AIP: Group for Astroparticle Physics / Astronomy: GAP 1
- Alexander Heger (Monash University)
AIP: Group for Astroparticle Physics / Astronomy: GAP 2
- Celine Boehm (USyd)
AIP: Group for Astroparticle Physics / Astronomy: GAP 3
- Tamara Davis (University of Queensland)
AIP: Group for Astroparticle Physics / Astronomy: GAP 4
- Gavin Rowell
The SKA Observatory will transform our understanding of the Universe. After decades of planning, construction of two telescopes is about to start in Australia and South Africa. Hear the latest on Australia’s first mega-science project.
The CTA is the next generation ground-based high-energy gamma-ray telescope, constructed-operated by 25 countries. Its Key Science span Galactic/Extragalactic, time-domain and fundamental (astro)physics. Australian participation in CTA is through a consortium of 7 universities, with additional AAL funding and support.
In this contribution we discuss the IceCube Neutrino Observatory's discovery of high energy neutrino sources and plans for future upgrades of the detector.
The High Energy Stereoscopic System has revolutionised TeV gamma-ray astronomy over the past two decades. This presentation will highlight some of the recent discoveries from H.E.S.S. over the past year or so (such as novae, gamma-ray bursts and pulsars).
The search for gamma-ray emission from dwarf spheroidal galaxies is of ongoing interest in the context WIMP dark matter. We have detected a 1-100 GeV signal from the Sagittarius Dwarf Spheroidal, the third-most massive satellite of the Milky Way.
In this talk I will describe the state of our understanding of the highest energy cosmic rays with a variety of results from the 3000 square kilometre Pierre Auger Observatory.
In this contribution, we show how we constrain the number of neutrino sources that produce the high-energy astrophysical neutrino events observed by IceCube using importance sampling to maximise a multidimensional marginal likelihood.
This contribution will introduce a novel 3D modelling and present the gamma-ray morphology around the SNR W28 using hydrogen gas distributions from Australian surveys. We will discuss our grid search of SNR, diffusion and gas properties to reproduce gamma-ray observations.
In this contribution, we present our study on predicting observable fluxes of gamma rays and neutrinos created in the hadronic collisions of particles accelerated by Galactic supernova remnants with nearby molecular gas clouds.
Models with large cross sections require light mediators and are subject to other constraints. We use the direct detection of CR-upscattered DM to compute limits on the coupling, and compare these with constraints arising from other experiments and observations.
I will provide an overview of observations of tidal disruption events - what happens when a star is destroyed by a supermassive black hole - including insights that these events enable into SMBHs and their surroundings.
We discuss the impact of adding more detectors on gravitational-wave burst detection confidence, using the BayesWave algorithm: a source-agnostic Bayesian analysis pipeline. BayesWave reconstructs non-Gaussian transient features in detector data for the characterisation of astrophysical signals and instrumental glitches.
We use the simulation software "GALPROP" to model the Milky Way's diffuse TeV gamma-ray emission. We compare GALPROP's predictions to observational data, investigating how the emission will impact the forthcoming CTA Observatory's Milky Way survey.
I will present a new statistical approach to the problem of inferring the properties of point-source populations. This method will be shown to be superior to existing methods in the context of X-ray astronomy.
The isolated magnetic charges and primordial black holes are hypothetical cosmic relics that have a profound connection to some of the unresolved questions in fundamental science. I describe their origin and possible manifestations in astrophysical observations.
Direction sensitive detectors are a potential solution to continue the dark matter search into the neutrino fog. The CYGNUS-1 detector is a prototype Time Projection Chamber developed at ANU, to inform future large scale directional dark matter searches.
The expectation value of the axion field in neutron stars becomes large due to finite density corrections. By comparing our magneto-thermal simulations with available neutron star data, we find new observable effects to constrain the axion parameter space.
We search for a variation of the fine-structure constant using measurements of late-type evolved giant stars from the S star cluster orbiting the supermassive black hole in our Galactic Centre.
The formation of supermassive black holes that power high-redshift quasars poses a challenge to our understanding of era of first stars and first galaxies. We present models of supermassive stars and their fates.