A microscopic description of the nucleus-nucleus reaction system has been attempted.
The double-folding model with effective nucleon-nucleon interaction is widely successful to describe nucleus-nucleus scatterings.
However, we need a special prescription for the microscopic description of the $\alpha$-nucleus scatterings, for example for the application of the strong renormalization factor or the change of the local density approximation.
Namely, $\alpha$ scattering and heavy-ion scattering are not described in the same framework.
We consider the reason as follows.
Almost the effective nucleon-nucleon interactions reflect the property in the nuclear matter.
However, the $\alpha$ particle is far from the condition of the nuclear matter.
Then, we should reconsider describing the $\alpha$ scattering with such nucleon-nucleon interaction.
In this work, we provide a complex density-dependent $\alpha$-nucleon (DD-$\alpha N$) interaction to construct the $\alpha$-nucleus potential in the wide ranges of the incident energy and the target nucleus.
The $\alpha$-nucleus potential is obtained by folding the present DD-$\alpha N$ interaction with the point nucleon density obtained by the mean-field model (HF+BCS).
The present DD-$\alpha N$ interaction is based on the phenomenological optical potential to reproduce the p + $^4$He elastic scattering.
Namely, the $\alpha$-nucleon system is considered to be an elementary process.
The real part of the p + $^4$He potential has a form of the double Woods-Saxon (WS) type.
The short-range WS potential has a role in repulsive behavior at high energy.
However, the present density dependence of the DD-$\alpha N$ interaction is phenomenologically fixed to reproduce the $\alpha$-nucleus elastic scattering.
The $\alpha$-nucleus potential with the present DD-$\alpha N$ interaction well reproduces the experimental data.