Please note that two positions have deadlines before the event date, on April 30th and May 14th. Scroll to the bottom of the page to learn more.
During the event on the 24th of May there will be numerous positions advertised:
- 11 PostDoc positions
- 1 Engineering position
- 5 PhD positions
- 1 MSc position
In the following places:
- PostDoc: Boston (USA), Strasbourg (France), Budapest (Hungary), Gif-sur-Yvette (France), Rome (Italy), Bejing (China), Geneva (Swizterland), Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), Washington D.C. (USA), Chicago (USA) and Hamburg (Germany)
- Engineering: Firenze (Italy)
- PhD: Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium), Washington D.C. (USA), Hamburg (Germany) and Paris (France)
- MSc: Hamburg (Germany)
Below you will find a list of each position and its description.
Postdoctoral researcher position at Boston University (Boston, USA)
- Responsible: Zeynep Demiragli
- Location: Boston (USA) (flexibility to be stationed at Fermilab and at CERN)
- Eligibility: PhD in physics is required. Experience with C++, python, VHDL preferred (but not required)
- Teleworking: Yes, frequency would depend on the situation with the pandemic
- Slides with more information about the position
Postdoctoral researcher position at IPHC (Strasbourg, France)
- Responsible: Dr. Jeremy Andrea
- Location: Strasbourg (France)
- Post-doc in CMS and FCC on tracking/vertexing for Long Lived Particle searches
- Eligibility: PhD degree
- Teleworking: No
- Slides will be available very soon
- More information about the position:
Postdoctoral researcher position at Eötvös Loránd University (Budapest, Hungary)
- Responsible: Dr. Gabriella Pasztor
- Location: Budapest (Hungary)
- Possible topics: SM measurements, searches for new physics, BRIL phase-2 upgrade, luminosity measurements, high-level trigger. We give considerable freedom to choose your research.
- Eligibility: Submitted PhD thesis
- Teleworking: One day a week possible
- Slides will be available very soon
- More information about the position:
Postdoctoral researcher position at CEA-Saclay, DPhP-IRFU (Gif-sur-Yvette, France)
- Responsible: Dr. Julie Malcles
- Location: Gif-sur-Yvette (France) ~1h from Paris
- Possible topics: ECAL Laser Monitoring system upgrade for Phase 2 and the ECAL timing calibration
- Eligibility: PhD degree
- Teleworking: One day a week possible
- Slides with more information about the position
- More information about the position:
Postdoctoral researcher position (ERC-funded) at Sapienza University (Rome, Italy)
- Responsible: Prof. Leticia Cunqueiro
- Location: Rome, Sapienza (Italy)
- Possible topics: Jet Physics in Heavy Ion Collisions
- Eligibility: PhD degree
- Teleworking: no
- Slides with more information about the position
Postdoctoral researcher position at Peking University
- Responsible: Prof. Chen Zhou
- Location: Beijing (China) or Geneva (Switzerland)
- Possible topics: Higgs measurement, Dark Matter search, muon detector upgrade, quantum machine learning application
- Eligibility: PhD degree
- Teleworking: no
- Slides with more information about the position
Research and engineering positions at INFN Firenze
- Responsible: Dr. Giacomo Sguazzoni
- Location: Firenze (Italy)
- Eligibility: PhD or 24 months post-degree experience
- Teleworking: no
- Dr. Sguazzoni and his team does not currently have positions which will be open at the 24th of May, however positions similar to the fellowship advertised at will open in the near future. In this session Dr. Sguazzoni will talk generally about such positions, which will concern the CMS tracker upgrades.
- Slides with more information about a similar position
Postdoctoral researcher position (3 years) and PhD fellowship (4 years) in data analysis (TOP, HIG) at UCLouvain
During this session Dr. Delaere will advertise both a Postdoctoral position and a PhD fellowship. We invite you to take part if you are interested in either.
- Responsible: Dr. Christophe Delaere
- Location: Louvain-la-Neuve (Belgium)
- Eligibility for the PhD fellowship: Applicants must have (or expect to receive soon) a MSc in physics and demonstrated knowledge of particle physics.
- Eligibility for the postdoctoral position: Applicants must have (or expect to receive soon) a PhD in particle physics. The funding rules require that the candidates must be in the condition of international mobility, defined by our funding agency as not having resided or carried out their main activity (job, studies...) in Belgium for more than 24 months during the 3 years directly preceding the beginning of this postdoctoral fellowship, and that the PhD was obtained not more than 6 years before.
- Teleworking: Quite flexible, but with an important constraint: for complex reasons related to social security (that we discovered during the peaks of the pandemics), teleworking from a different country is not possible during the first full month of contract.
- More information for the postdoc:
- More information for the PhD fellowship:
- Slides with more information about the position
PhD and Postdoctoral researcher positions at Catholic University of America
During this session Dr. Bartek will advertise both a PhD and Postdoctoral position. We invite you to take part if you are interested in either.
- Responsible: Dr. Rachel Bartek
- Location: Washington D.C. (USA)
- Eligibility: BS or BA in physics
- Teleworking: no
- The time dedicated to physics analysis is up to the applicant, and is about 50% of the total time.
- PhDs in the US have an average duration of six years
- More information:
- Slides with more information regarding the PhD position
- Slides with more information regarding the PostDoc position
Postdoctoral researcher position at the University of Florida
- Responsible: Prof. Jacobo Konigsberg
- Location: CERN (Geneva, Switzerland) and/or Fermilab (Chicago, USA)
- Eligibility: Ph.D. or close to graduation. Familiarity with CMS physics analysis, computing and machine learning skills
- Teleworking: possible, to be discussed for details
- Work on the CMS L1 trigger will be a significant component to this job
- Slides with more information about the position
MSc, PhD and Postdoctoral researcher positions at DESY
During this session Prof. Blekman will advertise a MSc, PhD and Postdoctoral position. We invite you to take part if you are interested in either.
- Responsible: Prof. Freya Blekman
- Location: Hamburg (Germany)
- Eligibility: For Postdocs the PhD date needs to be clearly defined (and fixed)
- Teleworking: Teleworking few days a week may be possible but residency in Hamburg would be required
- Various positions at DESY
- Slides with more information about the position coming soon
PhD and Postdoctoral researcher positions at DESY
During this session Dr. Lipka and Dr. Kogler will advertise both a Postdoctoral position and a PhD fellowship. We invite you to take part if you are interested in either.
- Responsible: Dr. Katerina Lipka and Dr. Roman Kogler
- Location: Hamburg (Germany)
- Eligibility for the PhD positon: master in physics with experience in LHC analyses
- Eligibility for the PostDoc position: excellent PhD in experimental or theoretical particle physics and outstanding record (at least one publication)
- Teleworking: Flexible in teleworking days. At the moment teleworking is recommended in Germany.
- If you are interested in these positions, please have prepared a CV and the names of possible referees by the time of the meeting
- Slides with more information about the position
PhD position at the LLR/Ecole Polytechnique
- Responsible: Dr. Christophe Ochando
- Location: Paris (France)
- Eligibility: Master in High Energy Physics
- Teleworking: Yes
- PhD at LLR/Ecole Polytechnique on Higgs physics and HGCAL upgrade
- Slides with more information about the position
Please note that the following positions have deadlines before the event date, on April 30th and May 14th. Follow the links below to contact the groups directly for more information. Please let them know you were informed about this position via the JMEv!
Deadline April 30th:
Postdoctoral researcher (2 years, renewable up to 4 years) at ETH Zürich
- Responsible: Prof. Annapaola de Cosa
- Location: Geneva (Switzerland) with frequent travels to Zürich
- Eligibility: PhD
- You will be leading the searches for anomalous dark matter jets and the development of machine-learning-based tools for their identification and participate in detector operations.
- More information:
Deadline May 14th:
Research and engineering positions at INFN Firenze
- Responsible: Dr. Giacomo Sguazzoni
- Location: Firenze (Italy)
- Eligibility: PhD or 24 months post-degree experience
- Teleworking: no
- Fellowship for tracker upgrade in the CMS Firenze Group on “Development and validation of the Power System for the new Tracker detector of the CMS experiment".
- More information for the tracker upgrade fellowship:
- Other Tracker Upgrade related positions are possible in the near future
- Slides with more information about the position