11–16 Dec 2022
Australia/Adelaide timezone
Co-locating with the 7th International Workshop of Specialty Optical Fibres and Their Applications (WSOF), the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP), and the Conference on Optoelectronlc and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD)

How to Engineer Optomechanical Coupling Using NV Defects

13 Dec 2022, 17:00
Room E2 (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Room E2

Adelaide Convention Centre

Talk (preferred) ANZCOP: Optoacoustics Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics


Mikolaj Schmidt (Macquarie University)


Coupling optical and mechanical modes of microresonators is usually engineered by harnessing their intrinsic nonlinear material response. We propose to harness a new coupling mechanism, in which relies an ensemble of nitrogen vacancies (NVs) induces the effective nonlinearity in diamon.


Mikolaj Schmidt (Macquarie University)


Prof. Christopher Poulton (University of Technology Sydney) Prof. Daniel Burgarth (Macquarie University) Prof. Gavin Brennen (Macquarie University) Prof. Michael Steel (Macquarie University)

Presentation materials