11–16 Dec 2022
Australia/Adelaide timezone
Co-locating with the 7th International Workshop of Specialty Optical Fibres and Their Applications (WSOF), the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP), and the Conference on Optoelectronlc and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD)

Decode NFDM-QAM signals with carrier phase and frequency offsets using convolutional neural network

13 Dec 2022, 17:30
1h 30m
Exhibition Halls F & G (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Exhibition Halls F & G

Adelaide Convention Centre

Poster ANZCOP: Fibre & communications Poster session


Wen Qi Zhang (University of South Australia)


This work explores the potential of convolutional neural network to directly decode information encoded in the nonlinear Fourier domain under the influence of carrier frequency offset and carrier phase offset.


Shahraam Afshar Vahid (Laser Physics and Photonic Devices Laboratories, University of South Australia, SA 5095, Australia) Prof. Terence Chan (University of South Australia) Wen Qi Zhang (University of South Australia)

Presentation materials