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24 May 2022
Europe/Zurich timezone

Motivational Talk

We are pleased to announce that the motivational speaker for the Job Matching Event Spring 2022 is Santeri Laurila! Santeri will showcase his personal journey from his early career beginnings as a student to his current position. He will also provide a new perspective on how to tackle the challenges lying between early career scientists and their future dream position, providing the much-needed motivation for people wishing to follow his footsteps.

Everybody is welcome to attend the talk, including people not joining the JMEv job sessions.

Santeri's slides are available here.



Santeri Laurila

Santeri Laurila is an experimental particle physicist from Finland, with a ten-year career in CMS starting from a summer internship in 2012. His PhD focused on searches for charged Higgs bosons, and after defending his thesis at the University of Helsinki in 2019, Santeri was selected for CERN's two-year Research Fellowship. During the fellowship he continued research on Higgs physics, targeting Higgs pair production with boosted-jet techniques. Since his PhD years Santeri has also worked on the CMS trigger system, both in coordinative roles and in algorithm development. His work in the Level-1 trigger group yielded a CMS Achievement Award in 2018. In spring 2022 Santeri joined CERN research staff, starting a five-year contract as an experimental research physicist.