11–16 Dec 2022
Australia/Adelaide timezone
Co-locating with the 7th International Workshop of Specialty Optical Fibres and Their Applications (WSOF), the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP), and the Conference on Optoelectronlc and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD)

Towards perfect quantum sensing: gate-controlled bi-superconducting quantum interference devices.

15 Dec 2022, 17:00
Room R5 (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Room R5

Adelaide Convention Centre

Talk (preferred) PQS: Precision and Quantum Sensing Workshop Precision and Quantum Sensing Workshop


Thomas Kong (The University of Adelaide)


It has been demonstrated that the behaviour of superconducting quantum interference devices can be precisely tuned using electrostatic gates. We discuss the recent experimental results and summarise our current theoretical understanding of this effect.


Thomas Kong (The University of Adelaide)


Dr Francesco Giazotto (Scuola Normale Superiore) Dr Giorgio De Simoni (Scuola Normale Superiore) Dr Giuseppe Tettamanzi (University of Adelaide) Dr Jace Cruddas (University of Adelaide)

Presentation materials