11–16 Dec 2022
Australia/Adelaide timezone
Co-locating with the 7th International Workshop of Specialty Optical Fibres and Their Applications (WSOF), the Australian and New Zealand Conference on Optics and Photonics (ANZCOP), and the Conference on Optoelectronlc and Microelectronic Materials and Devices (COMMAD)

Chiral Electro-Optic Metasurfaces

15 Dec 2022, 17:30
1h 30m
Exhibition Halls F & G (Adelaide Convention Centre)

Exhibition Halls F & G

Adelaide Convention Centre

Poster ANZCOP: Nanophotonics, metaoptics and plasmonics Poster session


Luyao Wang


We studied a direct and an inverse anisotropic structure made of Z-cut LN on the silica substrate, and evaluated the cross-polarisation conversion of linear incident polarisation and at tunable circular dichroism (CD) that can be achieved in these structures.


Prof. Ilya Shadrivov (Australian National University) Luyao Wang

Presentation materials