Presentation materials
Neutrons play a key role in many aspects of science and technology. Just to mention some examples, neutrons are responsible for the nucleosynthesis of elements in the stars or the functioning of fission and fusion reactors, but they are also a source of problems due when one considers the damage that they cause to, for instance, cells in radiotherapy cancer treatments or electronics devices in...
The Small Aspect Ratio Tokamak (SMART), a new spherical tokamak (Rgeo=0.42m, a= 0.22m) currently being developed and constructed at the University of Seville, will provide flexible plasma shaping configurations targeting triangularities ranging from -0.5 to +0.47 and elongations up to 2.3. SMART operation covers three phases, each phase delivering a significant boost in plasma current (up to...
Neutrons interacting in silicon detectors generate ionization signals due to nuclear reactions. Nuclear ejectiles are tipically ions and alpha particles that are absorbed in the detector volume, depositing all their energy. Lasers focused into the detectors can also generate similar ionization signals. Here we present a cross-calibration of neutron and pulsed laser signals from detectors. The...
In this talk we will present the impact of training of two early career researchers from University of Montenegro. The training was organized during summer 2022 and lasts 4 weeks: one week at the Jozef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana as part of scientific collaboration between two RD50 member teams (from Slovenia and Montenegro), and 3 weeks at the EU laser infrastructure ELI Beamlines as part...