Focus Session: Unveiling Emergent Physics of Novel Functional Materials with Neutron Scattering 1
- Dehong Yu
Focus Session: Unveiling Emergent Physics of Novel Functional Materials with Neutron Scattering 2
- Kirrily Rule (Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation)
Focus Session: Metaphotonics and Metasurfaces 1
- Sergey Kruk (Australian National University)
Focus Session: Metaphotonics and Metasurfaces 2
- Yuri Kivshar (Australian National University)
Focus Session: Metaphotonics and Metasurfaces 3
- Sergey Kruk (Australian National University)
Focus Session: Strong Interaction Dynamics and the Pursuit of Fundamental Symmetries
- Ross Young
Focus Session: National Vision for Nuclear Science and Applications 1
- AJ Mitchell
Focus Session: National Vision for Nuclear Science and Applications 2
- AJ Mitchell
Focus Session: Quantum Biotechnology
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Focus Session: The Culture of Physics and Research
- Shanette De La Motte
Focus Session: Australia's Future in Gravitational Wave Physics and Astrophysics 1
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Focus Session: Australia's Future in Gravitational Wave Physics and Astrophysics 2
- There are no conveners in this block
Focus Session: Time Crystals 1
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Focus Session: Time Crystals 2
- There are no conveners in this block
In this talk I will discuss recent dynamic neutron scattering results from two natural minerals, linarite and atacamite, detailing the extent of our knowledge of these two copper oxide materials.
The data provide new aspects about the scaling behavior of the skyrmion and helical distances. This offers new valuable information on the parameters in the spin Hamiltonian, which are responsible for the formation of the fascination quantum protected objects.
In this talk, I first introduce the Kitaev spin liquid and discuss its properties. I present some stunning features such as the formation of Majorana fermion Landau levels.
In this talk I will present work on the magnetic excitations of two contrasting strongly correlated electron systems.
Here I briefly develop a theory of the experimental signature of a hypothetical time-crystal using neutron spectroscopy as a probe of the coherent dynamics in a lattice system, assuming a suitable driving mechanism such as intense terahertz light.
To reveal the critical role of the A-site molecular ions in the polarization-related properties, we investigate three MOFPs that have the same Mg(HCOO)3− frameworks with different molecular ions: [CH3NH3][Mg(HCOO)3] (MA-MOF), [(CH3)2NH2][Mg(HCOO)3] (DMA-MOF), and [C(NH2)3][Mg(HCOO)3] (GUA-MOF).
We experimentally realize intrinsic chiral metasurfaces where the engineered slant geometry breaks both in-plane and out-of-plane symmetries. Our result achieves intrinsic chiral bound states in the continuum with near-unity CD of 0.93 and quality factor exceeding 2300 for visible frequencies.
We developed scalable graphene metamaterials that show attractive optical and thermal properties. Through patterning with advanced laser nanoprinting technique, functional photonic devices with ultrathin, light weight and flexible nature have been demonstrated promising exciting opportunities for integrated photonics.
We demonstrate for the first time the programmable tuning of dielectric inverse-designed metasurfaces made of silicon by electrically driven transparent micro-heaters. This approach made sub-millisecond switching time and individually tuning metasurfaces possible.
We present a novel direction to enhance and control the degree of chirality in silicon-on-silica metasurfaces via an interplay between the nanoresonator symmetry and the symmetry of the metasurface lattice.
Emulation of relativistic-like physics in photonic structures with Dirac spectrum has enabled observation of Klein tunneling and topological boundary modes in real and synthetic dimensions. We demonstrate another exciting emulation of trapped eigenstates of Dirac quasiparticles in photonic metasurfaces.
Mid-infrared spectroscopy has numerous applications. A host of new applications could be enabled by new types of mid-IR spectrometers with reduced size, weight, and cost. We will describe our recent work on a compact microspectrometer platform for chemical identification.
Metasurfaces constructed of subwavelength periodic arrays of metal particles have been shown to possess asymmetric optical transfer function with a relatively high numerical aperture of ~0.5 enabling phase imaging of diverse transparent objects.
Nanophotonic devices enable image processing with potential for biological live-cell imaging and wavefront sensing. Here we demonstrate the use metasurfaces and thin-films for all-optical visualisation of phase modulations in an optical field and their application to biological imaging.
Disordered arrays of plasmonic colloids provide a means for broadband optical absorption, due to equipartition of energy and convergence of internal mode lifetimes. We examine such systems from the viewpoint of energy harvesting and enhanced light extraction.
I will discuss how first-principles lattice QCD calculations are yielding new insights into the structure and interactions of nuclei.
Recent developments have enabled the computation of hadron resonance properties from scattering amplitudes determined from lattice Quantum Chromodynamics. We summarise this theoretical approach and compare with recent data from hadron physics experiments.
The most common mechanism for entangled photon generation in optics is the second-order nonlinear process of spontaneous parametric down-conversion. I will provide a brief overview of recent developments in the area, moving from photonic chips to nanophotonics.
We developed an inverse design scheme to optimise the design of nonlinear metasurfaces for sum-frequency generation with any combination of optical wavelengths, achieving a high efficiency exceeding unpatterned films by several orders of magnitude.
We propose a Time Projection Chamber (TPC) to measure (e+e-) production from proton induced nuclear reactions. TPC measurements provide 200 times more sensitivity than previous experiments enabling world-leading limits for New Physics searches and novel Nuclear Physics investigations.
We propose and fabricate a static dielectric metasurface that enables single-shot characterization of the distinguishability between two photons with high transmission efficiency and tolerance to measurement noise.
It has long been predicted that quantum correlated light can improve microscopy. Here we show absolute performance advantage, using quantum corelated light to achieve clarity in bioimaging beyond the photodamage limit of conventional microscopy.
Here we present results which demonstrate that the diffusive route of an inert fluorescent tracer reports intracellular topology and in particular and the real time accessibility of live cell nucleus architecture.
Nitrogen Vacancies in diamond nanoparticles are employed for in situ monitoring of the magnetic state of photomagnetic materials down to the single particle level, the stability of molecular cages containing atomic Nitrogen, and spin active products of photocatalysis.
This talk will outline recent studies of iridescent structures in a range of insects that may be of sufficient Q-factor to support strong light matter interactions. Sustainable and bio-degradable approaches to polaritonics will be discussed.
An open panel discussion focusing on issues with the way physics research is currently conducted in Australia, along with how best to improve these practices to facilitate a more productive scientific culture. Panellists include Prof. Laura Greene (AIP plenary speaker, Florida State University), A/Prof Charlene Lobo (Head of Physics Discipline, University of Technology Sydney) and Prof. Trevor...
What physics and astrophysics will we uncover with the next generation of gravitational-wave observatories? I will review the broad science case for future instruments, including tests of general relativity, relativistic and nuclear astrophysics, and extragalactic physics.
Gravitational waves offer a new precision tool for cosmology. I will discuss their advantages over previous light-based techniques, and the major conundrums that gravitational waves will illuminate such as cosmological “tensions”, dark matter, and dark energy.
The current generation of GW detectors will soon begin their fourth observation run and plans are underway to upgrade the detectors until the start of third generation era. This talk will summarise the plans for the current generation of LIGO detectors.
What detector design, configuration and infrastructure are required to reach the gravitational wave horizon? I will discuss the proposed next generation gravitational wave detector, Cosmic Explorer. I will review the instrumental challenges and potential realisation to construct such an observatory.
The Einstein Telescope is European third generation gravitational wave detector. In this talk...
What technologies are needed to build a one-of-a-kind gravitational wave detector in Australia? I will present some of the key ingredients needed to build NEMO : a detector with sensitivity focused in the kHz regime.
What will a gravitational-wave detector in Australia bring us? We will discuss the contribution of an Australian detector to multi-messenger astronomy in the current and next generations of the global detector network.
We report the application of big discrete time crystals created by a Bose-Einstein condensate of ultracold atoms bouncing on an oscillating mirror to the investigation of condensed matter phenomena in the time dimension.
Here we report the observation of a discrete time crystal on a chain consisting of 57 superconducting qubits on IBM’s quantum computer.
We present a theoretical study of clean time crystalline phases in the model of periodically kicked one-dimensional bosons with contact interactions on a ring.
We have created Floquet driven time crystals comprised of gravitationally bouncing droplets of fluid. The persistent subharmonic response was observed for over one hundred thousand cycles. Topologically protected droplet transport in time has been realised.
We present a fully comprehensive multi-mode quantum treatment based on the truncated Wigner approximation to study discrete time crystals in continuous systems, such as a Bose-Einstein condensate
bouncing resonantly on an oscillating mirror.