibers in the campus telecommunication network. The system implementation, data analysis and signal post-processing methods optimized in this study will be presented.
An integrated lithium niobate on insulator ring resonator photonic device with efficient high-speed modulators hosts a synthetic frequency dimension lattice, revealed by characterizing its steady-state performance and real-time acquisition of its tight-binding model band structures.
A transparent smart wound dressing has been developed using Nitrogen Vacancy Centre Microdiamonds within a silk film for temperature detection, enabling early intervention of surface infections for acute wounds.
A microneedle is a biomedical device that could be used for painless administration and extraction of fluids into an individual.
This study details the process of creating a patch of diamond microneedle and optimising its properties.
Theoretical investigation of excitons in semiconductor quantum-well designed not to have Coulomb bound excitions, but shows excitons bound by photons when placed in optical microcavity. The spectrum is calculated from theory and compares well with recent Nature Physics experiment spectrum.
Chirality is a fundamental property in many physical systems ranging from particle physics, topological and quantum systems, complex molecules and chiroptical phenomena. Many of these phenomena occuras surface states, at high energy and frequency, due to complex meta structures or plasmonic systems,which inevitably add loss. In this work we realise a new class of resonator, the Anyon cavity...
An example of student misconception of a physical concept in first year physics - energy quantisation - is described. This went undetected using standard assessment and was uncovered by descriptive writing assessment.
Engineering of the structure of nanoporous anodic alumina for iontronic sensing
Tricouplers can be utilised for nulling interferometry. We present laboratory characterisation of 3D tricouplers fabricated by ultrafast laser inscription as well as numerical solutions to coupled mode equations providing a parameter scan to optimise fabrication.
We describe our efforts to realise on-demand PCV creation in quasi-2D 87Rb spinor BEC with uniform density, created in an optical trap enabled by digital-micromirror devices (DMDs).
In this contribution, we report on the progress of integrating high-speed detectors on PIC for achieving single-chip microwave photonic filters.
Using a sample-on-SSPD approach, we demonstrate optically accessible Er sites in Si with emission at telecom wavelengths. These sites contain electron spins with a coherence time of 0.5 ms and Rabi frequencies of over 1 MHz.
Using resonant photoluminescence spectroscopy, we show a 350 kHz upper bound on homogeneous broadening, less than 400 MHz inhomogeneous linewidth and long spin lifetimes of Er in Si. These parameters are promising for future quantum information and communication applications.
We propose a planar device featuring vanadium dioxide (a phase change material) for optical limiting purposes. We first characterize the static and dynamic response with numerical simulations and finally we verify the performances with experiments.
Methods for Optical remote sensing of subsurface water properties such as temperature and salinity will be described, along with the transition of successful lab studies to the field. Challenges and achievements will be presented.
CCD array based detection of optical scatter has allowed tomographic reconstruction of objects immersed within scattering media. Encouraging results using the inverse Radon transform provide a basis for further investigation and improvement in detection of objects within diffuse media.
Here the thermal properties (thermal conductivity and heat capacity) of porous silicon thin films were experimentally investigated as a new material platform, for the realization of high speed and high sensitive thermal sensors.
Overlap removal is an integral step in all ATLAS analyses wherein ambiguities in object reconstruction are resolved. Established methods compare the geometric distance between reconstructed objects. These will be compared to new approaches based on Global Particle Flow.
The recent Scientific highlights from the Pelican - time of flight cold neutron spectrometer will be presented.
We derive a new stochastic hydrodynamic approach for the description of interacting Bose gases that is capable of computing non-equilibrium quantum correlations, even for short-wavelength phenomena. We perform such calculations in quantum shock wave scenarios.
we demonstrate the electro optic comb from the recirculating modulator can be used for high performance lowpass filter without reshaping the comb, which provide the potential integration of the on-chip signal processor. We also demonstrate high-speed image and video processing.
SDR is an exciting pathway toward spintronic devices. This work presents the first measurements of the thermal activation energy and carrier capture cross-sections of the SDR-active Ga2+ interstitial defect using a new experimental technique: polarized photo-induced current transient spectroscopy (pol-PICTS).
Neutron scattering is a powerful tool for investigating a variety of condensed-matter systems, and using spin-polarised neutrons reveals further unique information. The possibilities for performing scattering experiments with polarised neutrons at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering will be outlined.
We will discuss our investigation into the inclusion of the positronium formation cross section, both empirically and theoretically determined, in the calculation of transport properties in the noble gases.
To ensure each detector module comprising the upgraded ATLAS ITK detector is produced at a high standard, detector modules undergo rigorous Quality Control and Quality Assurance. This work presents the optical metrology surveys and results.
In this abstract we detail a method of printing and testing a trichromatic organic photocapacitor for stimulating neurons via capacitive coupling. This work involves using a Sonoplot Microplotter II in conjuction with organic polymers dissolved in non-toxic solvents.
Atomically thin antimony doped indium oxide nanosheets have been synthesized utilizing a scalable liquid metal-based printing technique. The work proposes a viable pathway for realizing ultra-thin transparent semiconducting oxides with enhanced electronic and optical properties for next-generation optoelectronics.
This presentation provides recent progress on fast photoionisation detection of a single Er3+ ion using radio-frequency reflectometry and spectral broadening of single ions with the aim of developing efficient deterministic readout of single optical centres.
A design study is ongoing for a fixed field beamline to transport proton beams from 0.5-3.5MeV. Magnet prototyping and particle simulations are underway to demonstrate technologies enabling rapid depth scanning for hadron therapy.
Weights in the convolutional neural network are stored as memory in optoelectronic devices. The performance of the neural network drops in a few milliseconds. We use a model to prolong the memory to several minutes.
We use the radiative potential method to report on the first detailed study of the interplay between QED and many-body effects in heavy atoms for E1 transition amplitudes.
In this talk, we introduce a new Python library, named QuanGuru, that implements powerful abstractions providing a broad range of useful and highly versatile functionalities, and show QuanGuru examples.
We introduce states that are the asymptotic eigenstates of the SU(2) lowering operator and are naturally produced in steady-state Dicke superradiance. A spin emitter in these states radiates classical-like coherent light, although these states are quantum entangled.
Construct the $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetric QRM, derive the spectrum and investigate the $\mathcal{PT}$-phase boundaries (as exceptional surfaces) at different parameter regimes.
Both the Jaynes-Cummings-Hubbard and Dicke models can be thought of as idealised models of a quantum battery. In this work we examine the "charging" properties of such systems and find that there is no quantum advantage scaling with system size.
Radiotherapy treatment in Low- and Middle-Income Countries is under significant strain due to environmental, socio-economic and geographic factors which cause Linear Accelerators used in treatment to breakdown. This study aims to quantify the problem and provide robust alternatives.
The Belle II Experiment is a high-energy collision experiment located in Japan, aiming to record the largest dataset of B-mesons ever produced.
B-mesons provide an unique laboratory to explore phenomena both within and beyond the Standard Model, such as quark-mixing, flavour oscillation and charge-parity violation.
Searches for leptonically decaying B mesons can provide a method of...
We have developed software and present significant evidence for how virtual reality can be used to correct common misconceptions of introductory physics students when learning Newtonian mechanics. Compared with standard instruction, students using VR improve their FCI scores by 13%.
Nanomechanical computers promise radiation robust, low energy information processing, however no scalable approach has so far been devised. Here we experimentally demonstrate a scalable, CMOS-compatible nanomechanical logic gate that could realistically scale to an energy cost close to Laundauer's bound.
A presentation of the conceptual design and simulation of a compact beamline using high gradient X-band accelerating structures at the University of Melbourne X-lab which can be used as input for an Inverse Compton Scattering X-ray light source.
The choice of metal contacts on the surface of porous silicon films for fabricating opto-electronic devices is affected by post-metal deposition processing steps. In the present work, Al, Cr/Au, Ti, and Ti/Pt/Au metallisation schemes were investigated for fabricating such devices.
Highly local thermal effects which occur during a nanosecond laser pulse cause a significant change in the size distribution of metallic nanoparticles during a z-scan which can affect the z-scan results.
we integrate solid immersion micro-lenses into a fibre-based microcavity-polaritons system to increase photonic confinement and achieving stronger optical nonlinearities.
We probe the distributions of spin properties responsible for reverse intersystem crossing in exciplex-based TADF OLEDs through spectrally resolved magneto-luminescence.
We study electron capture and ionisation in fully-stripped neon ion collisions with ground-state atomic hydrogen using the two-centre wave-packet convergent close-coupling (WP-CCC) method over the energy range from 1 keV/u to 2 MeV/u.
Plasma-driven epitaxy on nitrogen-terminated diamond can create very thin nitrogen-vacancy center layers, useful for quantum sensing. To reduce nitrogen loss during epitaxy, we study the stability of the nitrogen termination in these growth plasmas.
We investigate methods and applications of in-situ aberration correction, utilising a modified holographic optical trapping setup, to rapidly fabricate high-resolution 3D microstructures for studying biological systems
Ga-hyperdoped germanium fabricated from ion implantation and flash lamp annealing has been shown to be superconducting at low temperatures of ~0.5 K. Here, we fabricate Ga-hyperdoped germanium from GeGa deposition and pulsed-laser melting and obtain a Tc of ~0.86 K.
An overview of the ATLAS strip tracker upgrade programme, with a focus on the testing and optimisation of assembly procedures in the lead up to end-cap module construction at the University of Melbourne.
We explore the creation and characterization of exfoliated zirconium telluride nanostructures in order to investigate their electronic properties through a combination of photoemission electron microscopy and microARPES.
The first Southern Hemisphere X-band Laboratory for Accelerators and Beams (X-LAB) is under construction at the University of Melbourne, it will form the basis for developing a compact accelerator for medical applications, such as radiotherapy and compact light sources.
This work shows the relative success of using relativistic Hartree-Fock methods to theoretically predict characteristic x-ray spectra of zinc. We compare our results to experimental data, yielding promising fits.
Small arrays of Imaging Air Cherenkov Telescopes were simulated to study the potential performance of an Australia-sited array, which would contribute to achieving 24-hour all-sky coverage at GeV and TeV energies.
We report progress towards trace detection of the noble gas isotope $^{39}$Ar at the Australian Atom Trap Trace Analysis facility. Argon-39 has a natural abundance $^{39}$Ar/Ar$=8×10^{−16}$ and half-life of 269yrs making it useful for radiometric dating on an anthropogenic timescale.
Triplet-triplet annihilation is a spin-selective process which exhibits a magnetic field response. Here we revisit the fundamental theory used to model this field response, explaining the origins of key equations and the assumptions behind them.
Multiplexing detection of nucleic acids has been developed using the temporal dimension of luminescence lifetimes, which are tuned by Luminescence Resonance Energy Transfer between a donor europium complex and an acceptor dye tagged onto oligonucleotides, decoded by time-resolved image cytometry.
Two-dimensional semiconducting oxide was synthesised via the developed liquid metal-based synthesis technique. The material has wide bandgap and exhibits p-type behaviours. The fabricated field-effect transistors showed impressive performances which render this material promising for electronics applications.
We use a lithium niobate whispering gallery mode resonator embedded in a microwave cavity to efficiently generate a dual frequency comb. Judicious use of crystal symmetries leads to our two combs being orthogonally polarized, and they are ultrastable in frequency.
Plasma Physics has made surprising separate contributions to Welding, Lightning and Circuit interruption.
Quantum theory applied to gravitational potentials, in conjunction with a galaxy’s halo temperature, can be used to understand why some galaxies are dark matter dominated while others are observed to have almost no dark matter.
We perform coordinate transformations on the Vaidya metric in advanced coordinate to reduce it into the Rindler metric near the horizon. We then apply the periodicity time trick to extract Hawking temperature.
Advances and open questions on the structure of weakly collective nuclei will be discussed, beginning with a shell model perspective, and emphasizing the insights and puzzles that result from recently measured electromagnetic observables.
The isolated magnetic charges and primordial black holes are hypothetical cosmic relics that have a profound connection to some of the unresolved questions in fundamental science. I describe their origin and possible manifestations in astrophysical observations.
The University of Adelaide's Buckland Park VHF radar site has observed unexpected perturbations in measurements of a satellite's radial velocity (Doppler). Fourier analysis and an algorithm have been applied to the data to link the perturbations to recorded ionospheric disturbances.
As plasmonic nanomaterials play critical roles in facilitating surface-enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) applications in cancer diagnosis, We thus have developed a few strategies to engineer functional plasmonic nanomaterials for SERS-based in vitro cancer diagnostic applications.
The material science requirements for quantum computing are significantly more stringent than for conventional semiconductor electronics. I will discuss the fundamental challenges in simulating materials for this application, both generally and specifically for superconducting devices.
A method for computational modeling of electron interactions in gases is applied to processes in the Earth’s mesosphere. Electrons in different subranges of energy are treated in the same way as species in chemical models.
We have created Floquet driven time crystals comprised of gravitationally bouncing droplets of fluid. The persistent subharmonic response was observed for over one hundred thousand cycles. Topologically protected droplet transport in time has been realised.
We demonstrate the absolute frequency calibration of a laser using a free spectral range cavity readout designed for next generation geodesy missions.
A high spatial resolution, fast-scanning LiDAR has been developed for dust plume detection. A UV laser source, photomultiplier detection, fast DAQ electronics, IMU and GPS location were assembled on a 355mm Dobsonian telescope for off-grid detection of mining dust plumes.
A fluorescnece-based fibre optic sensor has been developed to detect hydrogen sulfide. Optical fibre functionalized with HS-sensitive fluorophore shows an increase in the fluorescence emission upon reaction with HS, the similar behaviour to when fluorophore is dissolved in the solution.
We will present a novel method to determine the polarization state of a positron beam via interaction with a spin-polarized target to produce positronium atoms and discuss the theoretical limit on its analysing power.
A newly designed optical glass that could host ultra-low loss optical waveguides written with femtosecond laser is presented. Propagation losses as low as 0.05 dB/cm is reported for 1310 and 1550 nm wavelengths.
Quantum sensors exhibit promising real-world applications of quantum mechanics that exploit its most counterintuitive properties. I present an ongoing project that aims to design, build, and test a new type of quantum rotation sensor, the vortex matterwave gyroscope.
Direction sensitive detectors are a potential solution to continue the dark matter search into the neutrino fog. The CYGNUS-1 detector is a prototype Time Projection Chamber developed at ANU, to inform future large scale directional dark matter searches.
We present a fully comprehensive multi-mode quantum treatment based on the truncated Wigner approximation to study discrete time crystals in continuous systems, such as a Bose-Einstein condensate
bouncing resonantly on an oscillating mirror.
Ionospheric corrections are applied to satellite observations made using a high frequency line of sight radar during solar minimum using numerical ray-tracing. Results showed mean error in satellite position compared to two-line-element propagation decreased to within 1 km.
This work explores the feasibility of simulating heat transfer for a single laser irradiated retinal cell in 3D, with a focus on a novel methodology to represent laser intensity decay for complex structures with sub-micron resolution.
See attached abstract
Shortcomings of Machine Learning methods for Breakdown prediction in High Gradient, Radio Frequency linear accelerating cavities have been identified. We consider improvements upon existing techniques to improve understanding of Breakdown phenomena, in collaboration with CERN.
Calculation of antihydrogen formation via excited positronium (Ps($nl$), $n\le7$) scattering on antiprotons is presented using the convergent close-coupling and classical trajectory Monte Carlo approaches. Though there are substantial disagreement for $n\le2$, we obtain good agreement for $n\ge3$.
The expectation value of the axion field in neutron stars becomes large due to finite density corrections. By comparing our magneto-thermal simulations with available neutron star data, we find new observable effects to constrain the axion parameter space.
We fabricated and examined a range of low phonon energy glasses doped with Er3+ that have the potential to be used as scalable imaging chamber material for upconversion based 3D display.
We derive the magnetic Raman intensity of weakly coupled Heisenberg chains using perturbation theory and the Bethe ansatz. An intensity peak that corresponds to the enhanced scattering of two triplon excitations is identified.
In this work, nitrogen-doped ultrananocrystalline diamond (N-UNCD) electrodes are characterised for light-based cell stimulation. We utilise ultraviolet photoelectron spectroscopy (UPS) to probe the photocurrent mechanisms of these photoelectrodes, which are then applied for the stimulation of human mesenchymal stem cells.
We present an investigation into the ttH process, including the capability for measuring the Higgs boson 'invisible' decays with the HL-LHC and ATLAS detector upgrade.
We implement experimentally a paradigmatic model of a quantum battery, constructed of a microcavity enclosing a molecular dye.
The first steps towards a proof-of-concept memory powered heat engine using trapped $^{171}$Yb$^+$ ions. This proof-of-concept intends on showing entropy transfer between thermal and spin reservoirs with minimal energy loss, therefore allowing a higher efficiency heat engine than allowed classically.
We have extended the single-centre CCC to allow application to atoms with any number of electrons. We have addressed deficits in this method using a complex model potential calculation. Using this new approach we have completed positron carbon scattering calculations.
We present the first observation and characterisation of a photoluminescence colour centre in diamond with a zero phonon line at 1220nm accompanied by prominent phonon side band replicas. The temperature dependence, excitation power and wavelength, and PL lifetime are presented.
Color center charge state specific fluorescence has the potential to be a powerful new tool for investigate the electrical response of biological systems. In this talk I will describe development and advantages of this technique.
We study the stability of laser driven light sails during acceleration by adapting the Poynting-Robertson Effect equations to generalised sail geometries, finding the existence of a passive damping force.
We search for a variation of the fine-structure constant using measurements of late-type evolved giant stars from the S star cluster orbiting the supermassive black hole in our Galactic Centre.
In this talk I will present the general strategies and challenges of Strong production SUSY searches, and mention the novel tools and techniques that have been developed to enhance these searches.
In this work, we report our group’s recent efforts to create flexible and biocompatible neural interfaces. We combine soft carbon-based organic semiconductors and nanoscale science to print innovative bioelectrodes from functional nanoparticles that enable optical neurostimulation without requiring external power.
We report on recent progress in applications of the convergent close-coupling approach to ion-atom collisions. The approach allows one to take into account all underlying processes of excitation, ionisation, and electron capture into bound and continuum states of the projectile.
Nitrogen-vacancy colour centres in diamonds have unique properties that attract significant attention for various applications. This work explores the deactivation of NV centres in diamond particles embedded in glass for an alternative fast sensor fabrication technique.
The nature of pre-collective nuclei is discussed in relation to recent measurements of M1 and E2 observables in the Te isotopes. Common features of pre-collective nuclei are investigated with the intention of understanding the onset of nuclear collectivity.
Tree ring radiocarbon reveals 'Miyake events': rare bursts of cosmic radiation, larger than the greatest solar flares. Using our new open source Bayesian carbon cycle code, we reanalyse all published data, rejecting false positive events and challenging previous models.
Using the finite-element method, we study the response of quantum dots of various geometries in electromagnetic fields. We demonstrate a general approach that supports the design and study of novel optical nanostructures.
A novel tissue-equivalent organic x-ray detector was fabricated from polymer donor P3HT and non-fullerene acceptor o-IDTBR exhibiting superior optoelectronic properties for high operating efficiencies under x-rays without bias. Insights into radiation-induced damage mechanisms enabled material modifications to improve device stability.
Structuring materials below the wavelength scale provides a means for light harvesting to nanometric dimensions. Particularly suitable are metallic nanostructures due to the existence of highly confined surface plasmon excitations, which allow efficient harvesting of electromagnetic energy and its transduction to other forms, for example acoustic surface waves or the supply of energy to...
This work explores embedded fibre optic sensors in lightweight PLA during 3D printing for applications in aircraft structures. The sensors are used for strain and shape sensing of a wind tunnel model of a box-wing.
Graph Neural Networks (GNNs) are increasingly being deployed when analysing data from particle physics experiments. We will present preliminary studies involving the application of GNNs to the problem of identifying processes involving top quarks in a collider environment.
Using interferometric interrogation techniques, we demonstrate measurement of the frequency noise of 4 multiplexed distributed feedback fiber lasers over a 100 km single mode fibre link.
Recently, a method to form light-guiding geometries on a chip by depositing a core material without a following etching process has been developed and verified with chalcogenide glass. We introduce the current results showing extremely low loss and their applications.
We analyze optical force and torque on a dielectric cylinder in the field of an evanescent field which has linear momentum, gradients, non-zero spin density. Opmochanical response have resonant nature. Torque resonances strongly depend on the azimuthal number $m$.
The Fermi polaron, a particle dressed by excitations of a fermionic medium, is a problem that arises in multiple contexts. I will discuss recent theory progress toward understanding the static and dynamic properties of such polarons in ultracold Fermi gases.
The formation of supermassive black holes that power high-redshift quasars poses a challenge to our understanding of era of first stars and first galaxies. We present models of supermassive stars and their fates.
The many correlated electron problems remain largely unsolved after decades; with one stunning success being BCS electron-phonon mediated conventional superconductivity. The Cooper pairing mechanisms of the dozens of families of unconventional superconductors, including the high-Tc cuprate, iron-based, and heavy fermion superconductors remain elusive and quite varied. But some of their...