11–16 Jun 2023
Villa Monastero
Europe/Zurich timezone

Construction of density dependent $\alpha$-nucleon interaction to describe $\alpha$-nucleus scattering

12 Jun 2023, 10:00
Villa Monastero

Villa Monastero

Varenna (Italy)
Nuclear potential models Nuclear potentials


Takenori Furumoto (Yokohama National University)


A microscopic description of the nucleus-nucleus reaction system has been attempted.
The double-folding model with effective nucleon-nucleon interaction is widely successful to describe nucleus-nucleus scatterings.
However, we need a special prescription for the microscopic description of the $\alpha$-nucleus scatterings, for example for the application of the strong renormalization factor or the change of the local density approximation.
Namely, $\alpha$ scattering and heavy-ion scattering are not described in the same framework.
We consider the reason as follows.
Almost the effective nucleon-nucleon interactions reflect the property in the nuclear matter.
However, the $\alpha$ particle is far from the condition of the nuclear matter.
Then, we should reconsider describing the $\alpha$ scattering with such nucleon-nucleon interaction.

In this work, we provide a complex density-dependent $\alpha$-nucleon (DD-$\alpha N$) interaction to construct the $\alpha$-nucleus potential in the wide ranges of the incident energy and the target nucleus.
The $\alpha$-nucleus potential is obtained by folding the present DD-$\alpha N$ interaction with the point nucleon density obtained by the mean-field model (HF+BCS).
The present DD-$\alpha N$ interaction is based on the phenomenological optical potential to reproduce the p + $^4$He elastic scattering.
Namely, the $\alpha$-nucleon system is considered to be an elementary process.
The real part of the p + $^4$He potential has a form of the double Woods-Saxon (WS) type.
The short-range WS potential has a role in repulsive behavior at high energy.
However, the present density dependence of the DD-$\alpha N$ interaction is phenomenologically fixed to reproduce the $\alpha$-nucleus elastic scattering.
The $\alpha$-nucleus potential with the present DD-$\alpha N$ interaction well reproduces the experimental data.


Dr Kosuke Tsubakihara (National Institute of Technology, Asahikawa College) Dr Shuichiro Ebata (Saitama Univerisy) Takenori Furumoto (Yokohama National University) Dr Wataru Horiuchi (Osaka Metropolitan University)

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