Status of the TPA-TCT system in JSI Ljubljana

30 Nov 2022, 16:05
Salón de Grados, 2nd Floor (ETSI Seville)

Salón de Grados, 2nd Floor

ETSI Seville

Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingenieros Camino de los Descubrimientos s/n 41092 Isla de la Cartuja, Sevilla Spain


Bojan Hiti (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))


The talk will present the status of the Two Photon Absorption TCT system at JSI Ljubljana. The setup has been equipped with an imaging system for beam location. TPA-TCT was used to characterize an active pixel in the RD50-MPW2 CMOS chip. An attempt to induce Single Event Burnout (SEB) events in irradiated LGAD samples will also be presented.


Bojan Hiti (Jozef Stefan Institute (SI))

Presentation materials